New Vocabs Flashcards
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سائر + مضاف إليه + plural noun
The rest of
On that day
إما و إما
Either / or choose between a things
On that day
وطئ - يَطآُُ
To set foot on (sth) step on for the first time
جَنب - اجناب
Beside - next to - near at
بالنسبة إلي
With regards to - as compared to - in comparison with - with reference to
على مرِّ الزمان
All of the time - throughout time
أخذ بِثأر (مضاف إليه)
To take revenge (by Killing)
تنا قَشَ - يَتَنَاشَقُ
To discuss - debate
سطح البحر
Sea level
Plan - scheme - outline
تَخْمِين + على
Approximately - roughly - guessing
خَمَّنَ - يخَمِّنُ
To take a guess
مَسْقَط رَأس
Home town
أبَى - يأبِي - الإباء
To refuse - reject - decline - turn down. (Rejection, declining, turning down)
وَدَّعَ - يوَدِّع -
To bid farewell (s.o) see off
خَلَّصَ - يخلِّص (من)
To free - rescue - save (from - ie - difficulty)
اِنخَفَضَ - ينخَفَضُ
To sink - dip - drop (temperature)
نَعَى - يَنعِي - النَعِي
To announce the death of (s.o to s.o)
جَهّزَ - يجَهِّزُ
To prepare - make ready (packing - going away)
رَايَة - رَايَات
Flag - banner
To be injured - afflicted (by)
أَمَّرَ - ياَمِّرُ (على)
To make (s.o) amir
ذَرَفَ - يَذرِفُ - ااذرف + (عين)
To flow - shed (tears)
اِشتَدَّ - يَشتَدُّ (على)
To be unbearable - excruciating (pain) - take a turn for the worse (illness)
كَرِهَ - يكرَه - الكَره
To hate - dislike ( or s.o) feel disgusted
تَنَاوَلَ - يَتَنَاولُ
To take, receive, obtain ( to have a meal
سَارَ - يسِيرُ - السَيرُ
To walk - walked - walking
قَبِيلَة - قَبَائل
Clan - tribe
تَشَاوَرَ - يَتَشَاوَرُ
To take counsel with (s.o ب) - consult
لَقِيَ - يَلقَى - اللِقَاء
To encounter (enemy) come across (s.o or
كَفَّ - يَكُفُّ (عن) - الكفُّ
To give up, stop (smoking), renounce
وَقَى - يَقِي
To prevent, protect (from illness), safeguard (from s.o)
حَرَّرَ - يُحَرِّرُ (من)
To free, liberate, set free (country, people)
سَيْطَرَ - يُسَيطِرُ - السيطرة (على)
To invade, control, gain power, seize (a country)
اِحتَضَنَ - يَحتَضِنُ
To embrace, hug
جَمْع - جَمُوع
Gathering, crowed, group, gang, troops
اَزدَهَرَ - يَزدَهَر- اِزدِهَار
To blossom, flourish (education), prosper, thrive, (under abbasid rule)
نَجَا - يَنجُو (من)
To escape, be rescued (from accident); get away (difficulty)
حَشَدَ - يَحشِدُ - الحَشَد
To gather, mobilise (troops, an army)
اِستَعَادَ - يَستَعِيدُ (من)
To reclaim back, demand back, reconquest (country, land)
قَنَاة - قَنَوَات
Canal, stream
عَهْد - عَهُود
Packt, agreement, treaty (between countries)
عَزَمَ - يَعزِمُ (على)
To make up one’s mind, be determined, make intention (to do
حَصَّنَ - يُحَصِّنُ (من)
To fortify, entrench; immunise (against) (dhiker حصن from the devil)
Deep (sea or feelings), profound
حَطَّمَ - يُحَطِّمُ
To break, shatter, smash, demolish
هَزَمَ - يَهزِمُ - هزِيمة - هَزَائم
To vanquish, defeat (the enemy)
خَلَّدَ - يُخَلِّدُ - خالد
To make eternal, everlasting
مَرقَد - مُرَاقِد
Grave (companions)
غَلَبَ - يلغِبُ (على)
To defeat, beat, be victorious
ضَرِيْح - ضَرَائح
Grave, tomb, mousolem
اِنضَمًّ - يَنضَمُّ (إلى) اِنضِمَام
To join (an organisation, group, club); joining, association, affiliation.
مَزَار - ات
Tomb of religious person
ظَفِرَ - يَطْفَرُ
To be successful, achieve (in this world and the next)
وَفَدَ - يَفِدُ - وُفُود - وِفَادَة
To come, travel (على or الى to s.o, esp as an envoy)
شَقَّ - يَشُقُّ
To cut (fruit) , cleave split