New Vocabs Flashcards
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سائر + مضاف إليه + plural noun
The rest of
On that day
إما و إما
Either / or choose between a things
On that day
وطئ - يَطآُُ
To set foot on (sth) step on for the first time
جَنب - اجناب
Beside - next to - near at
بالنسبة إلي
With regards to - as compared to - in comparison with - with reference to
على مرِّ الزمان
All of the time - throughout time
أخذ بِثأر (مضاف إليه)
To take revenge (by Killing)
تنا قَشَ - يَتَنَاشَقُ
To discuss - debate
سطح البحر
Sea level
Plan - scheme - outline
تَخْمِين + على
Approximately - roughly - guessing
خَمَّنَ - يخَمِّنُ
To take a guess
مَسْقَط رَأس
Home town
أبَى - يأبِي - الإباء
To refuse - reject - decline - turn down. (Rejection, declining, turning down)
وَدَّعَ - يوَدِّع -
To bid farewell (s.o) see off
خَلَّصَ - يخلِّص (من)
To free - rescue - save (from - ie - difficulty)
اِنخَفَضَ - ينخَفَضُ
To sink - dip - drop (temperature)
نَعَى - يَنعِي - النَعِي
To announce the death of (s.o to s.o)
جَهّزَ - يجَهِّزُ
To prepare - make ready (packing - going away)
رَايَة - رَايَات
Flag - banner