New Testament Survey - Exam 1 Flashcards
What is the primary message of the book of Matthew?
The message of Christ’s kingship.
What two men is the genealogy of Matthew 1 built around?
Abraham and David
Who were the Magi and what was the significance of their visit?
a. they a religious, political party in the Roman Empire
b. they were men who believed that they had the ability to respect dreams and understand the wisdom of the universe
c. Magi had the ability to approve or disapprove kings
d. When Herod saw the Magi coming, he saw the potential of a military invasion
e. The Magi were coming to approve Jesus of kingship
f. The gifts they gave Jesus were gifts having the eligibility of Jesus to be king
What was Matthew’s Hebrew name? What are four things that we understand about Matthew from this lesson?
a. he was educated
b. Jews considered him a traitor
c. JEsus’ choice of Matthew would be strange to the common Jew
d. Despite his reputation, Matthew desired to take the Gospel of peace back to his fellow Jew
How does Matthew attempt to convince the Jews that Jesus of Nazareth was the promised kingly Messiah?
By prophecy and fulfillment.
What were the Jews looking for in the promised Messiah?
They were looking for a king to rule a natural kingdom.
Describe the author of the book of Mark
Name: John Mark
Characteristics: “stump-fingered”
Heritage: cousin to Barnabus
What was the event which marked the author’s life?
When Mark departed from Paul and Barnabus due to dispute.
How are the lives of Mark and Peter similar?
They both turned back in the hour of testing, ultimately they were restored, and was commissioned.
To whom was the book of Mark written? What are some of the internal evidences of this?
It was written to the Roman people. Some evidence is that there were the fewest Old Testament quotes, he translated many Aramaic words, and he explains many Jewish customs.
In the book of Mark, Jesus is presented as a ___.
What are three activities of Jesus recorded in the book of Mark?
- All the times Jesus looked at people
- The physical gestures of Jesus
- The withdrawings of Jesus
Why is the authenticity of verses 9-20 of Mark 16 questioned? How are the activities of the passage verified?
They are questioned because they do not appear in the Codex Sinaiticus and Codex Vaticanus. THey are verified in the lives of the disciples in other verses.
Give four historical facts about Luke taken from this lesson.
a. He was a medical doctor.
b. He was a fellow laborer with Paul.
c. He remained faithful and loyal to Paul until Paul’s death.
d. Luke travelled with Paul.
The book of Luke is the only gospel that records the ___ of Jesus.
How do the Gospel stories chosen by Luke present Jesus?
As a real/approachable man with whom we can identify.
How does Luke describe Jesus’ mission?
As a man of ove coming to minister to the poor, sick, and sinners.
Give five ways Jesus identified with the poor.
a. In the poverty surrounding his birth.
b. In the poorest of offerings, (two doves), given at his dedication.
c. In his statement of purpose.
d. In the repetition of the Sermon on the Mount
e. In the parable of the poor man whose state, after death, was better than the rich man.
What accomplishes the purposes of God?
It is Christ in us through the Holy Spirit
Give three examples (taken from Luke) of the prayer life of Jesus.
a. So He Himself often withdrew into the wilderness and prayed (5:16)
b. Now it came to pass, in those days that He went out to the mountain to pray (6:12)
c. He prayed for his disciples (22:31, 32)
What are two of the theories of authorship of the book of JOhn?
a. He was another disciple of John the Baptist.
b. He was the apostle John
Describe three of the internal proofs of authorship.
a. The author was familiar with Jewish customs
b. Was familiar with Palestine
c. Was an eyewitness to the events recorded in the book.
What do we know about the author of the book of John?
Background: His home was in Bethsaida, his father was Zebedee and his mother was Salome.
Discipleship: He was one of Jesus’ close disciples
History: At the end of the first century, John went to Ephesus where he became bishop and trained Timothy.
What are the main purposes of the book of John? Give at least one verse dealing with these purposes.
- To combat Docetic Gnosticism and establish the deity of Christ (John 1:14)
- To establish the deity of Christ (John 10:31)
Give three ways Jesus’ action verified His claims.
a. claimed to be the bread of life and fed 5000 people miraculously
b. claimed to be the light of the world and healed the blind to see
c. claimed to be the resurrection and the life and raised Lazarus from the dead
Briefly describe Paul’s first missionary journey.
Began in Antioch to Cyprus where he encountered sorcerers, false prophets, and jews. He continued to travel where he was stoned, encountered Timothy, and established churches.
What was the purpose of Paul’s second missionary journey?
To visit the churches he established.
Which of the churches was probably Paul’s favorite and why?
Philippi because of his relationship with the people who supported him and his ministry.
Why did Paul cover the same basic territory in his third journey as he had in his second journey?
Because he believed that if he birthed a church it was also his responsibility to father the church.
In the book of Luke the earthly life of Jesus is recorded. What is Luke recording in the book of Acts?
The earthly ministry of the Holy Spirit.
After Jesus left bodily, He sent the Holy Spirit. For what purpose?
To live within us.
Briefly describe what happened on the day of Pentecost.
People were filled with the Holy Spirit and started to speak in tongues and perform miracles.
The book of Romans is written in a systematic doctrinal style. How does Paul use this style to prove each point?
a. First, he establishes his point.
b. Second, he gives reference to the Old Testament.
c. He builds and confirms the understand of that point and moves on.
d. Periodically he pauses to draw a legal conclusion.
The book of Romans is divided into three sections. What is the title of each section and which chapters does it include?
a. Doctrinal (Ch 1-8)
b. National (Ch 9-11)
c. Practical (12-16)
In the book of Romans, what does Paul have to say about the practical issues of justification?
He says that the just live by faith.
What are the actual facts concerning the origin of the church at Rome?
- A church did exist in Rome.
- Its members were both Jewish and Gentile
- It was a significant work
What are the main issues discussed in Romans chapters 1-3?
Righteousness, gentiles, and the spiritual need for Jesus
Chapters 6-8 deal with the cycle of our Christian life. What are some of the main issues discussed in these chapters?
Water baptism and sanctification.
In chapter eleven, the analogy of the tree is given. How does this represent the covenantal community of God?
God can cut people off and graft them back into the tree.
Describe the city of Corinth
It was a crossroads for commerce/trade city and was therefore a wealthy city.
Give a brief description of the people and culture of the city of Corinth.
- Most of the population consisted of emancipated slaves
- THe city was young so they didn’t have the stability of a culture.
- Immorality affected the entire culture including arts and athletes.
What does the book of 1 Corinthians tell us about New Testament Church order?
a. Divisonary parties
b. How people are not relating properly to each other
Chapter thirteen is the key to the entire book of 1 Corinthians. What are some of the major relational issues this chapter deals with?
Love guides relationships. Without love, we will fight.
Why was it important for Paul to bring the definition of God’s love to the Corinthians?
God’s love was needed to confront their pagan love.
What was the meaning of the table of the Lord?
a. I can sit at peace with my brother.
b. I eat and partake of the life of Jesus Christ
How do the gifts of the Holy Spirit relate to the table of the Lord?
If we establish the table of the Lord with relationship and communion with each otehr and with the Lord, the gifts of the Holy Spirit begin to be seen among us.
What were the teachings of the Judaizers?
a. Christians must be circumcised.
b. Christians must perform certain religious rituals.
c. Christians must abstain from certain meats
d. Christians must observe certain holy days
The Judaizers tried to attack and discredit the character of Paul accusing him of:
a. being indecisive/double minded
b. being proud
c. being deceitful
d. being meek while with them and bold when away
How does Paul convey the message of comfort in chapter 1?
He states that Christ comforted them so they can comfort others.
How does Paul use the analogy of MOses and the veil to explain the fading glory of the Old Testament?
There is now a glory that will not fade which is the gospel.
What is the topic of chapters eight and nine? What church did Paul probably have in mind?
Giving. Paul probably had Philippi in mind because they financially supported him and often gave out of their poverty.
Explain the three areas Paul is discussing in chapters ten and eleven?
Spiritual warfare: Paul speaks of a warfare not of flesh but of a spirit manner that goes deeper than the physical.
Strongholds: The strongholds refer to the lies that the Judaizers are trying to resurrect in their minds
Comparison: Paul teaches that if we set the standard for what a man of God is, we can create a standard we fit perfectly, but rather we should compare ourselves to Jesus.
To whom was Galatians written?
a. The region of Galatia, not a specific church
b. Antioch, Iconium, Lystra (southern Galatia)
Why was Galatians written?
a. To come against false teachings which were subverting Paul’s gospel teaching.
b. To correct false teachings.
c. To re-establish credibility for Paul and his gospel.
Give three differences between Paul’s gospel and “another” gospel.
a. Was a revelation of Jesus Christ while another gospel are things men taught.
b. Paul teaches liberty in Christ Jesus while other bring people into bondage.
c. Paul teaches justification by faith in Christ, while others, righteousness and justification by law.
What is the difference between “law” and “grace”? Between “faith” and “works”?
Law: - shows us our need
- is of works, saying “do”
Grace: - shows God’s provision for meeting that need
- is a free gift, saying “done”
Faith: - receives salvation by simply believing and obeying
Works: - receives salvation by striving to earn it
What is the purpose of the law?
a. It was added because of transgressions
b. It was out tutor to bring us to Christ, that we might be justified by faith
In speaking to the Galatians, Paul asks if they want to be treated as sons or slaves What does Paul say determines how God treats them?
Whether we grow
Describe the location and nature of the city of Ephesus.
a. located on the southwest corner of what is known today as Turkey
b. Asia trade route, it was one of the major cities of Asia Minor
c. At the heart of the city was a temple, dedicated to the goddess Diana.
What happened when Paul began to preach about the Kingdom of God in Ephesus?
Some were hardened and did not believe, but spoke evil of the Way before the multitude.
Why were the silversmiths so threatened by Paul’s preaching?
Because idolatry was so entrenched into their culture, Paul’s preaching was a threat to the idol silversmiths.
From the book of Ephesians, tell how the church is presented in a specific way in each chapter.
Ch1: Purpose of God Ch2: Temple of God Ch3: Family of God Ch4: Body of God Ch5: Bride of Christ Ch6: Army of Christ
From Ephesians chapter 1, what does the term “in Christ” mean?
To be in Christ is to have the person of Christ. To have Him is to have all the blessings that reside in Him.
Ephesians chapter 4 deals with ministry in the church. How does Paul describe the lifestyle of those involved in ministry? What is the reason for ministry in the church?
- We are to walk worthy of the calling with which you have been called, and walk with complete humility and gentleness. Being patient and bearing with one another in love.
- The reason is to make us as a gathering, a perfect man.
Why was colony status so important to the Philippians?
a. It made Philippi a strategic military headquarter.
b. Raised the class of the Philippians to be equal with the Italians.
c. It made Philippi tax-free.
Describe the residents of the city of Philippi.
- most were wealthy aristocrats
- were people of intelligence trained and disciplined in mind and body
- retired military personnel
- retired professional athletes
What are three important events in Acts 16:11-21 that happened while Paul was in Philippi?
a. Met Lydia
b. Meets and casts out a demon from a slave girl
c. Was imprisoned.
What could have happened to the city of Philippi for imprisoning Paul who was a Roman citizen?
It could have cost Philippi their colonial status.
What does Paul tell them about their “politics” in Philippians 1:27
To be worthy of the gospel of Christ.
Why did Paul direct the Colossians to read this letter to the Laodiceans?
The city of Colosse shared similar cultural distinctions, as well as problems.
Why did Paul write the letter to the Colossians? What heresy was he trying to correct?
- he writes concerning philosophy, which is from a greek influence
- at other times he writes about observance of days, moons, festivals, sabbaths, and foods, which is from a Jewish influence.
What are the two main messages of the book of Colossians?
a. to adjust you perspective in keeping Jesus as the Head of the body
b. Paul encourages the Colossians to maintain their faith
GIve the definition of the word “cheat” as used in Co 2:8.
to reason you aside
What is the starting point of wisdom?
a fear and respect for God
Every area of life may be interpreted in one of two ways. What are they?
a. there is a God or there isn’t
b. what kind of a God is he
What does Colossians 1:16-17 tell us about the universe?
Everything in the universe is bound together by Jesus.
Give a definition of the word “consist” from Colossians 1:17.
To bind and hold together.