New Testament Flashcards
The book of Matthew was written sometime in the A. D. _______.
The purpose of the book of Matthew is to “__________ disciples, __________ them and __________them “ (Matthew 28:19,20).
The gospel according to Matthew is arranged around 1_________ 2 missionary discourse (Chapter 10). 3_________ 4 discipline within the church (chapter 18) 5 __________.
1 sermon on the Mount (chapters 5-7)
3 parables of the kingdom (chapter 13)
5 eschatological discourse (chapters 24-25)
The major theological emphasis in the gospel according to Matthew are…
(1) ____________
(2) righteousness
(3) _____________
(4) Missionary activity
(5) _____________
(6) discipline
(7) ___________
(8) Recompense
- Jesus is the Messiah
- Miracles and exorcisms
- Nature of the Kingdom
- Eschatology
Mark was the _________ gospel written in the four gospels.
Three prominent themes in the gospel according to mark are _______ _______ _______.
- Jesus suffering in death (chapters 11-16)
- Authentic discipleship
- A gospel of suffering (8:34,10:45)
In the gospel according to mark, the _________ is the central teaching of Jesus.
Kingdom of God
In the gospel according to mark the seed sown everywhere in th parable of the sower represents __________ being everywhere.
God’s Grace
The major themes of the gospel according to Luke are…
- The gospel of witnessing
- The role of the Holy Spirit
- Jesus consern for the outcast
The gospel according to john is divided into two major parts.
- The book of signs (chapters 1-12)
2. The book of Glory (chapters 13-21)
The gospel according to john has nine major themes:
- Jesus is the son of God
- *Jesus on trial
- Witness
- *Belief
- Seven signs
- *Holy Spirit
- Seven “I am sayings”
- *Women
- Sayings and sacraments
Seven “ I am” sayings recorded in the gospel according to John which indicate that Jesus is divine…
- ________
- Light of the world(8:12)
- _______
- Good Shepherd (10-11)
- _______
- Way, Truth, & life (14-16)
- ________
- Bread of Life (6:35);
- Door of the Sheep (10-17)
- Resurrection and Life (11:25)
- True Vine (15:1)
The book of Acts is structured by one verse _______.
World evangelism through a ______ church is the theme of the book of Acts.
Spirit empowered
Four basic concepts of preaching found in the book of Acts are…
- _____________
- Salvation is universal (Acts 2:21; Romans 10:13)
- _____________
- Repentance and faith in Jesus are required for salvation (Acts 1:8)
- The new age of the messiah has already begun (Acts 2:16 ff)
- The person and work of Jesus is the centrality of the gospel (Acts 2:22-36)
The building blocks of the church that are found in Acts of the Apostles are…
- ________
- Missionary endeavor (Acts 1:8)
- ________
- Organization and discipline in the church (Acts 6:1-7)
- Power of the Holy Spirit (Acts 1:8)
3. Community life and discipleship (Acts 2:42)
Paul was a theologian of the spirit with regard to ________ ______and as a glossolalist.
Spiritual gifts
The major emphasis in the book of Romans are…
- _________
- Righteousness
- _________
- Holy Spirit
- _________
- Sin
- Holiness
- Law
________ was the capital of Achaia, was a port city , and could be called the “New Orleans” of ancient Achaia.”
In 1 Corinthians, Paul writes for the believers, to be _______ from the world that surrounds them.
In 2 Corinthians, Paul defends his ___________.
In 1 Corinthians, Paul discusses the following subjects:
- Division and wisdom (Chapters 1-4)
- __________________
- Worship and spiritual gifts (Chapters 11-14)
- _______________
- Collection and travel plans (Chapter 16)
- Church related issues (Chapters 5-10)
4. Resurrection (Chapter 15)
I 2 Corinthians, Paul’s ministry of service is an example of ______________.
In Galatians, Paul explained that except through the _______ there is no other means by which one may be saved or by which one gains freedom.
Death of Jesus Christ
The fruit of the spirit listed in Galatians 5:22-26 are:
Love Joy Peace Patience Kindness Generosity Faithfulness Gentleness Self Control
The theme of 1 and 2 Thessalonians is the _______ _______ __ ______.
Second coming of Christ
The book of __________is one of the epistles that Paul wrote when he was in prison.
The __________ to bring everything together under the Lordship of Christ is the theme of Ephesians. (Ephesians 1:9, 19)
Eternal purpose of God
Recurring themes in Ephesians are ….
- The sovereignty of God ( 1:4, 5, 9, 11, 13, 20; 2:4, 6, 10; 3:11)
- ______________
- The church position in the heavenly realm (1:3, 10, 20; 2:6; 3:10; 6:12)
- ______________
- Unity of the church (2:13ff; 4:5,6)
- ______________
- The walk of the believer
- Priority of prayer
- The Holy Spirit as active agent in the church
The twofold purpose of the book of Collossians is to ________ the mystery of Jesus and to ________ false teachings.
The ________ of Christ is the theme of the book of Colossians.
The first converts in Phillipi were ______ and her household, as well as the ______ and his household.
Prison Guard
The books of 1 and 2 Timothy attempted to ______Timothy and to provide him with _____ for his ministry.
In the epistle to Titus, Paul wrote Titus to encourage the believers in Crete to live a life of _______ and _______ (1:16; 2:7, 14; 3:1, 8, 14).
Good works
Consistent Character
The ________ were encyclicals, which were read to a wide audience.
General Epistles
The general epistles have been called “catholic epistles, meaning ____________.
In the epistles to the Hebrews, the author admonishes the _______ to break with Judaism.
Jewish Christians
In the letter to the Hebrews. The _______ of Jesus Christ over Judaism is emphasized.
According to the epistle to the Hebrews, _________is the fulfillment of prophecy.
The epistle to the Hebrews can be characterized as …
- A book of warning
- A book of challenges
- __________________
A book of finality about Jesus Christ
The book of James has been called the _________ of the NewTestament.
The book of James is considered ________ in a small part and ________ in a large part.
James, the _________ of Jesus, is probably the author of the book of James.
Half Brother
The central characteristics of the book of James are …
- James used the posture of an Old Testament prophet
- James used the repetition of a theme.
- _______________________
- ________________________
James appealed for reality, actions and works
James wrote that we are saved by grace, and then do good works.
The major themes of the book of James are…
- The nature of faith
- ____________
- The nature of riches
- ___________
- The nature of tongue
- ___________
- The nature of wisdom
- The nature of temptation
- The power of prayer
Peter wrote his first epistle to encourage the Christians to ____________ in persecution.
Remain steadfast
___________ is the key word in 1st Peter.
_________ is the key verse in the epistle.
First Peter 4:1
The spiritual highlights in the book of 1 Peter are…
- ____________
- God’s preordained plan of redemption (1:18-20)
- ____________
- Christian relationships in the church toward the world, civil authorities, and the family (2:11-3:13)
- ____________
- Exhortations to elders (5:1-10).
- God’s purpose in suffering
- Universal priesthood of believers
- Understanding and mystery of suffering
In the first epistle, Peter portrayed Jesus as …
- Giver of hope (1-3)
- _____________
- Chief cornerstone (2:6)
- ____________
- Chief Shepherd (2:25;5:4)
- ____________
- Lamb of God
- Example in suffering
- Exalted Lord
To _________ false teachers and to ________ the churches is the purpose of Peter’s second epistle.
_________ is the key verse in the epistle.
Second Peter 3:1
The emphasis in 2 Peter is on ___________ spiritually.
First John deals with the heresy of ________.
First John is keyed to one’s personal _________ in Christ.
Experience of faith
The main point of 2 John deals with the peril from ___________ teaching.
Third John is concerned with __________matters in a church.
Jude includes __________ citations as of proof texts in argumentation.
The theological emphasis in Jude are…
- False teachers
- _____________
- “Kept by God”
- _____________
- Spiritually
4. The role of the Holy Spirit in the believer’s prayer life.
The theological emphasis in the book of Revelation are…
- The Trinity
- ____________
- Jesus Christ
- ____________
- Worship
- ____________
- God
- Holy Spirit
- Eschatology
The book of revelation has the following unique functions:
- It serves as a fitting conclusion to the story of humanity’s rebellion against God.
- ________________________
- It functions as fulfillment and completion of biblical prophesy.
- God’s purposes for His creation are redeemed.
4. Many of God’s judgments will take place in the end of time.
_________ records a time of lack in central leadership and general disorder in in Israel.