New Test questions Flashcards
Lord’s Chi-squared
used to assess differential item functioning (two groups respond differently to item when they both should respond the same)
Differential item functioning
two groups respond differently to test item when in fact they should be responding similarly-important for item response theory
item response theory
theory about measuring latent traits and manifestations (ie unobservable or difficult to observe traits)
Unit of analysis comparison between classical and item test theory
Classical-test is unit of analysis
IRT: item is unit of analysis
Classical and IRT comparison?
CTT: comparisons can only be made when tests/measures are parallel
IRT: comparisons can be made when item measures same latent trait
CTT and IRT and representative samples and item properties
CTT: depend on representative samples
IRT don’t depend on representative samples
IRT standard error of measurement
larger for those with very high or low ability
CTT IRT latent trait continuum
CTT: Compares scores of test measure with scores of reference group
IRT: compares distance on items on the ability scale
response categories for IRT and CTT
IRT: can have different response categories for different items (yes no, likert, strongly agree, etc)
CTT response category must be consistent.
ITR assumptions
4 assumptions
Monotonicity: trait level and probability of correct response increases
unidimensionality assumes there is one response/latent trait measured
local independence: each item stands on its own
Invariance – We are allowed to estimate the item parameters from any position on the item response curve
Using examples of patients in class/supervision
standard 4.07 prohibits psychologists from using confidential, information about their clients unless they have taken reasonable steps to remove all personally identifiable information. Simply using a pseudonym is not sufficient, when other details have not been changed.
stereotypes arise from which bias
illusory correlation
Herzberg two factor theory of motivation and satisfaction
satisfaction and disatisfaction independenct,
two basic needs: lower-level and higher-level needs.
study conducted by Buhrmester and Furman (1990) sibling relationships
become more egalitarian less conflictual
midlife crisis-supported by data
unsupported by data
tolman rat cognitive maps
latent learning
Kohler learning
vicasiroius learning
skinner accidental noncontingent reinforcement
leads to superstitious behavior
preparation stage
take action next month-realistic plan
beck’s neg cognitive triad
oneself, the world, and the future
psychologist sexual relationship clients
2 years and only in extremely unusual cases
primacy effect
due to short term transferred to long term
higher flexibility, comfort with sexuality, satisfaction and stress
elkind, adolescent egocentrism
personal fable and imaginary audience
Tarasoff decision
psychologist duty to protect intended victim
miller dollard
approach approach aproach avoidance and avoidance avoidance
one is reward reward, another as one apporaches reward punishment increases (comfort needed from abusive parent) and the last, catch 22, ex: child does something wrong and would like to run away, but if they run they will be punished or if they stay they will be punished
hersey Blanchard
4 types, selling (low ab high motiv) , telling (low motiv andabil, delegating (high abil and motiv), participating (high abil, low motiv)
conductive deafness cause
ear infection middle ear
IQ between sibilings
orthagonal factors
unrelated, or uncorrelated
comunality of test, .7 and .4
facts and b squared so .49 +.16= 65% of variance explained
overjustification hypothesis
intrinsic motivation decreases after external rewards have been applied
decreased blood flow linked to schizophrenia, Adhd and dementia
increase power
(increase ability to detect sig difference)
increase experimental variance by increasing the magnitude of the independent variable-increase difference btween experimental and control groups
electrical stimulation that enhances nerve cell activity for minutes to hours
long term potentiation
vocational overshadowing
professional overlooks voacational problem bc of personal problem
diagnostic overshadowing
attribution ofpsychiatric symptomms to intellectual disability
implosive therapy
repeatedly presenting stimuli associated with an undesirable conditioned response without the unconditioned stimulus will eventually result in extinction of that response
festinger social comparison
need for accurate self evals
kaufman test
arbitrary interference, cognitive distortion
arbitrary interference, cognitive distortion
specific conclusion without supporting or with contradictory evidence
reaction range
degree that environment can determine genetic expression
path analysis restriction
all paths must invovle one way causal flow-they cause effects, not toher way around
MMPI 2 assesses personality and behavior through
profile analyssis
learned helplessness model (abrahmson
versive event, coupled with the tendency to attribute negative events to personal, global, and stable
retroactive interference
present to past
proactive interference
from past to present
expasion (developmental)
feeback on appropirate language use from adults
overregularization developmental
affects grammr expansion to other words
experiment-wise error rate
idea that as testing increases type I error increases
escape and avoidance conditioning
avoidance beep before shock, escape shock tehn relef when using escape behavior
escape and avoidance conditioning
avoidance beep before shock, escape shock tehn relef when using escape behavior
Ainsworth contribution attachment
differences in attachment are result of interpersonal interactions with caregivers
depression difference girls boys, emerges
in adolaescenece
a sentence or rhyme is formed using words that begin with the first letter of the words to be memorized
image is created from two or mor images from words
see piaget creep forward
senseiromotor, preoperational, concrete operation, formational
holland realistic
physical mechanical outdoor activities
realistic, investigative artistic, social , entreperising, and conventional
individual belong to diverse groups
rank attitude and worldview as impomore inmpartant thatn race ethnic similarity
accomodation paiget
modification of existing schemas for new knowledge categories
PET scan
reveals metabolic and biochemical function of tissues and organs
afri amer and depression
more likely to have halluciantions and delusion
central nervous system least well developed at birth
cerebral corte
discounting principle
decrease the role of a given cause in producing an effect when other plausible causes are present
criterion deficiency
degree to which conceptual criterion is not measured by actiual crterion
involved in REM sleep, sleep wake and learning and memory
Mann-Whitney U test
two independent groups and data on the dependent variable are reported in terms of ranks.
wilcoxon matched pairs signed rnats
groups are matched and DV for subjects are in ranks
clozapine differes form other anitpsychotics in that
it doesn’t affects D$ receptors, seratonin and glutamate
Marcia and identity 4
status for those who have made a commitment to an identity without having explored the options
dolescent experiences an identity crisis and actively explores alternative identities
adolescents have not yet experienced an identity crisis or explored alternatives and are not committed to an identity
experienced a crisis, undergone identity explorations, and made commitments
colleague unethical beahvior rumor
Ethics Code requires psychologists to intervene in the event of a colleague’s unethical behavior.
central limit theorem parts?
part 1
mean of population of ,eams i eual to mean of parent population of whick populaion samples were drawn
part 2
standard deviation of pop me of means eual to stand dev of parent pop dived by suare root of sample size
part 3
distribution of menas will increasingly approxiamte a normal distrution as n increases
anaclitic depression
negative reaction of some children to separation from caregivers before age 1.
Tiedeman O’hara’s career development
vocational identity
Wilcoxon Signed Rank
mean of two set osets of data, data are ranked
psychologists and duration of study attendence ethics
sychologists should not require research participants to stay for the full duration of the study and need to communicate that participants may leave.
cultural formation interview overview
clinical-soc cult context of problems
outline for cultural formation
identity, cultural concept of diresss psychosocial stressors
after action potential
depolarization is created as positively charged ions enter the cell.
Trace decay theory
predicts that memory traces fade over time
increase reliability coefficient (two items)
Longer test, more heterogenity
total variability explained by orthogonal component
principle compoentns analysis
identifies set of variables that explain total variability
nonparametric test shortcoming
less likely to detect false null (significant findings)
probability of type 1 error
probability of type 2
cross cutting sxs meausres
screening symptoms
beck’s cognitive theory stress diathesis and depression
dysfunctional schemas
interest test scores and future occupation highest predictive value? Which class?
Middle class
strongest predictos of maintenance of cognitive functioning?
physical health
OCD more common among males?
8-12 as children-diagnosed earlier
hawthorne effect (research)
I improve bc attention and in a study
Rosenthal Effect?
Self-fulfilling prophecy
cluster analysis use?
Classify or categorize individuals
conflict between ethical and legal requirements
human rights
postcentral gyrus? important part?
somatosensory cortex-proprioception
CNS chemo and irradiation
associated with neurocog deficits
affects relationship between two variables-age in young and old folks and hypertension,
suppressor vairable
concelas relationship between two variables
Columbia Mental Maturity Scale-Third Edition (CMMS use?
cerebral palsy non verbal no fine motor skills needed
emergency psychological aide? ethics
psychologists provide services …for which psychologists have not obtained the necessary training, psychologists may provide such services in order to ensure that services are not denied
attenuation formula
estimates test’s validity coefficient-when meaussrement error has been removed
social judgment theory
relates to attitude change
MMPI-2 not affected by Afr aM
Factorial ANOVAs
main and interaction effects
Socioemotional selectivity theory
when the future is limited, connect emotionally
olution-focused therapy
focuses on exceptions and solutions
stuttering not helped by
Good long-term recall and resistance to extinction
Ethological theories
all animal species are born with a number of ‘biologically programmed
rank of scores
T = 40; z = 0; PR = 82; WAIS-IV IQ = 126T-score of 40 is one standard deviation below the mean, a z-score of 0 is equal to the mean, a percentile rank (PR) of 82 is slightly below one standard deviation above the mean, and a WAIS-IV score of 126
right hippocampus
spatial memory
multiple regression, compensatory or not?
meta-analysis, effect size?
does use effect size
cognitive rec head trauma
re mote first- personal info, place, time
autism, no differential?
social anxiety
huntington’s disease lacks
aphasia, apraxia and agnosia
infant stranger anxiety
8-10 months
Lorenz, critical period
period after birth where infant bonds to mom
personal problems and psych activities? ethics
refrain or find someone else
Thomas and Chess’s goodness-of-fit model
parents’ caregiving behaviors match their child’s temperament
Tower of london is similar to another tower