new tech Flashcards
pros and cons of basal bolus
- achieve tight gkycaemic control
- flexible in what you eat
- freedom
- more injections
-commitemnet to adherance
- hard for young children
dose adjustement for normal eating
strictured eductaional prgramme and social support
Also has an APP to log BG inslui taken and carbs eaten
recording can help spot patterns
My Sugr
APP to log diabetes stuff also rewards you for doing well can be motivating for patients
glucose buddy
support network for dianbteic patients
pros and cons of fingerprick testing
- helps determine which foods are best for control
- helps inform patients and doctors about what injection regime
- inctease understanding and reduce anxiety about hypo
- important for dangerous tasks like driving
-expensive to nhs
- have to test atleast 5 times per day more if you excersixe
continous glusocse monitoring system
-sticks capillary needle into your arm like a patch
measures glucose every 5 minutes
if hypo alarm goes off
also shows you where bg is heading
simple autoappliactor
DEXCOM pros and cons
-simple to use
-alarms help especially with parents of young patients (linked to phone)
-not funded by nhs so expensive
-time delsy
-too much info can cause overwhelm
Flash glusoce monitoring (freestyle libre)
capillary needle patch - scan the sensor to get reading
reading every minute and can link to phone
more affirdabke and avaialble through nhs
also has hypo alarm
insulin pump therapy
cannula attached to body
filled device with short acting insulin which you can control how much goes in
pros and cons of insulin pump therapy
-no injections
-fewer large swings in BG
-improvement in hbac1
- check BG every 3-4 hours
-change infusion site 2-3 days
-takes several nonths to optomise
artificial pancreas project -minimed 780g
a - insulin pump
c- glucose sensor
d- transmitter
smartguard tech
-variable personalised rate of insulin 24/7
-auto adjusts BG and corrects every 5 minutes
-can anticipate BG changes with predictive algorithm
-sensor can be worn for 7 continous days
-users have same glycaemic control of heakthy patients
advance bolus wizard
can recognised regularly eaten foods and autoadjust insulin
disposable insulin pump that can connect via bluetooth to dexcom
last line treatment : pancreas transplant
2nd pancreas attactched to small intestine however destruction of b cells still does occur in new pancreas
usually kidney transplant occurs at same time (shows end stage renal failure linked to diabetes)
must take immunosuppressants and corticosterioids (steroids bad for pancreas but must take for translpant)