New Right views of the role and purpose of education Flashcards
Parental choice
The ability for parents to be able to choose the best school for their child, rather than going to their local catchment school.
Marketisation and education
Marketisation is a term that refers to the creation of educational markets in the UK. This includes offering parent’s greater choice and say in their child’s education – a term often referred to as Parentocracy.
Marketisation is often referred to as running schools like businesses and turning students into consumers. It was argued that greater competition for students and the application of Formula Funding would lead to an improvement in performance
Marketisation has led to increased competition between schools, mainly due to the publishing of League Tables of Standardized Tests , prompting some schools near the top of the league table to cream skim
the best students to bolster their position, whilst also Silt Shifting those students that underperform or who do not fit the ethos of the school to other institutions.
Privatisation of education
Privatisation of Education means opening up aspects of education to Private businesses such as staff training, school finances, school Management (academy chains) and Exams
Education Reform Act 1988
Created competition between schools through League Tables for standardized tests. Also created the National Curriculum which meant that all schools were teaching similar content. Also removed budget
constraints on Head teachers
Chubb and Moe
Support the marketisation of schools, stating that by creating an education market, it drives up standards