New Deck Flashcards
Abject Poverty
Extreme poverty in which an individual lives on less than $1 per day
Aboriginal collective thought
a way of thinking that valuse the group more than the individual
Aboriginal Healing Foundation
a foundation created as a result of the Royal Commission of Aboriginal People who encourage and support Aboriginal People as they creat healing processes
Aboriginal Rights
include their land and treaty rights, and rights pertaining to their history, culture and language
Aboriginal Self-government
making their own decisions regarding their economy, education, culryue, use of natural resources, and other areas of concern for their well-being.
Adam Smith
(1723-1790) An influentail Scottish political economist who challenged the key ideas behind the mercantilist system and secribed how a free-market economy would work
Adherence to Collective Norm
Faithful observance of the norms or standards imposed on members of a group as a condition of membership in the group
unselfishness and a focus on the needs of others
Anti-terrorism Act
a law passes by Canada’s Parliament in December 2001, in responce to the September 11,2001 terrorist attacks on the United States
anti-war movment
an organized campaign against war.
the process by ethnic or cultural groups adopt the culture of a dominant group and are absorbed into its society
Authoritarian Political Systems
Political systems in whicyh all decisions related to governing the state are made by a small group of people or by one person (military rulers, a leader, or a dictator)
the ideas and understandings that a person holds to be true
members of a wing of the Russian Social-democratic Workers’ Party, led by Vladimir Lenin
a french work that refers to the social class that evolved in Europe during the Middle Ages with the development of cities and the growth in trade.
international behaviour or foreign policy that takes a country to the brink of war
Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms
a document entreched in the constitutional Act, 1982 tghat lists and secribes the fundamental right and freedoms guaranteed to chanadians
an economic system based on free markets, fair competition, wise cunsumers, and profit-motivated producers, in which a minimum of government involvement is favourted
an economy that oiperates with limited government intervention
restricting freedom of expressing or freedom of access to ideas or work
Centrally Planned Economy
an economic system based on public ownership of property, in which government planners dicide which goods to produce
membership by birth or naturalization in a society, community, or counrys
Civil Disobedience
interntional, public refusal to obey a law; usually a form of non-violent political protest
Class System
the division of a society into different classes ot people, usually bases on income or wealth
Classical Liberal
bases on the ideology of classical liberalism
Classical Liberalism
an ideology that is bass on the belief that the rights and freedoms of the indiviual should be the foundation for society.
Cold War
(1945-1991) an ideological conflict between the communist Soviet Union and its allies and the capitalist liberal democratic United States and its allies.
Collective Interest
the set of goals or ideals that members of a group pursue together and that will benefit the group as a whole
Collective Responsibility
a groups’ responsibility for the actions of indidual members, as well as the idea that individuals have a responsibility to the group that is greater than their individual responsibility
Collective Security
the mutual protection of the members of an organization against an outside threat
Collective Will
the wants or wishes or a group of people
an ideology that places the meeds and goals of the collectibve, or group, before those of any individual member of the group
Command Economy
an economic system bases on public ownership of property, in which government planners decide which goods to produce, how to produce them and how they should be distributed
Common Good
the food of a community, something that benefits the public health, safty, and/or well-being of society as a whole
an ideology bases on the belief that the oppreswses working class must overcome its property-owning oppressors through revolution
the struggle among two or more people or groups for an economic, social or political advantage
Consensus Decision Making
a form of dicision making whereby indiciduals in a group share ideas, solutions and concerns to fins a resolution that all members of the group can accept
Constitution Act
(1867-1982) the act originally passes by the British Parliament that establishes Canada and its form of government
Constitutional Monarchy
a political system in which a monarch shares pwoer with a constitutionally organized government
the US cold War foreign policy of stopping to spread of communism by establishing strategic allies arounf the world through trade and military alliances
people working together to accomplish common goals,a principle emphasized by collectivest ideologies
Crown Corporations
companies owned by canadian federal or provincial government, which are formed to serve the commom good
Crown Land
government-owner land, which is often rented or leases to individuals or companies for profit
Compulsory Enfranchisement
the automatic loss of status and rights provided by the Indian Act, and the gaining of citizenship rights
an obligation to pay back borrowed money, example is Credit-card debt
a political system in which the people have the power to make or influence government decisions directly ot indirectly through such processes as free election
Democratic Socialism
a political ideology that advocates a peaceful, evolutionary transition of society from capitalism to socialism through democratic means