New DAX Functions Flashcards
PARTITIONBY ( partitionBy_columnName[, partitionBy_columnName [, …] ] )
Defines the columns that are used to partition a window function’s <relation> parameter.</relation>
ORDERBY ( orderBy_columnName[, order][, orderBy_columnName [, order]] [, …] )
Defines the columns that determine the sort order within each of a window function’s partitions.
INDEX(position[, relation][, orderBy][, blanks][, partitionBy])
Returns a row at an absolute position, specified by the position parameter, within the specified partition, sorted by the specified order. If the current partition can’t be deduced to a single partition, multiple rows may be returned.
OFFSET ( delta[, relation][, orderBy][, blanks][, partitionBy] )
Returns a single row that is positioned either before or after the current row within the same table, by a given offset. If the current row cannot be deduced to a single row, multiple rows may be returned.
TOCSV(Table, [MaxRows], [Delimiter], [IncludeHeaders])
Returns a table as a string in CSV format.
TOJSON(Table, [MaxRows])
Returns a table as a string using JSON format.
WINDOW ( from[, from_type], to[, to_type][, relation][, orderBy][, blanks][, partitionBy] )
Returns multiple rows which are positioned within the given interval.
NETWORKDAYS(start_date, end_date[, weekend, holidays])
Returns the number of whole workdays between two dates (inclusive). Parameters specify which and how many days are weekend days. Weekend days and days specified as holidays are not considered as workdays.
EVALUATEANDLOG(Value, [Label], [MaxRows])
Returns the value of the first argument and logs it in a DAX Evaluation Log profiler event. This function is fully functional in Power BI Desktop only. It acts as a simple passthrough function in other environments.
LINESTX ( table, expressionY, expressionX[, …][, const] )
Uses the Least Squares method to calculate a straight line that best fits the given data, then returns a table describing the line. The data result from expressions evaluated for each row in a table. The equation for the line is of the form: y = Slope1x1 + Slope2x2 + … + Intercept.