New Concepts Flashcards
What is denormalized data?
Data stored in a non-relational way which is redundant.
What does E.R.P. stand for
Enterprise Resource Planning
RxJs Observer
Data Stream that can be subscribed to.
- Next function
- Error Function
- Complete function
* need to unsubscribe to avoid memory leaks
Http Basic Authentication
an HTTP user agent simply provides a username and password to prove their authentication
API Keys Authentication
a unique generated value is assigned to each first time user, signifying that the user is known
OAuth Authentication
OAuth is not technically an authentication method, but a method of both authentication and authorization. When OAuth is used solely for authentication, it is what is referred to as “pseudo-authentication.”
API Authentication
Authentication is when an entity proves an identity. In other words, Authentication proves that you are who you say you are. This is akin to having an identification card – an item given by a trusted authority that the requester, such as a police officer, can use as evidence that suggests you are in fact who you say you are.
API Authorization
Authorization is when an entity proves a right to access. In other words, Authorization proves you have the right to make a request. When you try to go backstage at a concert or an event, you don’t necessarily have to prove that you are who you say you are – you furnish the ticket, which is de facto proof that you have the right to be where you’re trying to get into.
Epidemiology Studies
Def: population surveys which seek to correlate health outcomes with recalls of dietary preferences.
- they are not experiments
- susceptible to bias and confounding
- Observational study which can not conclude causality. Only interventional studies can cause causality.
Definition of Confounding
A situation in which the effect or association between an exposure and outcome is distorted by the presence of another variable. Positive confounding (when the observed association is biased away from the null) and negative confounding (when the observed association is biased toward the null) both occur.
alt: is a distortion (inaccuracy) in the estimated measure of association that occurs when the primary exposure of interest is mixed up with some other factor that is associated with the outcome.
In computer science, in the context of data storage, serialization is the process of translating data structures or object state into a format that can be stored or transmitted and reconstructed later.
Ruminant animals arepolygastric, meaning their stomach is divided into compartments. Some of the compartments have microorganisms that ferment the cellulose in the vegetables they eat into cud, which is easier to digest.
What does ETL stand for?
“extract, transform, load,” which is the process of loading business data into a data warehousing environment, testing it for performance, and troubleshooting it before it goes live.
Design Patterns
- Singleton Pattern
- Facade Pattern
- Bridge/Adapter Pattern
- Strategy Pattern
- Observer Pattern
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Chess Openings A - C
Alekhine’s Defense
Benko Gambit
Benoni Defense
Bird’s Opening
Bogo-Indian Defense
Budapest Gambit
Catalan Opening
Caro-Kann Defense
Colle System
Chess Openings D - K
Dutch Defense
Giuoco Piano
English Opening
Evans Gambit
Four Knights Game
French Defense
Grünfeld Defense
Italian Game
King’s Gambit
King’s Indian Attack
King’s Indian Defense
King’s Pawn Game
Chess Openings L - Q
London System
Modern Defense
Nimzo-Indian Defense
Nimzowitsch Defense
Petrov’s Defense
Philidor’s Defense
Pirc Defense
Queen’s Pawn Game
Queen’s Gambit Accepted
Queen’s Gambit Declined
Queen’s Indian Defense
Chess Openings R - W
Réti Opening
Ruy Lopez
Scandinavian Defense
Scotch Game
Sicilian Defense
Slav Defense
Torre Attack
Two Knights Defense
Vienna Game
Wade Defense