Neutralization Properties of Anti-interferon Monoclonal Antibody Sifalimumab Flashcards
What is molecular replacement?
a known molecular model to solve the unknown crystal structure of a related molecule. MR enables the solution of the crystallographic phase problem by providing initial estimates of the phases of the new structure from a previously known structure
What is the role of cytokines in the immune system?
cytokines play a very important role, both directly (for example, blocking viral replication by the interferons) and by means of different immune-modulatory mechanisms that trigger the inflammatory response, produce and elevation on the body temperature, activate NK cells and macrophages, etc
what are cytokines?
category of small proteins (~5–20 kDa) that are important in cell signaling.
Give some cells that produce cytokines
Cytokines are produced by a broad range of cells, including immune cells like macrophages, B lymphocytes, T lymphocytes and mast cells, as well as endothelial cells, fibroblasts, and various stromal cells; a given cytokine may be produced by more than one type of cell.
what does interferon-α/β receptor bind?
type I interferons including interferon-α and -β.
describe the interferon-α/β receptor
heteromeric cell surface receptor composed of one chain with two subunits
what signalling pathway does the interferon-α/β receptor activate when bound to type 1 interferons?
The JAK-STAT signaling pathway (transmits information from extracellular chemical signals to the nucleus resulting in DNA transcription and expression of genes involved in immunity, proliferation, differentiation, apoptosis and oncogenesis)
What is systemic lupus erythematosus?
an autoimmune disease in which the body’s immune system mistakenly attacks healthy tissue in many parts of the body
What are the symptoms of lupus erythematosus?
Common symptoms include painful and swollen joints, fever, chest pain, hair loss, mouth ulcers, swollen lymph nodes, feeling tired, and a red rash which is most commonly on the face. Often there are periods of illness, called flares, and periods of remission when there are few symptoms
What is Sjogren’s syndrome?
In Sjogren’s syndrome, the mucous membranes and moisture-secreting glands of your eyes and mouth are usually affected first — resulting in decreased production of tears and saliva
What does analytical grade of chemicals mean?
a chemical compound of a known high standard of purity.
What are complementarity determining regions?
part of the variable chains in immunoglobulins (antibodies) and T cell receptors, generated by B-cells and T-cells respectively, where these molecules bind to their specific antigen
What do a set of complentarity determining regions constitute?
a paratope
What is PyMOL?
Python-enhanced molecular graphics tool
- a molecular visualization system
describe vapor diffusion
the most commonly employed method of protein crystallization. In this method, a droplet containing purified protein, buffer, and precipitant are allowed to equilibrate with a larger reservoir containing similar buffers and precipitants in higher concentrations. Initially, the droplet of protein solution contains comparatively low precipitant and protein concentrations, but as the drop and reservoir equilibrate, the precipitant and protein concentrations increase in the drop. If the appropriate crystallization solutions are used for a given protein, crystal growth will occur in the drop