Neutral & Adaptive Evolution, Pop Genetics, Heritability Flashcards
other causes of evolution
- mutation
- gene flow
- genetic drift
what causes changes in gene freq?
- selection (natural, sexual or artificial)
- mutations
- genetic drift
- gene flow
- heritable changes in nucleotide seq
- sometimes resulting in alteration in products coded for by gene
- types of mutations…
-> substitution
-> deletion
-> insertion
-> inversion - low mutation rates (1x10⁻⁹/ base pair / gen)
different effects of mutations
- harmful
- neutral
- beneficial -> rare as random changes unlikely to result in improvement
as beneficial mutations are rare, it is thought that most mutations are harmful or beneficial.
suggest why there are more neutral mutations than harmful ones
only 2% of mammalian genome encodes for proteins
rest is junk DNA -> if mutation occurs here => no effect!
what is av. no. of mutations in each human zygote?
explain why
6 new mutations
- low mutation rates (1x10⁻⁹ / base pair / gen)
- haploid human genome ~3x10⁹ base pairs long
- ^also human has 2 copies of each gene, so double this
2.genetic drift
- change in gene freq in a pop…
- due to random events
- is a sampling issue -> so v important in small pops, but omnipresent in big pops too (just can’t see its effect as much)
- rare alleles can drift to fixation by chance! (fixation = when 1 allele becomes only allele in that pop (no genetic variation at that locus))
- alleles can also be lost by chance
random events are v important in evolution and history of life on earth.
- if there is no selection, genes in each gen are random sample of prev. gen
- in small pops, gene freqs can change by chance ( = genetic drift)
why are conservationists worried about little genetic diversity in a sp?
- if eg. new disease, if it affected 1, there is danger to them all
- limits robustness to new forms of selection, eg. new viruses
-> genetic variation (diversity) is essential for adaptive evolution!
eg. of genetic drift
- cheetahs had extreme bottleneck 1000s of years ago
- as result, when we look at modern cheetah pops (which are larger than they were 1000s ya), they have extremely limited genetic diversity
when you have genetic drift…
- probability allele drifts to fixation = freq. of allele in pop
- rate of drift depends on pop size
- can experiment this with Drosophila (Dobzhansky & Pavlovsky)
describe Dobzhansky & Pavlovsky’s experiments with Drosophila in genetic drift
- cages with either 20 or 4000 flies…
- large pop saw stable decline in PP allele
- small pop had range of freqs that PP allele was found at
conclusion: drift is v important in small pops
“founder effect”
bottleneck that occurs when a new pop is founded
- small founder pops may have non-representative sample of genes
- probability of over-representation of allele / lack of allele depends on…
-> no. of founders
-> gene freqs - can use as way of mapping colonisation events
founder effects in man
- isolated pops usually have high freqs of normally v rare alleles
- Afrikaners -> ~30 000 afrikaners carry gene for rare porphyria variegata (causes reaction in barbiturates)
-> all descended from 1 couple - Mauritius -> all cases of Huntingdon’s disease traced to single french nobleman
- Tristan de Cunha islanders -> asthma
3.gene flow
- intro (or loss) of new alleles into a pop through immigration (or emigration)
- causes rise in genetic diversity
- eg. bottlenecked wolves in Scandanavia
- gene flow = migration -> requires actual individs to move