Neurulation Flashcards
What main structures form from the neural tube?
Whole brain
Spinal cord
Cranial & spinal nerves,
Around how many weeks of gestation does neurulation occur?
3-4 weeks
Name the 3 main structures the ectoderm gives rise to.
Outer ectoderm
Neural crest
Neural tube
Outline the basis of neurulation.
A-P axis established Induction of neural plate Morphogenesis and closure of neural tube Neural tube patterning (A-P/D-V) Regionalisation of the neural tube
When is the A-P axis patterned, and what direction does this occur in?
Prior to gastrulation
Caudal to cranial
What 3 major molecule are responsible for A-P patterning? How does this mechanism work?
Nodal, Wnt, BMP
Nodal expressed in the posterior end in the extra embryonic tissue (ExE). It induces and maintains BMP4 signalling. BMP induces Wnt signalling. Wnt induces further nodal signalling, creating a feed-forward loop.
Nodal then
What is nodal and what signalling pathway does it activate?
Nodal is a secretory protein that is inactive until it’s proteolytically cleaved. Part of the TGFbeta superfamily and activates SMAD2/3 signalling pathway.
Induces signals from the node, in the anterior primitive streak, to the lateral plate mesoderm (LPM).
Name a molecule that can inhibit A-P patterning.
Lefty can inhibit nodal itself or via a co receptor to the nodal signalling pathways called cripto.
What is the name of the first reliable landmark of the anterior pole of the body?
Anterior visceral endoderm (AVE)
BMP is inhibited in the pre-sumptive neural plate cells in the ectoderm. What is the name of the inhibitory molecule and where does it initiate from?
Chordin is a BMP antagonist expressed in the mid-gastrula organiser that induce neural plate formation
Closure points of the cranial and caudal neuropores occur in waves. How many closure point are there in humans.
What is the difference between primary and secondary neurulation?
Primary neurulation is rolling-up of tube.
Secondary neurulation is tunnelling or hollowing of tail bud
Name the 5 steps of primary neurulation.
Shaping, folding (notochord/MHP), elevation, convergence (DLHP) and closure (neural crest cell migration)
What are the three main structures involved in primary neurulation?
Neural plate, neural crest and epidermis
Explain briefly the mechanism of secondary neurulation.
What happens if we graft and extra notochord?
Extra MHP occur + ventral floor plate of the neural tube.
What changes happens to cells at the hinge points, and what drives these changes?
Cell wedging at hinge points: driven by changes in the microtubules & actin filaments
Explain the term ‘convergence-extension’ of the neural tube. Name a defect associated with poor C-E.
A process of lengthening by narrowing, which requires cells to become polarized, in the plane of the cell layer. It allows elongation and narrowing of the neural tube.
Mutants have closure point 1 failure and are presented with craniorachischisis. The neural plate is abnormally broad with a non-bending region between neural folds – broadness prevents neural tube closing in sufficient time.
Name a gene mutated in mice with craniorachischisis.
Loop-tail, crash, circletail, dishevelled 1&2