Neurotrauma and Neurodegeneration Flashcards
Describe Neuronal Chromatolysis
- Neuronal chromatolysis:
- Reparative response of neurons following damage to the axons
- Neuronal body swells due to the accumulation of neurofilaments
- There is peripheral migration of the Nissl substance to the nucleus and cell periphery
- Neurons shink away from ECM and the space fills with fluid, these fluid filled spaces coalesce and form an avascular fluid filled cyst
What are the pathological sequelae following axonal damage:
- Proximal accumulation of beta-amyloid precursor protein
- Axonal varicosities
- Axonal swelings
- Microgliosis
- Loss of myelinated fibres
- occurs away from the epicentre of the injury site
What is microgliosis?
- The microglial response to injury
- The microglia are activated to phagocytose cellular debri (supplemented by monocytes from the blood)
- These microglial become vacuolated by accumulated lipid from the dead neurons, forming foam cells
Describe the process of gliosis:
- Following neuronal cell death and their removal by phagocytes (microglia) the astrocytes become activated
- The activated astrocytes proliferate and form copious amounts of CSPG
- The CSPG forms a glial scar
- The glial scar provides strength and contracts the injury site, however it cannot be repaired (cannot be penetrated by axons or neural progenitor cells)
What is raised intracranial pressure?
- Most commonly caused by bleeding in and the brain , swelling associated with cerebral infarction, growth of brain tumours
- Cerebral oedema is the accumulation of tissue fluid between the cells of the nervous system
- Symptoms include: headaches, vomiting (especially in the morning), papilledema and later epileptic seizures and coma
- If severe intracranial pressure is not allleviated the brain may hernaite through the foramen magnum
What is non-missile vs missile trauma?
Non-missile (closed head injury):
- Acceleration/deceleration forces
- Rotational and shearing forces on the brain
- More common
Missile Trauma (open head injury): - Penetration of skull/brain by an external object e.g. a bullet
What is the difference between primary and secondary trauma to the CNS?
Primary Damage:
- Occurs immediately
- Scalp laceration/fracture
- Cerebral contusions and lalcerations
- Intracranial haemorrhage
e. g. coup lesions and countercoup lesions
e. g. diffuse axonal injury
Secondary Damage:
- Delayed, occurs after immediate trauma
- Mechanisms damage other cells in the CNS (may be distal to injury)
- Ischemia
- Hypoxia
- Cerebral swelling
- Infection
- Due to shearing and tearing of blood vessels in the brain
Describe coup and countercoup lesions
- Type of primary brain damage
1. Coup lesions: part of the brain is crushed by violent contact with skull or dural membranes adjacent to the site of injury
2. Countercoup lesions: occurr diagnonally opposite coup lesions as a result of the brain recoiling and colliding iwth the other side of the skull - Severe contusions may be associated with extensive intracerebral, subarachnoid or subdural haemorrhage
- Contusions heal by gliosis
Describe diffuse axonal injury
- Type of primary brain damage
- Shearing of axons due to acceleration, deceleration and torsion forces causing severe damage in the white matter tracts
- Causes widespread and extensive injury
Describe secondary brain damage:
- Occurs after immediate impact and is due to shearing and tearing of the blood vessels in the brain which leads to secondary hypoxic brain damage and cerebral oedema
- Can be caused by 4 different types of intracranial haemorrhage:
1. Extradural
2. Subdurall
3. Subarachnoid
4. Intracerebral
Describe epidural/extradural hematomas:
- Bleeding between the dura mater (outer membrane of the brain) and the cranium
- Usually caused by trauma to the temporal region of the skull, or a skull fracture causing the rupture of the middle meningeal artery or one of its branches
- Causes immediate concussion followed by regaining of consciousness (lucid interval), after which the patient becomes progressive comatose
- Causes death if untreated
Describe subdural hemorrhages:
- Bleeding between the dura mater and arachnoid mater
- Can be acute or chronic:
1. Acute: rupture of cortica veins in subdural space resulting in intracranial pressure increase, brain herniation, coma and death
2. Chronic: tearing of the briding cerebral veins caused by falls or birth trauma - Symptoms are greatly delayed (due to tearing of veins), manifests as headache, increasing drowsiness, hemiparesis and seizures
- Brain herniation and death occur in most cases
Describe subarachnoid haemorrhages:
- Bleeding between the arachnoid mata and brain tissue
- Rarely due to injuries, mostly due to pathology of the brain vasculature including:
1. Brain aneurysms (mainly congenital berry aneurysms)
2. Subarachnoid and intracerebral hemorrhages - Brain infarcts (most common)
- Symptoms: focal signs, transient headache and neck stiffness, sudden severe occipital headache and vomiting
- Very poor prognosis
Describe intracerebral haemorrhages:
- Bleeding from within the brain parenchyma- commonly the lenticulostriate branch of the middle cerebral artery
- Most commonly the result of cerebrovascular accidents such as hypertensive vascular damage (arterioscleoris) and small microaneurysms
- Symptoms include: following physical or emotional exertion, intense headache and vomiting and rapid loos of consciousness with congested face and laboured breathing
- Prognosis is grave, with affected region of the brain becoming a cystic space
What is a spinal cord injury? What are the two kinds?
- Spinal cord injuries involve the rupture or contusion of the spinal canal
- They can be traumatic e.g. car accidents or non-traumatic e.g. tumours
What secondary pathological mechanisms occur after a spinal cord injury?
- Oligodendrocyte apoptosis
- Axonal degeneration (both superior and posterior to the injury site)
- Gliosis (activation of microglia and astrocytes)- formation of glial scar
- A cystic space known as a saringomyelia may form - Motor cortex neuronal cell death (occurs years after injury to axons)
What are the most common pathological features of neurodegenerative diseases:
- Loss of neurons
- Variable glial and microgial activation (inflammation surrounding damaged neurons)
- Disorders of proteostais- cellular inclusions and extracellular protein accumulations
Describe Alzheimers Disease. its aetiology, molecular pathology, histology and gross pathology and symptoms:
Alzheimers disease: the most common form of dementia in the elderly
Aetiology: most cases sporadic, some involve mutations in APP gene and ApoE (E4 allele), linked to older age
Molecular pathology:
- Formation of extracellular neocortical neuritic plaques containing deposits of B-amyeloid protein, dystrophic neurites, microglia and reactive astrocytes
- Formation of intracellular neurofibrillary tangles, composed of hyperphosphoryated tau that appears as long pink filaments in neuronal cytoplasm
Gross pathology:
- Severe atrophy of the brain: primarily in the frontal, temporal and parietal regions
- Thinning of the gyri and prominent sulci
- Impairment of higher intellectual functions
- Progressive disorientation, loss of memory, language disorders
- Over 5-10 years patient becomes mute and immobile and eventually dies (definitive diagnosis from neuritic plaques only possible at death)
Describe frontotemporal dementia, its histopathology, gross pathology and symptoms:
Frontotemporal dementia (Pick disease):
- Form of dementia caused by early frontal and temporal lobe degeneration
- Type of tauopathy
- Accumulation of tau protein in intracellular Pick bodies
- Active gliosis (inflammation)
Gross Pathology:
- Atrophy of frontal and temporal lobes
- loss of executive function , dis-inhibition, loss of manners and inability to plan or understand consequences of actions
- causes death 3-10 years after disease onset
Describe Dementia with Lewy Bodies, its histopatholoy, gross pathology and symptoms:
- Presence of Lewy bodies (made up of a-synuclein protein) within cortical neurons (mainly seen in deeper layers of temportal and frontal cortex)
- These Lewy bodies are ill-defined pink, cytoplasmic inclusions
Gross pathology:
- Thinning of gyri in frontal and temporal lobes (but less pronounced than AD)
- Similar to AD, but also with visual hallucinations, fluctuations in cognition and Parkinsonian motor symptoms (bradykinesia and rigidity)
Describe Parkinsons Disease, its histopathology, gross pathology and risk factors
Parkinsons Disease:
- PD is caused by idiopathic destruction of dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra (part of brain that initiates body movement)
- Lewy bodies seen in remaining neurons in substantia nigra, these are rounded, pink-staining inclusions with a pale halo
- The Lewy bodies stain positive for a-synuclein
Gross pathology:
- Loss of pigmentation in substantia nigra
- Freezing of gait, tremor and stiffness, bradykinesia, muscular weakness
Describe motor neuron disease (ALS), its epidemiology, pathology and symptoms:
Motor neuron disease:
- Diseases involving paralysis due to death of motor neurons
- Most common pattern is ALS which is the loss of upper and lower motor neurons in the brain stem and spinal cord
- Very rare
- Peaks in incidence in 5th decade of life
- Appoximately 5% of cases familial
- 2:1 male to female predominance
- Loss of ventral horn motor neurons and motor nuclei in brain stem
- Loss of upper motor neurons in motor cortex
- Loss of lateral and ventral corticospinal tracts
- Secondary demylination
- Mild gliosis