Neurotransmitter Systems Flashcards
What are the three major classes of neurotransmitters?
Amino acids, amines, and peptides.
What is included in a neurotransmitter system?
In addition to the molecule itself, a neurotransmitter system includes all the molecular machinery responsible for transmitter synthesis, vesicular packaging, reuptake and degradation, and transmitter action
What was the first molecule positively identified as a neurotransmitter in the 1920s?
acetylcholine, or ACh
What word is used to describe the cells that produce and release ACh?
What term was given to the neurons that use the amine neurotransmitter norepinephrine?
What other name is there for norepinephrine and what is the initials given?
(NE is known as noradrenaline in United Kingdom.)
Name the elements of neurotransmitter systems in order from the presynaptic axon terminal to the postsynaptic dendrite (9)
- Neurotransmitter synthesising enzymes
- Synaptic vesicle transporters
- Reuptake transporters
- Degradative enzymes
-Transmitter-gated ion channels
-G-protein-coupled receptors
G-protein gated ion channels
-Second messenger cascades
What criteria must a chemical in the brain meet to be considered a neurotransmitter? (3)
- The molecule must be synthesized and stored in the presynaptic neuron.
- The molecule must be released by the presynaptic axon terminal upon
stimulation. - The molecule, when experimentally applied, must produce a response
in the postsynaptic cell that mimics the response produced by the release of neurotransmitter from the presynaptic neuron.
Name two of the most important techniques used today to show that the molecule is, in fact, localised in, and synthesised by, particular neurons.
immunocytochemistry and in situ hybridization.
What is immunocytochemistry used for?
The method of immunocytochemistry is used to anatomically localize particular molecules to particular cells.
What other name is given to immunocytochemistry and when?
When the same technique is applied to thin sections of tissue, including brain, it is often referred to as immunohistochemistry.
Describe the principle behind immunocytochemistry
Once the neurotransmitter candidate has been chemically purified, it is injected under the skin or into the blood- stream of an animal where it stimulates an immune response. (Often, to evoke or enhance the immune response, the molecule is chemically coupled to a larger molecule.) One feature of the immune response is the generation of large proteins called antibodies. Antibodies can bind tightly to specific sites on the foreign molecule, also known as the antigen—in this case, the transmitter candidate. The best antibodies for immunocy- tochemistry bind very tightly to the transmitter of interest and bind very little or not at all to other chemicals in the brain. These specific antibody molecules can be recovered from a blood sample of the immunized ani- mal and chemically tagged with a colorful marker that can be seen with a microscope. When these labeled antibodies are applied to a section of brain tissue, they will color just those cells that contain the transmitter candidate. By using several different antibodies, each labeled with a different marker color, it is possible to distinguish several types of cells in the same region of the brain
What can satisfy the criterion that the molecule be localized in, and synthesized by, a particular neuron?
Immunocytochemistry can be used to localize any molecule for which a specific antibody can be generated, including the synthesizing enzymes for transmitter candidates. Demonstration that the transmitter candidate and its synthesizing enzyme are contained in the same neuron—or better yet, in the same axon terminal—can help satisfy the criterion that the molecule be localized in, and synthesized by, a particular neuron.
Describe the principle of Hybridization
proteins are assembled by the ribosomes according to instructions from specific mRNA molecules. There is a unique mRNA molecule for every polypeptide synthesized by a neuron. The mRNA transcript consists of the four different nucleic acids linked together in various sequences to form a long strand. Each nucleic acid has the unusual property that it will bind most tightly to one other complementary nucleic acid. Thus, if the sequence of nucleic acids in a strand of mRNA is known, it is possible to construct in the lab a com- plementary strand that will stick, like a strip of Velcro, to the mRNA molecule.
What is the complementary strand called?
a probe
How can hybridisation be used to determine whether a neuron is synthesising a molecule?
In order to see if the mRNA for a particular peptide is localised in a neuron, we chemically label the appropriate probe so it can be detected, apply it to a section of brain tissue, allow time for the probes to stick to any complementary mRNA strands, then wash away all the extra probes that have not stuck. Finally, we search for neurons that contain the label.
How can labelled cells be visualised in in-situ hybridisation? (3)
the probes can be chemically tagged in several ways. A common approach is to make them radioactive. Because we cannot see radioactivity, hybridized probes are detected by laying the brain tissue on a sheet of special film that is sensitive to radioactive emissions. After exposure to the tissue, the film is developed like a photograph, and negative images of the ra- dioactive cells are visible as clusters of small white dots
It is also possible to use digital electronic imaging devices to detect the radioactivity. This technique for viewing the distribution of radioactivity is called autoradiography.
An alternative is to label the probes with brightly colorful fluorescent molecules that can viewed directly with an appropriate microscope. Fluorescence in situ hybridization is also known as FISH.
How can it be shown that a neurotransmitter is actually released upon stimulation in the PNS?
In some cases, a specific set of cells or axons can be stimulated while taking samples of the fluids bathing their synaptic targets. The biological activity of the sample can then be tested to see if it mimics the effect of the intact synapses, and then the sample can be chemically analyzed to reveal the structure of the active molecule.
Why does this method of examining the release of neurotransmitters not possible in the CNS? What did researchers then have to be content with doing? Describe this process
most regions of the central nervous system (CNS) contain a diverse mixture of inter- mingled synapses using different neurotransmitters. Until recently, this often made it impossible to stimulate a single population of synapses containing only a single neurotransmitter. Researchers had to be content with stimulating many synapses in a region of the brain and collecting and measuring all the chemicals that were released.
One way to do this is to use brain slices that are kept alive in vitro. To stimulate release, the slices are bathed in a solution containing a high K concentration. This treatment causes a large membrane depolarization, thereby stimulating transmitter release from the axon terminals in the tissue. Because transmitter release requires the entry of Ca2 into the axon terminal, it must also be shown that the release of the neurotransmitter candidate from the tissue slice after depolarization occurs only when Ca2 ions are present in the bathing solution
Name and describe a newer method of determining whether a neurotransmitter is released from a terminal
New methods such as optogenetics now make it possible to activate just one specific type of synapse at a time. Genetic methods are used to induce one particular population of neurons to express light-sensitive proteins, and then those neurons can be stimulated with brief flashes of light that have no effect on the surrounding cells. Any transmitters released are likely to have come from the optogenetically selected type of synapse.
To assess the postsynaptic actions of a transmitter candidate, describe two methods that are sometimes used
microiontophoresis; Most neurotransmitter candidates can be dissolved in solutions that will cause them to acquire a net electrical charge. A glass pipette with a very fine tip, just a few micrometers across, is filled with the ionized solution. The tip of the pipette is carefully positioned next to the postsynaptic membrane of the neuron, and the transmitter candidate is ejected in very small amounts by passing electrical current through the pipette.
Neurotransmitter candidates can also be ejected from fine pipettes with pulses of high pressure. A microelectrode in the postsynaptic neuron can be used to measure the effects of the transmitter candidate on the membrane potential
When can the molecule and transmitter considered to be the same chemical with microiontophoresis?
If iontophoretic or pressure application of the molecule causes electrophysiological changes that mimic the effects of transmitter released at the synapse, and if the other criteria of localization, synthesis, and release are met, then the molecule and the transmitter are usually considered to be the same chemical.
What is meant by a receptor subtype?
As a rule, no two neurotransmitters bind to the same receptor; however, one neurotransmitter can bind to many different receptors. Each of the different receptors a neurotransmitter binds to is called a receptor subtype.
Researchers have tried almost every method of biological and chemical analysis to study the different receptor subtypes of the various neurotransmitter systems. Three approaches have proved to be particularly useful. Name these
ligand-binding methods,
Neuropharmacological analysis of synaptic transmission
Molecular analysis of receptor proteins
Much of what we know about receptor subtypes was first learned using Which of these techniques?
neuropharmacological analysis
Describe basis of neuropharmacological analysis using nicotine and muscarine
Skeletal muscle and heart muscle respond differently to various cholinergic drugs. Nicotine, derived from the tobacco plant, is a receptoragonist in skeletal muscle but has no effect in the heart. On the other hand, muscarine, derived from a poisonous species of mushroom, has little or no effect on skeletal muscle but is an agonist at the cholinergic receptor subtype in the heart. (Recall that ACh slows the heart rate; muscarine is poisonous because it causes a precipitous drop in heart rate and blood pressure.) Thus, two ACh receptor subtypes can be distinguished by the actions of different drugs.
In fact, the receptors were given the names of their agonists: nicotinic ACh receptors in skeletal muscle and muscarinic ACh receptors in the heart. Nicotinic and muscarinic receptors also exist in the brain, and some neurons have both types of receptors.
Different drugs were also used to distinguish several subtypes of glutamate receptors what names were given to them and what functions do they carry out?
Glutamate receptors mediate much of the synaptic excitation in the CNS. Three subtypes are AMPA receptors, NMDA receptors, and kainate receptors
What were these glutamate receptors named after?
Their chemical agonists. The neurotransmitter glutamate activates all three receptor subtypes, but AMPA acts only at the AMPA receptor, NMDA acts only at the NMDA receptor, and so on.
Describe how researchers discovered endorphins in the brain via ligand binding
Some researchers hypothesized that opiates might be agonists at specific receptors in neuronal membranes. They radioactively labeled opiate compounds and applied them in small quantities to neuronal membranes that had been isolated from different parts of the brain. If appropriate receptors existed in the membrane, the labeled opiates should bind tightly to them. This is just what they found. The radioactive drugs labeled specific sites on the membranes of some, but not all, neurons in the brain.
Following the discovery of opioid receptors, the search was on to identify endogenous opioids, or endorphins, the naturally occurring neurotransmitters that act on these receptors. Two peptides called enkephalins were soon isolated from the brain, and they eventually proved to be opioid neurotransmitters.
Therefore what is the ligand-binding method?
Any chemical compound that binds to a specific site on a receptor is called a ligand for that receptor (from the Latin meaning “to bind”). The technique of studying receptors using radioactively or nonradioactively labeled ligands is called the ligand-binding method. Notice that a ligand for a receptor can be an agonist, an antagonist, or the chemical neurotransmitter itself.
What has Ligand-binding techniques been enormously important for carrying out?
Ligand-binding methods have been enormously important for mapping the anatomical distribution of different neurotransmitter receptors in the brain.
There has been an explosion of information about neurotransmitter receptors in recent decades, thanks to modern methods for studying protein molecules. What two groups have these methods enabled us to divide neurotransmitter receptors into?
transmitter-gated ion channels and G-protein-coupled (metabotropic) receptors
discovered through molecular analysis
Evolution is conservative and opportunistic, and it often puts common and familiar things to new uses.
Explain how this is true in terms of the evolution of neurotransmitters
For the most part, they are similar or identical to the basic chemicals of life, the same substances that cells in all species, from bacteria to giraffes, use for metabolism. Amino acids, the building blocks of protein, are essential to life. Most of the known neurotransmitter molecules are either (1) amino acids, (2) amines derived from amino acids, or (3) peptides constructed from amino acids.
Name an exception to these possibilities for neurotransmitters and what it is derived from
ACh is one exception, but it is derived from acetyl CoA, a ubiquitous product of cellular respiration in mitochondria, and choline, which is important for fat metabolism throughout the body.
What is meant by Dale’s principle?
Amino acid and amine transmitters are generally each stored in and released by different sets of neurons. The convention established by Dale classifies neurons into mutually exclusive groups by neurotransmitter (cholinergic, glutamatergic, GABAergic, and so on). The idea that a neuron has only one neurotransmitter is often called Dale’s principle.
How well does Dale’s principle hold up?
Many peptide-containing neurons violate Dale’s principle because these cells usually release more than one neurotransmitter: an amino acid or amine and a peptide, however most neurons seem to release only a single amino acid or amine neurotransmitter.
When two or more transmitters are released from one nerve terminal, what are they called?
What neurotransmitter is the neurotransmitter at the neuromuscular junction and where is it synthesised?
Acetylcholine (ACh) is the neurotransmitter at the neuromuscular junction and is therefore synthesized by all the motor neurons in the spinal cord and brain stem.
What is required for synthesis of acetylcholine?
ACh synthesis requires a specific enzyme, choline acetyltransferase (ChAT)
In which neuons can ChAT be produced?
Only cholinergic neurons contain ChAT, so this enzyme is a good marker for cells that use ACh as a neurotransmitter.
Where is ChAT produced in the neuron and where does it synthesise ACh?
Like nearly all presynaptic proteins, ChAT is manufactured in the soma and transported to the axon terminal.
ChAT synthesizes ACh in the cytosol of the axon terminal, and the neurotransmitter is concentrated in synaptic vesicles by the actions of a vesicular ACh transporter.
Rewinding a bit, apart from distinguishing receptor subtypes by their agonsists (as with nicotine and muscarine) how else can recptor subtypes be distinguished? Give an example in regards to ACh
Another way to distinguish receptor subtypes is to use selective antagonists. The South American arrow-tip poison curare inhibits the action of ACh at nicotinic receptors (thereby causing paralysis), and atropine, derived from belladonna plants (also known as deadly nightshade), antagonizes ACh at muscarinic receptors
describe how ChAT synthesises ACh
ChAT transfers an acetyl group from acetyl CoA to choline. The source of choline is the extracellular fluid, where it exists in low micromolar concentrations. Choline is taken up by the cholinergic axon terminals via a specific transporter that requires the cotransport of Na+ to power the movement of choline.
What is meant by a rate-limiting step and how is it relevant to the synthesis of ACh?
Because the availability of choline limits how much ACh can be synthesised in the axon terminal, the transport of choline into the neuron is said to be the rate-limiting step in ACh synthesis.
What is often prescribed for certain diseases in which a deficit in cholinergic synaptic transmission has been noted?
Dietary supplements of choline are sometimes prescribed to boost ACh levels in the brain.
What else do cholinergic neurons manufacture which is used in the process of neurotransmission? Is this a good marker for cholinergic synapses
Cholinergic neurons also manufacture the ACh degradative enzyme acetylcholinesterase (AChE). AChE is secreted into the synaptic cleft and is associated with cholinergic axon terminal membranes.
However, AChE is also manufactured by some noncholinergic neurons, so this enzyme is not as useful a marker for cholinergic synapses as ChAT.
What function does AChE perform during neurotransmission
AChE degrades ACh into choline and acetic acid. This happens very quickly because AChE has one of the fastest catalytic rates among all known enzymes.
What happens to the choline after the ACh is broken down by the AChE
AChE degrades ACh into choline and acetic acid (Figure 6.11b). This happens very quickly because AChE has one of the fastest catalytic rates among all known enzymes. Much of the resulting choline is taken up by the cholinergic axon terminal via a choline transporter and reused for ACh synthesis
Why is AChE the target of many nerve gases and insecticides?
Inhibition of AChE prevents the breakdown of ACh, disrupting transmission at cholinergic synapses on skeletal muscle and heart muscle. Acute effects include marked decreases in heart rate and blood pressure; however, death from the irreversible inhibition of AChE typically results from respiratory paralysis.
What are catecholamines?
The amino acid tyrosine is the precursor for three different amino neurotransmitter that contain a chemical structure called a catechol, collectively called catecholamines.
What are the three catecholamines?
- Dopamine (DA)
- Norepinephrine (NE)
- Epinephrine/Adrenaline
What enzyme do all catecholaminergic neurons contain?
The actions of catecholamines in the synaptic cleft are terminated by selective uptake of the neurotransmitters back into the axon terminal via Na+ dependent transporters.
• Amphetamine and cocaine block catecholamine uptake