Neurosurgery formative Flashcards
Where does the corticospinal tract originate?
Primary motor cortex in the precentral gyrus
What are the 2 parts of the corticospinal tract and what are their functions?
- Lateral corticospinal tract (pyramidal decussation) - voluntary motor control of limbs and digits
- Anterior corticospinal tract (segmental decussation) - voluntary motor control of the trunk and maintains posture
Where does the corticobulbar tract originate from?
Primary motor cortex in the precentral gyrus
What is the function of the corticobulbar tract?
- Controls the muscles of face, head and neck (contains UMNs of cranial nerves)
- Bilateral innervation to cranial nerve nuclei except CN XII and lower part of CN VII
Where is the lesion in Bells palsy?
Lower motor neuron of CN VII causing forehead and lip droop
If there was an UMN lesion to CN VII e.g. stroke, how would that manifest itself in a patient?
Lip droop with forehead SPARING due to bilateral innervation
What is the origin and function of the rubrospinal tract?
- Origin - red nucleus in the midbrain
- Function - excites flexor muscles and inhibits extensor muscles of the upper body
What is the origin and function of the reticulospinal tract?
- Originates in the pons/medulla
- Function - excites extensors
What are the features of decerebrate rigidity?
Plantar flexed, wrists and fingers flexed, forearms pronated, elbows extended and shoulders adducted
What are the features of decorticate rigidity?
Plantar flexed, legs internally rotated, wrists and elbows flexed, arms adducted
What is the function of the DCML pathway and where does it decussate?
- Function - responsible for fine touch, pressure and vibration
- Decussate in medulla to contralateral medial lemniscus to reach the primary somatosensory area in the postcentral gyrus
What is the function of the spinothalamic tract and where does it decussate?
- Function - conveying pain and temperature
- Decussate segmentally in the spinal cord to reach the opposite primary somatosensory cortex
A 30 year old man presented with a stab wound in his back. He has right sided weakness starting at T5 and left sided loss of pinprick sensation and temperature starting at T7. What spinal cord compression syndrome did this man develop?
Brown-Sequard syndrome
A 39-year-old woman presented with severe headaches whenever she sneezed. She also had decreased sensation to pinprick over her upper back, shoulders, and upper arms. Her power in her arms was 2/5 but her lower body power was 5/5. What is the cause for patient’s sensation and motor weakness?
Where do extradural haemorrhages originate and how do they present?
- Located between skull and dura
- Origin - arterial (middle meningeal artery)
- Presentation - mainly in young patients due to head trauma, lucid interval followed by unconsciousness
How are extradural haemorrhages investigated and what would be the findings?
- CT scan
- Hyperdense BICONVEX lens appearance
Where do chronic subdural haemorrhages originate and how do they present?
- Located between dura and arachnoid
- Venous origin (cerebral bridging veins)
- Presentation - older patients due to low impact trauma, progressive headache and confusion
How are subdural haemorrhages investigated and what would be the findings?
- CT scan
- Hypodense CRESCENT shaped appearance
Where do subarachnoid haemorrhages originate and how do they present?
- Located between arachnoid and pia
- Origin - arterial
- Presentation - due to severe head injuries or ruptured berry aneurysm
- Symptoms - severe thunderclap headache, meningeal irritation and loss of consciousness
How are subarachnoid haemorrhages investigated and what would be the findings?
- CT scan initially, CT angiogram gives definitive diagnosis
- Hyperdense signal in the subarachnoid space
What does cerebral herniation cause?
- Increased ICP due to any space occupying lesions
- Symptoms - extensor response, Cushing’s triad (hypertension, bradycardia and irregular breathing), unreactive pupil (uncal herniation)
A patient presents unconscious with unilateral pupil mydriasis that does not constrict to light following a car accident. On CT, an intracranial hemorrhage with cerebral herniation. What is the most likely cause?
Uncal herniation
A 66-year-old man presented with several falls over the course of the past few months. On examination, he had symmetrical weakness of his legs and mild weakness of his hand. He had an abnormal gait. His reflexes were extremely brisk in his legs with upgoing planters bilaterally. He has positive Hoffman’s sign. What is the most likely diagnosis?

Degenerative cervical myelopathy due to cervical spondylosis
Label each of the arteries 1-9 (starting from top right and working anti-clockwise)

1 - middle cerebral 2 - ophthalmic 3 - internal carotid 4 - basilar 5 - vertebral 6 - posterior cerebral 7 - posterior communicating 8 - anterior cerebral 9 - anterior communicating