Neuroscience and Clinical Semester 1 Week 1: The anatomy of the nervous system Flashcards
What are the two broad classes of cells integrated to form brain tissue?
Neurones - around 100 billion in human brain
Neuroglia cells - outnumber neurones 10:1
Specialised features of neurones
- Axon
- Myelin sheath
- Dendrite
- Spines
- Synapse
- output side of the cell
- Arises from a conical shaped thickening on cell body called the ‘axon hillock’, long narrow process that projects from cell body, can travel distances ranging from microns to metres. - Axonal membrane is excitable, specialised for generation and propagation of action potentials.
- input side of the cell
- The short processes emanating from the cell body, which receive most of the synaptic contacts from other neurones.
- Highly branched, giving rise to a dense network of processes, the ‘dendritic arbour’ [spines].
- Project from the surface of dendrites
- Receive most of the excitatory input
- Have a neck and head
- Average length = 2 μm
- Contain filaments [actin and α- and β-tubulins]
- Dynamic (change in response to activity)
Point of specialised contact between two neurones, where chemical signals are transmitted.
What features of a neurone are the same as other cells?
- Nucleus: contains DNA
- Rough endoplasmic reticulum: synthesises proteins
- Smooth endoplasmic reticulum: synthesises fats
- Golgi complex: packages products for transport around the cell
- Mitochondria: powerhouse of the cell
- Lysosomes: waste disposal system
- Cytoskeleton: maintains shape and provides ‘rails’ for transport
Neuronal classification
Neurones can be classified according to:
- number of processes
- length of axon
- shape of cell body
Number of processes
- Bipolar (one dendrite, e.g. purkinje cells)
- Multipolar (more than 1 dendrite, e.g. dopaminergic neurons)
Length of axon
- golgi type I neurone (long axon + large - travels to another brain structure, e.g. pyramidal cells)
- golgi type II neurone (short axon - usually stay in structure where cell is located, e.g. spiny stellate cells)
Shape of cell body
- Ovoid (circular/spherical, e.g. spiny stellate cells)
- Fusiform (fat in middle, thinner edges, e.g. dopaminergic neurons)
- Triangular (e.g. pyramidal cells)
Types of glial cells
- Oligodendrocytes
- Astrocytes
- Microglia
- Schwann cell
Have extensions that wrap around axons in the CNS. The extensions are rich in myelin (fatty insulating substance) that forms myelin sheaths which increase the speed and efficiency of axonal conduction. Myelinated segments of axon = internodes; unmyelinated = nodes of Ranvier
- Star-shaped
- Communicate with each other through gap junctions.
- Ensheath synapses and dendrites
- Project processes to cell somas (neuron cell body)
- Cover blood vessels in the brain.
- Maintain tight junctions in endothelial cells (which form blood brain barrier)
- Uptake of neurotransmitters (gets rid of them when they’ve done their job)
- Neurovascular coupling
- Represent the immune system in the brain, as the brain is an immunologically privileged site because of the BBB (immune system )
- Involved in phagocytosis (consuming things that need to be ‘eaten’)
Schwann cells
- located in the peripheral nervous system.
- forms the myelin sheath, an insulating layer around nerve fibers.
Neuroanatomical directions
- Dorsal (towards the back/top of head) + ventral (towards the chest/bottom of head)
- Anterior/rostral (towards front/nose) + Posterior/caudal (towards bottom/tail)
- Medial (towards middle) + Lateral (away from middle)