NeuroRad Raf Remember Me's Flashcards
What is the broad differential Mnemonic?
- Tumor
- primary or metastatic
- Infectious / Inflammatory
- Congenital
- Metabolic / Drugs
- Trauma
- iatrogenic, radiation
- Vascular
- vasculitis, malformation
IDH wild or negative or IDH mutant or positive and its significance with GBM
Need to look this up but I think IDH mutants have better prognosis and i think those are the primary ones . . .
Brain tumors with a cyst and enhancing nodule
- Pilocystic Astrocytoma
Pleomorphic Xanthoastrocytoma
- included in the PD-DOG cortically based tumors
- Looks just like a desmoplastic infantile ganglioglioma, but is not in an infant
- hemanGioblastoma
- included in the PD-DOG cortically based tumors
Cortically based tumors
Pleomorphic xanthoastrocyoma
- Looks just like Desmoplastic infantile ganglioglioma (DIG) but not in an infant.
- Dysembroplastic Neuroepithelial tumor (DNET)
- Oligodendroglioma
- Ganglioglioma
Solid intraventricular lesions
Organize and name them all!

Epidermoid vs Dermoid
Cholesteatoma vs Cholesterol Granuloma
- Epidermoid vs Dermoid
- ePidermoid restricts diffusion (ie dark on aPParent diffusion coefficient
- dermoid acts more like Fat (ie T1 hyperintense)
- Cholesteatoma vs Cholesterol Granuloma (petrous apex lesions)
- cholestEEEoma ~ Epidermoid (ie this is dark aon apparent diffusion coefficient)
- Cholesterol granuloma = T1 bight like fat!
The etiology of noninfectious and nonmetabolic acute toxic leukoencephalopathy (ATL) can be easily remembered by what acronym?
CHOICES Chemotherapeutics Heroin-induced (chasing the magic dragon) Opioid-medication overdose Immunosuppressants Cocaine Environmental (CO, EtOH) Seizure-related splenial lesions (ie antiepileptic drugs)
What parts of the brain is commonly effected by Wernike’s encephalopathy?
Mammillary bodies, dorsomedial thalami, tectal plate, periaquaductal grey matter and surrounding 3rd ventricle symmetrically.