Neuropsychology and Epilepsy Flashcards
General Cognitive Outcomes
Generalized seizures worse than focal
GTC worse than absence
Earlier onset = more difficulties
IQ and epilepsy
1/3 of people with epilepsy have IQ <70 (intellectual deficient)
Risk factors for ID in Epilepsy
- Primary generalized epilepsy, West syndrome, lGS, focal epilepsy with out focus
- Severe volumetric abnormalities
- Early onset of epilepsy
- Frequent seizures, more episodes of status epilepticus
- Polytherapy
- Comorbid dx
Language dominance
Higher incidence of 25-30% atypical language dominance
-More likely with large early developmental insults.
Language with Adults with TLE
Word-finding problems
-Found on comfortation naming tasks (hippocampal word retrieval)
Epilepsy with progressive language impairment
Rassmussen encephalitis
Landau Kleffner syndrome
memory profile for TLE
Left=verbal memory problems
RIght= less so, visual memory problems.
Neuropsych test most predictive for hippocampal dysfunction
List learning
Prevalence of ADHD in epilepsy
ADHD, inattentive type M=F
High rates of attention with frontal lobe epilepsy, Childhood absence epilepsy
Executive Function (EF) impaired in epilepsy
Cognitive flexibility
Working Memory
Visual/Spatial with epilepsy patient
Less consistent
Includes object recognition, drawing objects, visual closure
Lower in right hemispheric seizure foci
Language dominance
Epilepsy and Reaction time
Slower processing speed
- Possibly due to seizure meds
- Associated with polytherapy and type of epilepsy
- Seen in frontal lobe epilepsy and BRE
Academic achievement and epilepsy
Poor academic achievement is associated with all epilepsy types
Mood disorder and Epilepsy rate
Lifetime prevalence 35%
-Limbic/temporal seizures had greater risk
Evidence for both environmental + neurophysiologic causes
Mapping cognition
Gold standard previously
-WADA/IAT = pharmacologically inactivate ipsilateral anterior and MCA
1) Lateralize function (language and memory)
2) Demonstrate capacity of contralat hemisphere to sustain function
Functional MRI
Blood oxygen level-dependent (BOLD) signal is extracted and analyzed
Pros: noninvasive
Cons: technically challenging (if moves - uninterpretable)
Electrical cortical stimulation mapping
Intraop or bedside of motor and language mapping
- Language responses need to be brief during stim time
- Cooperation of patient
Neurocognitive results after Anterior temporal lobectomy based on dominant/nondominant
Verbal memory
Visual spatial
Dominant temporal lobectomy = verbal memory decline
Non-dominant temporal lobectomy = verbal memory improvement
Visuospatial memory
- improve after dominant temporal lobectomy
- decline after nondominant temporal lobectomy
Language - no change
Receptive comprehension (Token test) Dominant = show a greater pre- to postoperative improvement in this measure than patients with nondominant temporal lobectomy (P < .001).