Neuropsychological Assessment and Diagnosis Flashcards
level of awareness of person, place, time, and situation is called
level of alertness and degree of consciousness is called
This orientation and arousal test assesses confusion and amnesia test and is often used following a traumatic brain injury
Galveston Orientation and Amnesia Test (GOAT)
This orientation and arousal test is used very frequently and it is a brief measure of cognitive status, including orientation. The scores range from 0-30 (24 being the frequent cut off).
Mini Mental Status Examination (MMSE)
This orientation and arousal test is similar to MMSE. It is a screening instrument and includes samples of many areas that are tested. It is not used as much.
Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MOCA)
excitation of stimulus receptors refers to
Three different types of attention
Sustained attention. Selective attention, and Spatial attention
Paying attention over a long period of time can be referred as
Sustained Attention
Focusing on one stimulus while ignoring others is known as
Selective attention
Regards where your attention is placed or whether a bias exists for one hemisphere is called
Spatial attention
A test for attention and concentration that was taken from the WAIS-IV. The instructor says a string of digits and the patient says them back. You start with a few and then progress to more. There is a forward span followed by a backward span.
Digit Span
This attention and concentration test involves around series of digits presented (1-9). The patient is instructed to add the pairs of numbers heard.
Paced Auditory Serial Attention Test (PASAT)
This is a very elegant test used for spatial attention bias. It is used to assess attentional neglect. Patients are instructed to bisect a straight line.
Line bisection Test
In the line bisection test, patients with right posterior strokes bisect ______
way to the right
Assessment of basic motor skill include:
Strength, speed, accuracy, and integration
Assessing motor skills include:
Basic motor skills and Praxis
Two types of Praxis:
Ideomotor and Ideational
This type of praxis deals with motor posturing
This type of praxis deals with motor sequencing
A tests that assesses motor skills measures grip hand strength. It measures both hands and there should be a 10% difference between dominant and non dominant hands.
Hand Dynamometer
This type of test measures motor skills and uses steel pegs. Pegs will fit in the whole only one way. it is timed and their are two trials.
Grooved Pegboard
Ideational praxis uses more of the ______ lobe
frontal lobe
Areas to assess in Verbal Functions and Language are ___________
expressive,perceptive,repetition, and naming
This type of verbal functions and language test consists of 60 line drawings of various objects. The task is to name the objects and it is not a timed test.
Boston Namin Test
This verbal function and language test is also known as the FAS. The goal is to name as many words as possible in 60 seconds. There are three letters, usually F, A, and S. You can’t use proper nouns, numbers, or the same root word with different endings.
Controlled Oral Word Association Test (COWAT)
This verbal function and language test is a variant of the FAS and the task is to name as many animals as possible in 60 seconds.
Animal Naming
Spatial orientation, constructional abilities, integration and awareness, and facial recognition are all ranges of functions to be assessed for
Visuospatial Organization and Naming
Orientation of stimuli, cardinal directions, and geographical awareness are examples of
spatial orientation
A visuospatial organization and functioning test where patients are shown a response card that has 11 lines presented on it. Then they are shown a stimulus card that has 2 lines of different orientation and direction. The subject must indicate which of the 11 lines matches the two in orientation and direction.
Judgement of Line Orientation
A big letter made up of smaller letters and the patient is supposed to tell what letter they see.
Navon Figure
A test where you ask a patient to identify various states and landmarks. They are also supposed to verify cardinal directions, “point to the north”.
Geographical awareness and cardinal directions
In this test for visuospatial organization and functioning, the patient is shown a picture and then made to draw a copy of it, memory to come later.
Rey Osterreith Complex Figure
In this test, a patient is shown aline drawing and the line drawings have several other objects presented. The objects are superimposed onto one another and they have to point to specified object.
Poppelreuter-Ghent’s Overlapping Figures
This test is from the WAIS-IV and red and white blocks are used. You show a stimulus picture and then ask patient to copy, it is a timed test.
Block Design
This test has two parts. one part involves connecting circled numbers in order. The second part involves connection circled numbers and letters in order, alternating between them. Patient connects dots as fast as possible and do not pick up the pencil.
Trail Making Test
This test is where you produce as many designs as possible, it is a nonverbal analogue of COWAT
Ruff Figural Test (RFFT)
This test involves word reading, color naming, color-word reading, and measures the response inhibition.
Stroop-Color Word Test
In this test, four key cards are shown and they vary in form, color, and number. Patient is given a stack of stimulus cards and must match them. You only say “right” or “wrong”.
Wisconsin Card Sorting Test
This test involves a target figure that must be replicated. Patient cannot have larger stimulus on top of the other. It can be timed and how many moves they require is observed.
Tower of London/Hanoi
Ruff Figural Fluency tests
right frontal lobe fluency
This test for memory consists of 15 unrelated items which are read to a patient and the patient has to recall them. There are five learning trials and also delayed free recall and recognition trials.
Rey Auditory Verbal Lerning Test
This type of memory test consists of a list of twelve items from three different semantic categories. There are three learning trials and is the dame format as RAVLT.
Hopkins Verbal Learning Test
This type of memory test has a picture of six line drawings that is shown for tens seconds. The patient must then draw it from memory. There are three learning trials and is the same format as the RAVLT.
Brief Visuospatial Memory Test
This type of memory test measures working memory and involves reciting digits in reverse order
Digit Span Backwards
This type of memory test is the same as digital span but uses a nonverbal format, both forward and backward spans are assessed.
Spatial Span
abstract thinking skills, judgement and problem solving involves the ________ lobe.
frontal lobe
Psychometrics involves _____ and _____.
standardization and development
This refers more to knowing the stimulus, interpretation. First there is increased arousal and attention, orientation, then sensation, and then ______
Assessing whether senses are intact and assessing identification of stimuli is involved in
This test is a standard procedure that involves 5 10 second trials, there should be a 10% difference between dominant hand.
Finger tapping
This test measures _________ by asking the patient to show how to use scissors or show how to use a hammer to pound a nail.
This test asks patient to identify left and right body parts from their body and yours.
Left/Right orientation
This test is done in many different forms. Patients are asked to cancel out target stimuli. It assesses attentional bias.
Visual Cancellation Tasks
This test assesses comprehension of verbal commands of increasing complexity. It consists of 20 tokens of five colors: red,white, yellow, blue, an green. There are two sizes and two shapes (circles and squares). Patient is asked to manipulate the tokens.
Token Test
This tests assesses non-propositional language. You will ask the patient how you sound, “all the puppies are dead (in a happy voice)”.
Incongruent affective sentences