Neuropsychological assessment Flashcards
What is a traumatic brain injury
It’s caused by trauma to the head and can lead to brain injury
What are the two types of brain injury
Penetrating and closed
What is a closed brain injury
It’s a brain injury that occurs to the brain and not the skull
What is a penetrating brain
Means something has breached the dura mater
What is a focal lesion and how is it caused
It’s occurs as a result of a penetrating injury and it’s associated with shock waves and pressure effecfs
What other negative effects are associated With PHi
Ischema- partial occlusion of artery (blockage)
What are coup and countercoup injuries
Coup injuries occur during impact the brain undergoes linear and deceleration forces
Countercoup they are produced by tensile forces these forces disrupt neurons axons and other brain structures at the back of the brain
Name the test that is used to assess consciousness after a head injury
Glasgow come scale
What is the Glasgow coma scale.
It’s a neurological scale which gives a reliable and objective way of recording the conciousnstae of a person for initial and subsequent assessment
What are 3 behaviours measured using the scale
Eye opening
Verbal and motor response
How does the Glasgow scale work
A person is assessed against 3 criteria and the person is give a score between 3 and 15
What do the scores on the Glasgow scale represent
3 deep consciousness
8-9 moderate
13 and above minor
What are cerebral construisons and what injuries are associated with them
They are brain injuries were the brain is bruised
Coup and counter coup
What is post traumatic ammenisa
It occurs after TBi it’s the transient stage between a loss of consciousness and return to full consciousness
What is the relationship Bayern post traumatic amnesia and GCS
They correlate well as they both give a good indication of severity of the brain injury