Neuropathology I: Headache disorders Flashcards
Primary headache:
associated features are the disorder itself
Secondary headache:
caused by an exogenous disorder
-additional clinical features and pathology beyond the headache
Epidemiology of primary headache:
second most common cause of primary headache, affects 15% of women and 6% of men over a one-year period.
Acceptable definition: benign recurring headache that is associated with particular additional neurologic signs and symptoms:
-typically accompanied by nausea, can also cause vomiting
-often associated with triggers
the key pathway for pain in migraine => trigeminovascular input:
From the meningeal vessels => trigeminal ganglion => synapses on second-order neurons in the trigeminocervical complex (TCC) in the brainstem.
-TCC => thalamus => cortex
Important modulation of the trigeminovascular nociceptive (pain) input comes from midbrain nuclei:
-dorsal raphe nucleus, locus coeruleus, and nucleus raphe
Problems with modulation of pain sensation from these trigeminal afferents seems to be the cause:
-abnormal pain sensation related to vascular dilation & constriction? (vasomotion)
Medications that act on migraine pathway:
5-HT 1 receptors: important in the trigeminal nucleus and the thalamus.
-These receptors bind to serotonin (neurotransmitter) that is released into the synapse
-Receptors blocked by drugs known as triptans (sumatriptan); usually acute early on as the migraine develops
CGRI (calcitonin-gene-related-peptide):
is a peptide neurotransmitter active at the trigeminal ganglion and at the vasoactive efferents
-It’s a vasodilator and seems to increase pain sensation when it is released at these sites.
-Monoclonal antibodies that bind and eliminate CGRP (thus preventing it from binding to its receptors) are effective for headache prevention
Other neurological finings for Migraine:
A number of theories were suggested, but best accepted is a neurovascular one:
-primary neural dysfunction: wave of spreading depression (slowly travelling wave of neural excitability) travels through the cortex and leads to activation of the trigeminal complex.
-leads to vascular-generated pain
-Spreading depression wave thought to be linked to other neurological findings (visual changes, other aura findings)
-Called “depression” because after the excitatory wave spreads, that area is often refractory to synaptic excitation or action potentials.
-may also be linked to modulation of nociceptor afferents by locus ceruleus and dorsal raphe nucleus
Etiology of migraine:
strong genetic component, but no clear candidate genes for most causes.
-70% have a 1st degree relative with migraine
-Difficulty identifying the genes, though: perhaps VG calcium channels
Early signs and symptoms of migraines:
Prodrome: symptoms that typically precede the migraine and the aura:
-can include: sensitivity to light, sound, odors
-Lethargy, fatigue or constant yawning
-food cravings, thirst, polyuria or anorexia
-constipation or diarrhea
-neck discomfort
-mood changes, brain fog
can occur before or during the migraine (55% have no aura)
-visual field deficits
-tunnel vision
-scotoma: an area of impaired vision w/ a flashing light border
-heaviness of limbs
-confusion, speech/language difficulties
Diagnostic criteria of Migraine:
Repeated attacks of headache lasting 4-72 hours in patients with a normal physical examination, no other reasonable cause for the headache, and:
At least two of the following:
-unilateral pain
-throbbing pain
-aggravation by movement
-moderate or severe intensity
Plus at least one of the following:
-photophobia & phonophobia
-nausea and/or vomiting
Acephalgic migraine:
Migraine w/o headache:
-so just the aura and the prodrome
-1/3 of patients referred for vertigo or dizziness.
Common migraine:
Migraine w/o aura
Classic migraine:
A migraine w/ an aura:
-Headache typically follows aura after no more than 60 minutes
Complicated migraine:
Has severe or persistent (reversible) sensorimotor deficits:
-diplopia, severe vertigo, ataxia, altered level of consciousness
-Hemiplegia, loss of vision
Tension type headache:
Chronic head-pain syndrome characterized by bilateral tight, bandlike discomfort:
-pain typically builds slowly, fluctuates in severity, and may persist more or less continuously for many days
-headache may be episodic or chronic (present >15 days per month)
Not a migraine if lacking:
-Nausea, vomiting, photophobia, phonophobia, osmophobia, throbbing and aggravation w/ movement
-However, one or a couple of these may be present to a minor degree and still be TH
Tension headache pathophysiology:
Increased muscle tension:
-no difference in muscle “tension” between those w/ migraine and those w/ tension headache
Likely due to increased sensitivity to myofascial pain:
-chronic forms may be due to dysregulation of pain sensation in the central nervous system
No clear pathophysiology yet: much work to be done
Symptoms of tension headache:
tension-type headaches are more variable in duration, more constant in quality, and less severe:
-most headaches that significantly impair function are migraines
-Pressing or tightening (nonpulsatile quality)
-frontal-occipital location
-Bilateral- mild/moderate intensity
-Not aggravated by physical activity (though physical activity during a tension headache isn’t really fun, doesn’t significantly make the headache that much worse)
Diagnostic criteria of tension headache:
At least 10 different headaches
Duration of 30 min to 7 days
2 of the following characteristics must be present:
-Pressing or tightening (non-pulsating) quality
-Mild-moderate in severity (inhibits but does not prevent activity)
-Not aggravated by routine activity
-No nausea or vomiting
-Photophobia or phonophobia may be present, but not bothersome
Cluster headache and TACs:
Actually a group of headache syndromes, known as trigeminal autonomiccephalalgias (TACs):
-cluster headache
-paroxysmal hemicrania
-SUNCT (short-lasting unilateral neuralgia-form headaches with conjunctival injection and tearing)
-SUNA (like above but w/ autonomic symptoms
These headaches are quite intense: most describe them as excruciating.
Pathogenesis of headache and TACs:
No universally accepted theories:
-might be linked to hypothalamic/circadian circuits
-vasodilation thought to be a result, not a cause, of underlying CNS dysregulation
-vasodilation may be responsible for the autonomic nervous system findings, though:
-dilation of carotid artery may compress sympathetic fibres, resulting in a “shift” towards parasympathetic activation
Episodic cluster headaches and TACs:
tend to occur frequently (daily) for a period (weeks/months) and then there is a significant headache-free period:
-if there is no remission period, known as chronic
Patients with cluster headache tend to move about during attacks, pacing, rocking, or rubbing their head for relief; some may even become aggressive during attacks:
-quite different from migraine
Autonomic symptoms are unilateral:
-phonophobia & photophobia also ipsilateral (different from migraines)
Diagnostic criteria of cluster headaches:
Must have had at least 5 attacks
-last 15-180 min
-Be severe
-Unilateral pain that is orbital, supraorbital, or temporal
Must be accompanied by at least one of:
-Ipsilateral conjunctival injection/lacrimation
-Ipsilateral nasal congestion/rhinorrhea
-Ipsilateral eyelid edema
-Ipsilateral forehead & facial sweating
-Ipsilateral miosis and/or ptosis
-Restlessness or agitation
Attacks happen from every other day: 8 day during a cluster
Secondary headaches:
Headaches that have a more clearly-defined underlying cause:
-many are associated w/ elevations in intracranial pressure or irritation of the meninges
Structures that sense pain in the CNS & can cause headache:
-Intracranial vessels, dura mater are innervated by CN V (meningeal arteries, dural sinuses, falx cerebri, pial arteries)
Scalp is sensitive as well
Brain parenchyma, veins, other layers of the meninges, ventricular system are insensitive
Many secondary headaches have a poor prognosis: these need to be evaluated more fully
Criteria for Low-risk headaches:
-Age younger than 30
-Features typical of primary headache
-Previous history of similar headaches
-No abnormal neurological findings
-No concerning change in the usual headache pattern
-No “red flag” findings in the history or physical exam
-No serious medical conditions that could have a secondary serious headache as a complication (history of brain tumor, HIV)
Selected disorder involving elevated intracranial pressure:
Normal pressure hydrocephalus
Idiopathic intracranial hypertension
Vasogenic cerebral edema:
BBB disruption and increased vascular permeability.
-fluid shifts from the intravascular compartment to the intercellular spaces of the brain
-Little to no lymphatics, therefore difficult to remove this excess fluid
-Localized (adjacent to inflammation or neoplasms) or generalized
(generalized can be due to uncontrolled hypertension; local can be due to infection or cancer)
Cytotoxic cerebral edema:
Increase in intracellular fluid secondary to neuronal, glial, or endothelial cell membrane injury:
-from generalized hypoxic/ischemic insult or w/ metabolic damage-any cause of cell death
Interstitial cerebral edema:
-Usually occurs around the lateral ventricles
-Increased intraventricular pressure causes an abnormal flow of fluid from the intraventricular CSF across the ependymal lining to the periventricular white matter
-mostly due to hydrocephalus, increased intracranial pressure
Consequences of cerebral edema:
-Gyri flatten
-Sulci narrow
-Ventricular cavities are compressed
(or they can expand if the cause of edema is interstitial due to hydrocephalus)
-As the brain expands, herniation may occur
-Signs & symptoms of increased intracranial pressure
CSF is produced by the choroid plexus, circulates through the ventricular system:
-produced at a rate of 0.3 ml/min
-total volume 120ml
-accumulation of excessive CSF w/in the ventricular system
-Most cases occure as a consequence of impaired flow and resorption of CSF (rarely overproduction of CSF causes hydrocephalus (tumors of the choroid plexus)
Appearance of patient w/ hydrocephalus:
Depends on age at presentation:
-before closure of cranial sutures results in enlargement of the head (increase in head circumference = macrocephaly)
-after closure of cranial sutures results in enlargement of the ventricles and increased intracranial pressure
(can result in atrophy/compression of the surrounding brain tissue)
Communicating hydrocephalus:
-Enlargement of the entire ventricular system
-The fluid (and increased pressure) can “communicate” with each ventricle => the major foramina must not be blocked: more likely due to fluid mass
What tissue/structure is most likely to produce this fluid? Choroid plexus
Non communicating hydrocephalus:
-Only a portion of the ventricular system is enlarged
-Example is a mass in the third ventricle, with back-up of fluid in the lateral ventricles but normal volumes in the fourth ventricles (blockage of the cerebral aqueduct)
Symptoms of raised intracranial pressure/hydrocephalus:
-Slowing of mental capacity
-Headaches (especially if more severe in the morning)
-Vomiting (more likely in the morning)
-Blurred and/or double vision
blurred= optic nerve atrophy due to papilledema, double vision=6th cranial nerve palsy (usually)
-In kids: precocious puberty, stunted growth due to hypothalamic impairment
-Difficulty walking (spasticity)
Causes of hydrocephalus:
Normal pressure hydrocephalus:
-Relatively common, but very rare in those under 60 (more than 20/100,000 prevalence in general elderly population)
Pathogenesis of hydrocephalus:
-Ventricular volume is increased, but subarachnoid volume is not
-Cause is not well understood: impaired absorption at the arachnoid granulations
-although pressures on lumbar puncture are fairly normal, ventricular enlargement and intracranial pressure is increased
-can also be caused by tumors, infections, subarachnoid hemorrhage
Normal pressure hydrocephalus;
Clinical features:
-gradual progressive gait apraxia (magnetic feet) urinary incontinence, dementia are the typical triad
slowness of thought, speech is another common finding
Treatment, prognosis of hydrocephalus:
many patients improve after a shunt is placed into the peritoneum
Idiopathic intracranial hypertension:
Disorder of unknown etiology that predominantly affects obese women of childbearing age:
-chronically elevated intracranial pressure (ICP) leading to papilledema, which may lead to progressive optic atrophy and blindness
-other names: pseudotumor cerebri, benign intracranial hypertension (BIH)
Epidemiology of idiopathic intracranial hypertension:
-Incidence is 1 in 100,000 (not common, but possibility of seeing it in practice)
8-20 X increased risk in obese women
Idiopathic intracranial hypertension pathogenesis:
Not clearly identified, however it is thought that there are subtle problems with drainage from venous sinuses, especially the transverse sinus:
-although venous outflow is normal in most, there is an increased rate of arterial inflow in most as well
-therefore rate of arterial inflow is subtly greater than rate of venous outflow, resulting in increased intracranial pressure
Unsure of how obesity contributes to patholphysiology
Idiopathic intracranial hypertension signs & symptoms:
-typical headache of ICP
-visual field defects (usually transient early on)
Idiopathic intracranial hypertension diagnosis:
lumbar puncture to determine opening pressure:
-imagining is non-specific
Idiopathic intracranial hypertension treatment:
acute emergency treatment for elevated ICP:
-weight loss can result in resolution in up to 90% of patients with
Subfalcine (cingulate) herniation:
unilateral or asymmetric expansion of a cerebral hemisphere that displaces the cingulate gyrus under the falx cerebri:
-can lead to compression of branches of the anterior cerebral artery
Transtentorial (unicate, mesial temporal) herniation:
medial aspect of the temporal lobe is compressed against the free margin of the tentorium:
-can result in 3rd cranial nerve palsy
-compression of the contralateral cerebral peduncle (hemiparesis)
-hemorrhagic lesions in midbrain and pons (duret hemorrhage)
Tonsillar herniation:
-displacement of the cerebellar tonsils through the foramen magnum
-Acute, it can be life-threatening because it causes brainstem compression and comprimises vital respiratory and cardiac centers in the medulla oblongata
-Chronic often has less severe repercussions
(some congenital malformations of the contents of the posterior fossa can show tonsillar herniation, but with minimal clinical features)
Acute neuronal injury:
“red neurons”
-on H&E stains, neurons look “redder” than usual due to increased eosinophilia
-pyknosis (a type of nuclear condensation), eosphinophilic cell body, cell shrinkage, disappearance of the nucleolus, loss of nissl substance
-typically found 12-24 hours after hypoxic/ischemic insult
Subacute/chronic neuronal injury:
Often described as neuronal degeneration:
-typical of slower, progressive diseases such as ALS or Alzheimer disease
Cell loss and reactive gliosis:
-proliferation, hypertrophy of astrocytes
(hyperproliferative, hyperplastic astrocytes = gemistocytic astrocytes)
-activation of microglial cells
(activated microglial cells also change their morphology-thier processes also get “fatter” and shorter.
-neuronal cell loss can be difficult to detect: although neurons from certain functional areas are lost, they’re not usually lost “all at once”
(easier to see the gliosis than the cell loss)
Often cell loss is due to apoptosis, hence the absence of an inflammatory reaction and subtle histologic findings
Gliosis (reactive gliosis):
-hypertrophy and hyperplasia of astrocytes
-nuclei enlarge and nucleoli become more prominent
-cytoplasm becomes more eosinophilic, processes more stout
(known as gemistocytic astrocytes)
Astrocytes reaction to injury:
Ability to meditate synaptogenesis/neurogenesis controversial; axons have trouble navigating the “glial scar”
-are very important in buffering excitotoxins, acid
-important in maintaining the BBB
-ability to support neuron energy metabolism increased
Reactions of other cells to injury:
Oligodendrocytes and ependymal cells exhibit minimal changes when tissue is damaged:
-any changes will be discussed in the relevant pathologies
Microglial cells almost always exhibit changes:
-known as microglial activation (resident macrophages of the CNS)
Cells lose their ramifications and become more “ameboid”
-secreted pro-inflammatory molecules and cytokines that recruit peripheral leukocytes and aid astroglial activation
-secrete free radicals that can add to neuronal injury
-phagocytose dead or dying cells
Patterns of neuronal injury:
Intracellular inclusions are common with a range of neurological diseases:
-lipofuscin: accumulates with aging, “wear-and-tear” complex of lipids
-Viral inclusions:
cowdry= intranuclear inclusion associated with herpes infection
negri body= intracytoplasmic inclusion associated with rabies
-Neurofibrillary tangles (Alzheimer’s disease)
-Lewy bodies in Parkinsons disease
Inclusions are often specific to a narrow range of diseases and will be discussed in the context of those diseases
Infarction from obstruction of local blood supply (focal cerebral ischemia):
Excitatory amino acid neurotransmitters, such as glutamate, are released during ischemia:
-may cause cell damage by overstimulating and persistent opening of NMDA receptor: glutamate ionotropic receptors:
-these receptors allow calcium influx
-Calcium influx can increase nitric oxide production in neuronal cells
Necrotic cellular damage: focus on intracellular calcium:
Certain glutamate receptors, NMDA receptors in particular, are permeable to calcium.
Why might a cell depolarize with ATP depletion?
its depletion disrupts the functioning of various cellular processes, including ion pumps. Ion pumps are responsible for maintaining the proper concentrations of ions across the cell membrane, which is crucial for maintaining the cell’s resting membrane potential.
How does increased intracellular calcium lead to increased nitric oxide production?
the increase in [Ca2+]i leads to the activation of CaMKII, which in turn activates NOS and increases NO production. This pathway is involved in various physiological processes, including blood vessel dilation, immune function, and nerve signaling. However, it is also implicated in pathological conditions, such as atherosclerosis and inflammation.
Ischemia (stroke):
Early insult (minutes-hours): loss of intracellular ATP => destabilization of membrane potentials, excitotoxicity, calcium influx and nitric oxide production => destruction of membranes and necrosis
Later insult ( hours-days): development of red neurons (dead, shrunken, eosinophilic, pyknotic cells)
-microglial activation, disruption of BBB at this time
Subacute phase of the insult (day-days): reactive astrocytes, reactive microglia, influx of leukocytes across BBB-known as liquefactive necrosis
Resolution: astrocytic “scar” develops, liquefied mass removed:
-sometimes leaving a cavity bounded by scar
-Sometimes necrotic area is composed completely of gliotic tissue and new vascular elements (no neurons)
Liquefactive necrosis:
characterized by digestion of the dead cells => transformation of the tissue into a liquid viscous mass
Seen in focal bacterial or occasionally, fungal infections => accumulation of leukocytes => purulent inflammation (pus)
For unknown reasons, hypoxic death of cells within the central nervus system often manifests as liquefactive necrosis:
-“glial scar”: hypertrophic astrocytes at the margins
-Re-establishment of BBB