Neurons Flashcards
Building blocks and instrument of communication in brain
Synaptic potential
Inputs from other neurons from dendritic tree to cell body ‘soma’
Action potential
Signal flows away from soma to synaptic boutons (axon terminal), communicate with other neurons
Neurons consist of
Soma (cell body), Dendrites, usually 1 axon
Purkinje cell
Found in cerebellum
- Receives infro from sensory systems, spinal cord, other parts of brain
- Coordinates voluntary responses,
Pyramidal cell
Found in cerebral cortex
Cerebral cortex
Outer layer of cerebrum
Important role in consciousness, thinking, action
Resting Membrane Potential (RMP)
- Electrical potential difference across cell membrane which results form separation of charge
- Absence of synaptic and action potentials
(-50 -> -70 mV) - Cytoplasm more negative than extracellular space
How and what parts of the body are excitable
Neurons, muscle fibres, some endocrine cells
Respond with short-term change of potential by Action Potential, in response to a stimulus
What causes RMP
Unequal conc. of Na+ and K+ inside and outside cell
Unequal permeability of cell membrane to these ions
Small contribution:
Electrogenic action of Na-K pump
Unequal conc. of Na+ and K+
Carrier protein, Na-K pump, ‘salty banana’
3 Na OUT, 2 K IN
Primary active transport
ATP needed]
Explaining unequal permeability
Selective permeability of ions: non-gated 'leak' channels - 40:1 ratio, K to Na - Open @ rest
Gated (voltage, ligand) channels
- Closed @ rest
Equilibrium potential of Na and K
K outside = 5 mM
Na inside = 15 mM
K inside = 100 mm
Na outside = 150mM
Nernst equation for each ion at equilibrium potential
61.5 x log( [Ion] outside/ [ion] inside)
E(K) = -80 mV E(Na) = + 60 mV
Only applies if cell membrane permeable to ONLY ONE ION
RMP rule
Higher permeability of cell membrane to particular ion (e.g. K+), RMP closer to equilibrium for that ion, (e.g. E(K+)) = -80 mV
- closer to -80 mV than to E(Na+) which is +30 mV
Goldman Equation
Calculates RMP taking into account:
- Both concentration gradients
- Relative permeability of cell membrane to K+ and Na+ ions
Action Potential
Brief fluctuation in membrane potential caused by transient opening of voltage-gated ion channels (mainly Na+ and K+) that spread like a wave along neuron
- Occurs after threshold of -55 mV reached
- Can also be transmitted along muscle fibres
Significance of Action Potentials
Information is coded in the frequency of action potentials
- AP’s regarded as ‘language’ which neurons communicate by
Key element of signal transmissions along axons (often v. long)
First stage of AP
Fast depolarisation - After threshold of -55mV reached - Overshoot from -55mV to +30 mV - Voltage-gated Na+ channels open very fast P(Na+) > P(K+) in a 20:1 ratio
Detectable change in internal/external environment
- Physical
(light, electric current, stretch) - Chemical
(drug, synaptic excitation)
2nd stage of AP
- Na+ channels inactivate, and are short lived
- Transient opening of K+ channels repolarise membrane potential
- P(K+) > P(Na+) in a 100:1 ratio
Why doesn’t membrane potential reach +60 mV @ 1st stage
MP shifts towards E(Na+) as Na: K ratio is 20:1
- Na+ channels short lived and quickly inactivate
- Transient opening of K+ voltage-gated channels
Leads to repolarisation and AHP
MP shifts towards E (K+) which is -80mV as P(K+) > P(Na+) 100:1
3rd stage of AP
After Hyperpolarisation (AHP)
Voltage-gated K+ channels open for a while then close
- Dips belows -70mV (RMP) as it wants to get closer to E(K+) which is -80mV
- P(K+) > P(Na+)
If Membrane potential becomes MORE negative
(e.g. -70mV to -75mV)
Potential inside cell moves closer to E(K+) and away from E(Na+)
Results from slow closing of voltage gated K+ channels
If Membrane potential becomes LESS negative
(e.g. -70mV to -60mV)
Potential inside cell moves closer to E(Na+) and away from E(K+)
Are Neuron potentials constant
Change when conc. of ions or membrane permeability change
Activation/ Deactivation of Na+ channel
1) RMP (negative MP) Voltage sensor/ ACTIVATION GATE opens when it senses depolarisation
2) Depolarisation to threshold (less negative MP)
3) Fraction of a millisecond later inactivation occurs by INACTIVATION GATE
(+ MP)
4) Back to initial state when membrane repolarises
activation gate back, inactivation gate released
Stimulus large enough in magnitude to produce an AP in excitable cells
How can AP evoked (awaken)
1) Outside from + to - (extracellular fluid) - electrolytes etc.
2) Across membrane and inside axon
ONLY path 2) can change RMP
Current generated by OUTSIDE source flows through cell membrane from OUTSIDE -> INSIDE
(Hyperpolarisation- more -ve)
Depolarisation (MP less -ve)
Which way does current flow
Current flow is shown by direction/ movement of cations
How are AP’s first generated in CNS neurons
AP’s first generated in axon initial segment (axon hillock) which has the lowest threshold so acts as a ‘trigger zone’ for AP’s