Neurons Flashcards
Nervous tissue
Nervous consists of neurons and neuroglia
The nervous system is made up of many millions of special cells called neurons that form a continuous network, extending all over the body. The form the structural units of the nervous system.
Neurons can function for a life time. They cannot undergo meiosis, so they cannot be replaced if destroyed. Neurons have a very high metabolic rate and and need continuous supplies of oxygen and glucose.
In addition to neurons there are supporting cells called glial cells which play a critical role in making myelin and supporting and protecting the neurons
Structure of a neuron
A cell body made up of a cell, and have long, thin processes - fibres of a cytoplasm that extend from the body
The fibres of a typical neuron are:
Dendrites: that conduct impulses towards the cell body, they branch extensively to provide a large surface area to receive signals from other neurons
Axon: conducts impulses away from the cell body, each neuron has a single axon although certain axons may give off branches along their length. Usually branches extensively to form terminal branches.
Classification of neurons
- Sensory/unipolar neurons: these are afferent (towards) neurons as they carry impulses from receptors towards the CNS. Unipolar - one fibre attached to the cell body
- Connector neurons: these are multipolar neurons found in the CNS and make up 99% of the neurons of the body. They receive impulses from sensory neurons and pass them omn to other neurons.
- Motor/multipolar neurons: these are efferent neurons as they carry impulses away from the CNS to effectors so that the appropriate response can be brought about.