Neurone chapter Flashcards
What are the similarities between animal and plant hormone
They are organic in nature
Required in extremly smalll amount
They are produced in one part but have far reaching effects on the entire body or far off places
What are the diffrence in plant hormones and human hormones
-speed of TRansport and action
-specificity of affecting target cells
-how are they transported
explain the diffrence on what are the mechanism of actions in steriod and non steriod mechanism
-permeability towards target cell membrane
-location formation of hormone complex receptor
-what hormone complex activates
-production of cAMP
-actovation of protein kinase
-cascade effect
-Translation and transcription takes place ollowed by protein production
-does the complex enter nucleus
-the period of the effect
explain the diffrence in 2 types of autonomic systems
-_location of the ganglion…near or far from the spinal effectors..away or buried in the effector
-length of pre and post
-type of neurotransmitter on
_less or more nervess from each ganglion
-do they connect to form plexus
What happen to transmission when cocaine is present
-where cocaine binds
-ccaine is not reabsorbed
-What happens to dopmaine
-where dopaine stays
-what dopamine stimulates
-when new signals arrive what happens
-what happens when dopamaine is added
-what CNS does
-what happens witrh less receptor molecule
State the mechanism present in nerves that allows only unidirectional impulses
Purpose of refractory period: Allows impulses to move only in one direction and limilts, the frequency in which impulse may flow
P2 During the absolute refactory period (which lasts about millisecond)
P3 the axon membrane is unable to respond to another stimulus however strong it is
P4 An action potential cannot be produced due to a conformational change in voltage-gated sodium channels which are still in a closed, inactive state.
This also prevent action potential from moving backwards
-relative refactory period
action potential can then be produced if the stimulus is greater than the usual one
P8 The refractory period is also a limiting factor in the speed of conduction of the nerve impulse
P9 Under the All or nothing law, an action potential can only be generated if the stimulus is grater tahn the threshold value.
10 the stimulation of action potential does not depend on intensity of stimulus
explain non steroid hormone
-what adneraline acts as and bind to?
-what does hormone receptor complex does?
-what g protein does?
-what enzyme adenylyl cyclase doess?
-what CAMP acts as?
-whatts the use of cascade effect?
-what does CAMP does via cascade effect?
-what does active protein kinase does?
-what does glycogen phosphorylase does?
-glucose 1 phosphate goes through a series of enzyme catalysed reaction to produce glucose?
-where is glucose produced in liver released?
explain steroid hormone
-Steroid hormone acts by gene activation.
-Hormone secrated by the endocrine gland is transported to target cell by BCS.
_steroid hoermone diffuse through the plasma membrane into target cells.
-Steroid hormone binds to a receptor protein in the cytoplasm.
- Certain receptor can be found in nucleoplasm
-Steroid hormone receptor complex is formed
-Steroid hormone-receptor complex enter the nucleus and
binds to specific genes.
-Activate specific gene.
- Leads to transcription of gene into mRNA
- mRNA enters cytoplasm through nuclear pore and is translated to form specific pol0ypeptide
- effect of steroid are long lasting
explain impulse transmission across synapse
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explain how the autonomic
nervous system
The autonomic nervous system controls involuntary (unconscious) activities in body If consists of the sympathetic nervous system and parasympathetic nervous system Both system contain motor (efferent) nerves originating from the central nervous system and are connected to effectors.
The effects produced by the sympathetic and parasympathetic system are antagonistic. Each involuntary structure in the body is connected to the nerves from the sympathetic and parasympathetic The synapse of the nerves develops ganglion
explain how resting potential and action potential is generated in axon
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