neuronal development 2 Flashcards
how does development get its information from?
all cells have the same DNA
but all express different genes
the genome contains all the information on when to turn on and off these signals is specific time and space
non-coding and regulatory units also contribute to this
what evidence is there that all cells contain the same DNA?
cloning - nucleus from other cell added into egg develops into full individual
and IPSC can form any cell line
what do transcription factors do in development?
allows for the selection of what genes to be activated
what can pioneer transcription factors do?
they can bind to DNA in its closed conformation
how many germ layers give rise to organs?
ectoderm - outer layer
mesoderm - middle layer
endoderm - internal layer
what cuases the diffrenceation of cells
chemical enviroment
list the steps in the development of the nervous system
pattern formation
intercellular communication
cell migration
cellular differentiation
formation of synapses
stabloiation or elimination of internueroal connections
development of integrated patterns
what chemical does the boarder of the neural pate be determined by?
what does retinoic acid do in the developing brain?
the gradient pertebs the state of the cells, low levels means it will not form brain