Neuronal Degeneration and Regeneration Flashcards
Lesion Localization
- Symptoms and history can suggest a single locailzation along neuraxis ⇒ focal lesion (stroke or tumor)
- Damage to set of neuronal cell bodies ⇒ impair/eliminate behaviors controlled by those cell bodies.
- Axotomy of set of axons ⇒ impair/eliminate behaviors controlled by those neurons who’s axon ran through damaged axon bundle.
- Locazile lesion based on behavioral functions lost or altered.
Disease process may be widespread ⇒ multi-focal lesion (stroke or tumor) or diffuse disease
- Localize to neuronal type
- motor neuron disease
- mutliple discrete lesions
- multifocal conduction block
- metastases
- widespread areas
- infectious
- toxic
- metabolic processes
- Localize to neuronal type
Anterograde Degeneration
aka Orthograde or Wallerian degeneration.
- Axonal degeneration of axon segment distal to axotomy
- Due to loss of trophic influence
- Consists of:
- fragmentation of the axon, terminal, and oligodendoglial myelin coat
- Oligodendroglia retract remaining processes
- debris removed by microglia and macrophages
Transneuronal Degeneration
Target neurons, as well as axon segments distal to axotomy, both degenerate following axotomy.
Due to deprivation of axonal connection on the target cell.
Retrograde Chromatolysis
Reaction of the cell body to axotomy.
Occurs during first 2-3 days .
Structural Changes
- Nissl bodies break up, shrink, and disperse
- Nucleus becomes eccentric
- Dendrites shrink
- Synaptic innervation to cell body and dendrites withdraw
Altered pattern of macromolecular synthesis
- Increase in RNA and protein production
- Will result in either recovery or apoptosis
- Inhibitors of protein synthesis can block axotomy-induced apoptotic cell death
- If recover initiated, cell’s metabolic machinery shifts to support regeneration
- structural proteins > transmitter-related products
- Process reaches max by 2-3 weeks post injury
- May appear normal in several months
Axonal Regrowth
- Starts as multiple sprouts emamating from proximal stump of cut axon
- Do not grow more than a few micrometers
Peripheral Nervous System
Wallerian degeneration
- Similar to process in CNS
Myelin coat degenerates
- Schwann cells
Nerve sheath remains intact
- perineurium, CT, etc
- Debris removed by microglia, macrophages, and surviving Schwann cells
Retrograde reaction
- Similar to process in CNS
- Nissl body dispersal
- Nuclear eccentricity
- Dendritic shrinkage
- Withdraw of synaptic innervation
- Multiple sprouts emamate from proximal stump
- If sprouts find remaining nerve sheath will grow back into sheath.
- Surviving Schwann cells multiply, repopulate nerve, and regenerate myelin sheath.
Factors Affecting
Axotomy Response
Site of axotomy
- Cell more likely to die if injury closer to cell body
- Embryonic & neonatal neurons more likely to show retrograde reactions and die after axotomy
- More dependent on trophic factors from synaptic targets
- Embryonic & neonatal neurons more likely to show retrograde reactions and die after axotomy
Sustaining Collaterals
- Axon collaterals likely protect parent cell body from retrograde reactions
- Total amount of axoplasm destroyed critical
- Trophic factors from synaptic target can be transported back via uninterrupted collaterals
- Axon collaterals likely protect parent cell body from retrograde reactions
Axon Compression
- Due to tumor, ventricular swelling, or hemorrhagic mass
- Can elicit similar reponse at cell body as axotomy
- Recovery depends on extent of damage
Deafferentation ⇒ removal of electrical/physical neural input (afferents) to another neuron.
- If significant neural input removed, synaptic target neuron will:
- decrease dentritic size and complexity
- cell body shrinks
- show reduced metabolic output
- Intensity of reaction varies within different regions of the brain
- Similar atrophic response can occur by blocking neural activity without actual axonal injury
- Demonstrates importance of sensory information in brain development
Denervation ⇒ remvoal of neural electrical or physical inpur to a non-neural structure (e.g. muscle or organ).
- Targets will become atrophic if neural innervation lost
Peripheral Regeneration
Severed axons outside of the dura mater are capable of complete axonal regeneration.
- May regrow injured axons and make appropriate synaptic contacts with targets.
- Appearance of multiple sprouts from cut end.
- Successful sprouts grow through neurolemmal sheath.
- Process at rate of 1-4 mm/day
- Reconnects with target.
- Not all axons regenerate completely or appropriately
- May grow back to wrong target
- poor motor control
- peculiar/painful sensations
- May form neuromas
- generate extreme intractable pain
- composed mainly of C-fibers
- associated with phantom limb syndrome
- May grow back to wrong target
- Electrical stimulation of injured nerve can accelerate regeneration & promote proper targeting
Regeneration Failure
Cut axons within dura mater will sprout small branches but none will grow more than a few microns.
Possible causes:
- Glial cells multiply and invade injured areas ⇒ gliosis
- Astrocytes, microglia, and invading blood cells clean up by phagocytosis
- Process forms a glial scar which blocks regeneration
Axonal outgrowth inhibited by secreted or displayed molecules within CNS
- myeline-associated protein (MAG)
- Nogo
- Oligodendrocyte-myelin glycoprotein (OMgp)
- Chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans
- Meningeal cells
- Role unclear as knock-out mice without improved regeneration
Axonal outgrowth inhibited by secreted or displayed molecules within CNS
- Immune cells invade in response to tissue damage
- Produce cytotoxic ROS and RNS
- Substances toxic to neurons and inhibits regeneration
Lack of guidance
- Wallerian degeneration in CNS triggers oligodendroglia to withdraw processes
- No structures remains to guide regrowth
- Reactive glia fill in prior site of myelin/axons causing scarring ⇒ sclerotic axons
Collateral Sprouting
Normal axons that innervate postsynaptic sites close to degenerated axon terminals can develop sprouts
- supports some local regrowth
- may result in spontaneous functional recovery
- plasticity also occurs within normal CNS/PNSto adapt to changes
Following incomplete sponal cord injuries
- spared descending tracts and propriospinal axons can sprout
- compensates for injured tracts
- Sprouting may result in maladaptive plasticity
- allodynia
- hyperalgesia
- prevent re-establisment of approrpiate connects
- Intracellular [Ca2+] tightly regulated through active pumping and sequstration
- Elevated intracellular [Ca2+] activates degradative enzymes
- proteases
- endonucleases
- Degrades cytoskeleton, membrane lipids and proteins, DNA
- Mitochondrial calcium overload can trigger apoptosis.
- Can result in neuroal degradation.
2-5 minutes of oxgyen deprivation typically results in irreversible neuronal cell death.
- Extreme hypothermia can extend this period
- Without oxygen, mitochondrial ETC stops
- High metabolic demand of brain depletes ATP in 2-4 minutes
- Results in paired ion pumps
- influx of sodium
- activates Na/Ca-exchanger contributing to calcium overload in neuron
- Accumulation of lactic acid and free fatty acids ⇒ intracellular acidosis
- H+ exchanged for sodium ⇒ leads to accumulation of Ca2+
Occurs when excitatory neurotransmitters accumulate to abnormally high concentrations in extracellular space.
- Causes:
- defects in reuptake
- blunt neuronal injury ⇒ hemorrhagic stroke
- neuropathological conditions ⇒ epilepsy
Glumate is the main contributor
- normally quickly removed by excitatory amino acid transporters (EAATs)
- excess glutamate ⇒ abnormal influx of calcium
- opens sodium and cloride ion channels
- activates Na/Ca exchangers
- increases generation of ROS ⇒ oxidative stress
- influx of water ⇒ swelling and lysis
Used in the treatment of ALS
Blocks sodium channels.
Inhibits calcium influx and decreases excitotoxicity.
Oxidative Stress
- Neurons with high rate of free-radial production
- Normally removed quickly by anti-oxidant enzymes
- Accumulation of free radicals leads to:
- proxidation and destruction of lipid molecules and DNA
- disruption of calcium homeostasis
- Cytotoxic immune cells responding to tissue damage can contribute to ROSs
Neurodegenerative disorders characterized by proteinaceous accumulation within cell body or proximal axon.
Alzheimer’s disease
- extracellular accumulation of amyloid
- intracellular aggregates of tau
- Parkinson’s ⇒ alpha-synuclein filamentous aggregates
- Huntington’s ⇒ huntingtin aggregates
- ALS ⇒ neurofilament aggregates called Lewy bodies in proximal axons of motor neurons
Methabolic pathways involved in neuronal degeneration can trigger either process.
- Acute process with abrupt fragmentation of plasma membrane and vacuole formation within cell body.
- Nucleus remains light and disintegrates.
- DNA transcription and protein synthesis ceases.
- Preprogrammed cell death requiring both DNA transcription and protein synthesis.
- Signaled via “death receptors” or mitochondrial release of cytochrome C.
- Caused by oxidative stress, elevated calcium, extracellular signals
- Detected through TUNEL staining of free 3’ OH ends