Neurology Flashcards
Define Macrocephaly
- > 95th percentile or > 2 percentile lines above height/weight
define microcephaly
- < 5th percentile or < 2 percentile lines below height/weight
posterior fontanelle closes when
- 2-3 months
anterior fontanelle closes when
1-3 years
How can you test CN III, IV and VI in a pediatric patient
- following objects
- fixating
- EOMs
how can you test for CN V in infant
- sucking, swallowing
- light touch to face
How can you test for CN IX and X in infant
- IX: glossopharyngeal: salivation
- X: vagus
- both: gag reflex
List some neonatal primitive reflexes. These should disappear at ?
- Moro: when head is extended, arms and legs both flex
- Grasp
- Rooting: tactile stimulus near mouth, mouth pursues stimulus
- Placing
- Trunk incurvation: reflex occurs the side of the infant’s spine is stroked or tapped while the infant lies on the stomach. The infant will twitch his or her hips toward the touch
- disappear at 4-6 months
gait is usually wide based and unstead until what age
6 yo
Static evolution of neurologic symptoms
- seen in first few months and do not change over time
- congenital abnormalities or brain injury
Progressive evolution of neurologic symptoms
degenerative disease or neoplasm
Intermittent and brief evolution of neurologic symptoms
epileptic or migraine syndromes
Saltatory evolution of neurologic symptoms
- bursts of symptoms followed by partial recovery
- demyelinating and vascular diseases
What is considered developmental delay
- not reaching a milestone 2 standard deviations below the norm
- disability: permanent delay
List the 4 developmental milestone categories
- gross motor
- fine motor
- cognitive language
- social
Intellectual disability can be broken down into what 2 categories
- adaptive behavior: limitations in conceptual, social, and/or practical skills
- intellectual functioning: limitations in general mental capacity including learning, reasoning, problem solving, etc
Which atypical movement describes the inability to make voluntary smooth, accurate, and coordinated movements - cerebellum
which atypical movement describes the extreme slowness and stiffness of voluntary movement
which atypical movement describes the syndrome of continous involuntary random movements that usually occur at rest and may appear to be fidgety, dancing, or writhing
which atypical movement describes the syndrome of abnormal muscle contractions that lead to twisting, jerking, spasms, or stiffness at rest of during attempts at movement
which atypical movement describes the condition of very rapid and brief shock-like jerks
which atypical movement describes the increase in muscle stiffness that worsens with rapid movement and may be associated with increased reflexes and weakness
which atypical movement describes the repetitive, stereotyped and sometimes complex involuntary movements or sounds that may appear similar to purposeful actions
What is Cerebral palsy
- motor impairment resulting from brain damage
- 70% caused during prenatal period
List the 4 different types of Cerebral palsy
- spastic: 70-80%
- athetoid/dyskinetic: writhing
- ataxic: imbalance
- atonic: flaccid
- many have normal or above normal intellect
is cerebral palsy hereditary?
Cerebral palsy treatment
- early recognitition and intervention
- anti-spasmodics
- botulinum toxin
what is the most common cause of recurrent HA in children
in a Migraine, pain is usually bi- or unilateral in children? In teens?
- bilateral in children
- unilateral in teens