Neurology Flashcards
What are some of the clinical signs of Myotonic Dystrophy?
- Myopathic facies: long, thin and expressionless
- Wasting of facial muscles and sternocleidomastoid
- Bilateral ptosis
- Frontal balding
- Dysarthria: due to myotonic of tongue and pharynx
- Myotonia
- Wasting and weakness of the distal muscles with areflexia
- Percussion myotonia
- Cataracts
- Cardiomyopathy, brady- and tachy-arrhythmias (look for PPM scar)
- Diabetes (ask to dip urine)
- Testicular atrophy
- Dysphagia (ask about swallow)
What causes Myotonic Dystrophy?
It is an autosomal dominant genetic condition. Can be classified as type 1 or type 2. DM1 is due to expansion of CTG trinucleotide repeat sequence in the DMPK gene on chromosome 19. DM2 is due to expansion of a CCTG tetranucleotide repeat sequence within ZNF9 gene on chromosome 3. It shows genetic anticiptation
How would you diagnose Myotonic dysytrophy?
- Genetic testing
- EMG: ‘dive bomber’ potentials
- Clinical Features
How would you manage someone with Myotonic Dystrophy?
- Phenytoin may help myotonia
- Advise against general anaesthetic
- MDT management
Name some common causes of bilateral ptosis
- Myotonic Dystrophy
- Myasthenia Gravis
- Congenital
Name some common causes of unilateral ptosis
- Third nerve palsy
- Horner’s Syndrome
Name some clinical signs of cerebellar syndrome
- Scanning dysarthria
- Rebound phenomenon when arms outstretched
- Finger-nose incoordination
- Intention tremor
- Dysdiadochokinesis
- Hypotonia
- Hyporeflexia
- Nystagmus
- Heel-shin incoordination
- Wide-based gait
- Foot tapping incoordination
What suggests a lesion in the cerebellar vermis?
An ataxic trunk and gait but normal limb examination on bed.
Name the causes of cerebellar syndrome
- Paraneoplastic cerebellar syndrome
- Alcoholic cerebellar degeneration
- Sclerosis (MS)
- Tumour (posterior fossa SOL)
- Rare (Friedreich’s Ataxia or Ataxia Telangiectasia)
- Iatrogenic (Phenytoin)
- Endocrine (Hypothyroidism)
- Stroke (Brain stem vascular event)
Name some clinical signs of MS
- Ataxia
- Optic Atrophy
- Reduced visual acuity
- UMN spasticity
- Weakness
- Brisk Reflexes
- Altered Sensation
- Cerebellar Signs: DANISH
- Depression
- Urinary retention/incontinence
- Impotence, bowel problems
- Uthoff’s Phenomenon - worse in hot bath/exercise
- Lhermitte’s sign: lightening pains down spine on neck flexion due to cervical cord plaques
What is the cause of MS?
Unknown but both genetic (HLADR2, interleukin 2 and interleukin 7 receptors) and environmental factors (increasing incidence with increasing latitude, association with EBV) appear to play a role.
How would you diagnose MS?
- Need to have evidence of demyelination that is disseminated in both time and space.
- CSF: presence of oligoclonal IgG bands
- MRI: periventricular white matter plaques
- Visual Evoked Potentials (VEPs): delayed velocity but normal amplitude (evidence of previous optic neuritis)
How would you manage a patient with MS?
- MDT Approach
- INF-beta, glatiramer acetate reduce relapse rate but not progression
- Monoclonal antibodies: Alemtuzumab (anti-CD52), Natalizumab (anti alpha-4 integrin)
- Symptomatic treatments: Methylpred during acute phase, anti-spasmodics (e.g. Baclofen), Carbamazepine (for neuropathic pain), Laxatives and intermittent catheterisation/oxybutynin for bowel and bladder disturbance
Name some clinical signs seen in Stroke
- Walking aids, NG/PEG, Flexed upper limbs and extended lower limbs posture, wasted or oedematous on affected side
- Spastic rigidity, ‘clasp-knife’, ankle clonus
- Reduced power
- Sometimes reduced coordination usually as a result of weakness but may reflect cerebellar involvement if posterior stroke
- Brisk Reflexes
- Extensor plantars
- UMN facial nerve weakness
- Impaired swallow/gag reflex
- Impaired visual fields and higher cortical functions
What other features should be looked at to investigate cause of Stroke?
- Irregular Pulse (AF)
- Blood Pressure
- Cardiac Murmurs
- Carotid bruit (anterior circulation stroke)
What Investigations would you request in a patient presenting with a Stroke?
- Bloods: FBC, CRP/ESR, glucose, renal function
- ECG: AF or previous infarction
- CXR: cardiomegaly or aspiration
- CT Head: infarct or bleed, which territory
- Consider ECHO, Carotid Doppler, MRI/A/V (dissection or venous sinus thrombosis in young patient), clotting screen (thrombophilia), vasculitis screen in young CVA
How you manage patients with Stroke acutely?
- Thrombolysis with tPA (if within 4.5 hours of acute ischaemic stroke)
- Clopidogrel (or aspirin and dipyridamole)
- Referral to specialist stroke unit
- MDT approach
- DVT Prophylaxis
What is involved in the chronic management of patients with Stroke?
- Carotid endarterectomy in patients who have made a good recovery (if >70% stenosis of ipsilateral internal carotid artery)
- Anticoagulation for cardiac thromboembolism
- Addressing cardiovascular risk factors
- Nursing +/- social care
What is the Bamford classification of Stroke?
- TACS: Hemiplegia (contralateral to lesion), Homonymous Hemianopia (contralateral to lesion) and Higher Cortical Dysfunction (e.g. dysphasia, dyspraxia and neglect)
- PACS: 2 of the above 3
- Lacunar: pure hemi-motor or sensory loss
What findings would you expect in a dominant parietal-lobe cortical infarct?
- Dysphasia: receptive, expressive or global
- Gerstmann’s syndrome: Dysgraphia, dyslexia and dyscalculia, L-R disorientation and finger agnosia
What findings would you expect in a non-dominant parietal-lobe cortical infarct?
- Dressing and constructional apraxia
- Spatial neglect
What findings would you expect in a dominant or non-dominant parietal-lobe cortical infarct?
- Sensory and visual inattention
- Astereognosis
- Graphaesthesia
What is Lateral Medullary (Wallenberg) Syndrome?
- Most common brainstem vascular syndrome
- Due to occlusion of PICA
- Often variable in its presentation
What are the features of Lateral Medullary (Wallenberg) Syndrome?
- Ipsilateral to the lesion: Cerebellar signs (inferior cerebellar peduncle), nystagmus (vestibular nucleus), Horner Syndrome (Descending sympathetic tracts), Palatal paralysis and decreased gag reflex (nucleus ambiguous - CN IX and X), Loss of trigeminal pain and temp sensation (CN V spinal nucleus and tract)
- Contralateral involvement: loss of pain and temp sensation (spinothalamic tract)
What are some clinical signs of spastic legs?
- Wheelchair and walking sticks (disuse atrophy and contractures may be present if chronic)
-Increased tone - Ankle clonus
- Generalised weakness
- Hyper-reflexia
- Extensor plantars
- Gait: “scissoring”
- Could be a sensory level suggestive of a spinal lesion
- Check for back scars/deformity
- Search for features of MS e.g. cerebellar signs, fundoscopy for optic atrophy
- Ask about bladder symptoms and not the presence or absences of a urinary catheter.
- Offer to test anal tone
What are the causes of spastic legs?
- MS
- Spinal cord compression/cervical myelopathy
- Trauma
- MND (no sensory signs)
- Anterior spinal artery thrombosis: dissociated sensory loss with preservation of dorsal columns
- Syringomelia with typical upper limb signs
- Hereditary spastic paraplegia: stiffness exceeds weakness, positive family history
- Subacute combined degeneration of teh cord: absent reflexes and up-going plantars
- Friedreich’s Ataxia
- Parasagittal falx meningioma
Name some causes of spinal cord compression
- Disc Prolapse (above L1/L2)
- Malignancy
- Infection: Abscess or TB
- Trauma - fractured vertebrae
Name the lumbo-sacral root levels
- L2/3 - Hip Flexion
- L3/4 - Knee Extension
- L4/5 - Foot Dorsiflexion
- L5/S1 - Knee flexion and Hip Extension
- S1/S2 - Foot plantar flexion
What are the clinical signs of syringomelia?
- Weakness and wasting of the small muscles of the hand
- Loss of reflexes in the upper limbs
- Dissociated sensory loss in the upper limbs and chest: loss of pain and temp sensation (spinothalamic) with preservation of joint position and vibration sense (dorsal columns)
- Scars from painless burns
- Charcot joints: elbow and shoulder
- Pyramidal weakness in lower limbs
- Up-going plantars
- Kyphoscoliosis is common
- Horner’s syndrome
- If syrinx extends into brain stem (syringobulbia) there may be cerebellar and lower cranial nerve signs
What does Syringomelia affect?
- Decussating spinothalamic neurones producing segmental pain and temp loss at the level of the syrinx.
- Anterior horn cells producing segmental lower motor neurone weakness at the level of the syrinx.
- Corticospinal tract producing UMN weakness below the level of the syrinx.
What is a Charcot joint?
- Painless deformity and destruction of a joint with new bone formation following repeated minor trauma secondary to loss of pain sensation
What are the most important causes of Charcot joint?
- Diabetes: foot and ankle
- Tabes Dorsalis: Hip and Knee
- Syringomelia: elbow and shoulder
Name the cervical roots
C5/6 - Elbow flexion and supination
C7/8 - Elbow extension
T1 - Finger adduction
What are the clinical signs of Motor Neurone Disease?
- Wasting and fasciculation
- Spastic tone but can be flaccid
- Weakness
- Absent and/or brisk reflexes (absent knee jerk with extensor plantars)
- Sensory examination is normal
- Dysarthria - may be bular (nasal due to palatal weakness) or pseudo-bulbar (‘hot potato speech’ due to a spastic tongue)
- Wasting and fasciculations of tongue or a stiff spastic tongue with brisk jaw jerk
- No sensory, extra-ocular muscle, cerebellar or extra-pyramidal involvement
- Sphincter and cognitive disturbance occasionally seen
What are the different types of MND?
- Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (50%) - affects corticospinal tracts predominantly causing spastic paraparesis or tetraparesis.
- Progressive muscular atrophy (25%) - affecting anterior horn cells predominantly producing wasting, fasciculations and weakness (best prognosis)
- Progressive bulbar palsy (25%) - affecting lower cranial nerves and suprabulbar muscles producing speech and swallow problems (Worst prognosis)
What investigations should be done if MND is suspected?
- Clinical diagnosis
- EMG: fasciculations
- MRI (Brain and Spine): excludes main differentials of cervical cord compression and myelopathy and brain stem lesions
How is MND managed?
- Supportive e.g. PEG feeding and NIV
- MDT approach
- Riluzole (glutamate antagonist): slows disease progression by an average of 3 months but does not improve function or quality of life and is costly
Name some causes of generalised wasting of the hand muscles
Anterior Horn Cell:
- Syringomelia
- Cervical cord compression
- Polio
Brachial Plexus:
- Cervical rib
- Pancoast tumour
- Trauma
Peripheral Nerve:
- Combined median and ulnar nerve lesions
- Peripheral neuropathy
- Disuse atrophy e.g. rheumatoid arthritis
Name some causes of fasciculations
- Syringomelia
What are the clinical signs of Parkinson’s Disease?
- Expressionless face with absence of spontaneous movements
- Coarse, pill-rolling, 3-5Hz tremor. Characteristically asymmetrical
- Bradykinesia
- Cogwheel rigidity
- Shuffling gait
- Speech is slow, faint and monotonous
- Postural hypotension if MSA
- Abnormal vertical eye movements if PSP
- Dementia - if Lewy Body dementia
- Medication history
Name some causes of Parkinsonism
- Idiopathic Parkinson’s Disease
- Parkinson’s Plus Syndromes: MSA (Shy Drager), PSP (Steele-Richardson-Olszewski), Corticobasal degeneration (unilateral Parkinson’s signs)
- Drug-induced - particularly phenothiazines
- Anoxic brain damage
- Post-encephalitis
- MPTP toxicity
- Wilson’s Disease
- Dementia puglistica
What causes Parkinson’s Disease?
Degeneration of the dopaminergic neurones between the substantia nigra and the basal ganglia
What treatments are used in Parkinson’s Disease?
- L-Dopa with a peripheral dopa-decarboxylase inhibitor
- Dopamine agonists e.g. Pergolide, Bromocriptine, Ropinirole, Cabergoline, Apomorphine
- MAO-B Inhibitors e.g. Selegiline
- Anti-Cholinergics - e.g. procyclidine, benzotropine, trihexylphenidyl
- COMT inhibitors - e.g. Entacapone
- Amantadine
Name some causes of Tremor
Resting Tremor:
- Parkinson’s Disease
Postural Tremor:
- Benign Essential Tremor
- Anxiety
- Alcohol
- Metabolic: CO2 and hepatic encephalopathy
- Thyroxtoxicosis
Intention Tremor:
- Cerebellar disease
Name some clinical signs of Hereditary Sensory Motor Neuropathy
- Wasting of the distal lower limb muscles with preservation of thigh muscle bulk (inverted champagne bottle)
- Pes cavus (seen also in Friedreich’s ataxia)
- Weakness of the ankle dorsi-flexion and toe extension
- Variable degree of stocking distribution sensory loss (usually mild)
- Gait is high stepping (due to foot drop) and stamping (absent proprioception)
- Wasting of hand muscles
- Palpable lateral popliteal nerve.
What are the commonest types of HSMN?
Type I (demyelinating) - Charcot Marie Tooth/Peroneal muscular atrophy
Type II (axonal)
Both have autosomal dominant inheritance
Name some causes of sensory neuropathy
- Diabetes
- Alcohol
- Drugs e.g. Isoniazid and Vincristine
- Vitamin Deficiencies e.g. B12 and B1
Name some causes of motor neuropathy
- GBS and Botulism if acute
- Lead toxicity
- Porphyria
Name some causes of Mononeuritis Multiplex
- Diabetes
- Connective tissue disease e.g. SLE and RA
- Vasculitis e.g. polyarteritis nodosa and Churg-Strauss
- Infection e.g. HIV
- Malignancy
Name some clinical signs of Friedreich’s ataxia
- Young adult, wheelchair (or ataxic gait)
- Pes cavus
- Bilateral cerebellar ataxia (ataxic hand shake and other arm signs, dysarthria, nystagmus)
- Leg wasting with absent reflexes and bilateral upgoing plantars
- Posterior column signs (loss of vibration and joint position sense)
- Kyphoscoliosis
- Optic atrophy (30%)
- High-arched palate
- Sensorineural deafness (10%)
- Listen for murmur of HOCM
- Ask to dip urine (10% develop diabetes)
Name some causes of extensor plantars with absent knee jerks
- Friedreich’s Ataxia
- Subacute combined degeneration of the cord
- Taboparesis
- Conus medullaris lesions
- Combined upper and lower pathology e.g. cervical spondylosis and peripheral neuropathy
What are the causes of Facial Nerve Palsy?
Pons (+VI palsy and long tract signs):
- MS and Stroke
Cerebello-pontine angle (+ V, VI, VII and cerebellar signs):
- Tumour e.g. acoustic neuroma
Auditory/Facial Canal (+VIII):
- Cholesteatoma and abscess
Neck and Face (+ scars or parotid mass):
- Tumour and trauma
Other causes:
- HZV (Ramsay-Hunt Syndrome)
- Mononeuropathy due to diabetes, sarcoidosis or Lyme’s Disease
- Tumour/Trauma
- MS/Stroke
Name some causes of bilateral facial palsy
- Sarcoidosis
- Lyme Disease
- Myasthenia Gravis
- Bilateral Bell’s Palsy
Name some clinical signs of Myasthenia Gravis
- Bilateral ptosis
- Complicated bilateral extra-ocular muscle palsies
- Myasthenic snarl
- Nasal speech, palatal weakness and poor swallow (bulbar involvement)
- Proximal muscle weakness in the upper limbs and fatiguability
- Normal reflexes
- Sternotomy scars (thymectomy)
- State you would assess Resp muscle function (FVC)
What diagnostic tests should be done if suspecting Myasthenia Gravis?
- Anti-AChR antibodies (+ve in 90%)
- Anti-MuSK (muscle specific kinase) antibodies often +ve if Anti-AChR negative
- EMG: decremented response to a titanic train of impulses
- Edrophonium (Tensilon) test: an acetylcholine esterase inhibitor increases the concentration of ACh at teh motor end plate and hence improves the muscle weakness. Can cause heart block and even asystole.
- CT or MRI of the mediastinum - thymoma in 10%
- TFTs (Grave’s present in 5%)
What are the treatment options for Myasthenia Gravis?
- IVIG or PLEX (if severe)
- Acetylcholine esterase inhibitor e.g. pyridostigmine
- Immunosuppression: steroids and azathioprine
- Thymectomy is beneficial even if the patient does not have a thymoma (usually young females)
What are the causes of Bilateral extra-ocular palsies?
- Myasthenia gravis
- Graves’ disease
- Mitochondrial cytopathies e.g. Kearns Sayre syndrome
- Miller-Fisher variant of GBS
- Cavernous sinus pathology
What are the causes of bilateral ptosis?
- Congenital
- Senile
- Myasthenia Gravis
- Myotonic dystrophy
- Mitochondrial cytopathies e.g. Kearns Sayre syndrome
- Bilateral Horner’s Syndrome
What are the clinical signs of Tuberous Sclerosis?
- Facial adenoma sebaceum
- Periungal fibromas
- Shagreen patch: roughened, leathery skin over the lumbar region
- Ash leaf macules: depigmented macules on trunk (fluoresce with UV/Wood’s light)
- Cystic lung disease
- Renal enlargement caused by Polycystic kidneys and/or renal angiomyolipomas
- Transplanted kidney
- Dialysis fistulae
- Retinal phakomas (dense white patches) in 50%
- Mental retardation may occur
- Seizures
- Signs of anti-epileptic treatment e.g. phenytoin: gum hypertrophy and hirsutism
What is tuberous sclerosis?
An autosomal dominant (TSC1 on chromosome 9, TSC2 on chromosome 16) with variable penetrance. The genes for tuberous sclerosis and ADPKD are contiguous on chromosome 16, hence some mutations lead to both conditions. Renal failure may result from cystic disease, or parenchymal destruction by massive angiomyolipomas.
What investigations would you do if you were suspecting Tuberous Sclerosis?
- Skull films: ‘railroad track’ calcification
- CT/MRI Head: tuberous masses in cerebral cortex (often calcify)
- Echo and AUSS: hamartomas and renal cysts
Name some clinical signs of Neurofibromatosis
- Cutaneous neurofibromas: two or more
- Cafe au lait patches: six or more, >15mm diameter in adults
- Axillary freckling
- Lisch nodules: melanocytic hamartomas of the iris
- BP: HTN (associated with renal artery stenosis and phaeochromocytoma)
- Examine the chest: fine crackles (honeycomb lung fibrosis)
- Neuropathy with enlarged palpable nerves
- Visual acuity: optic glioma/compression
What are the different types of Neurofibromatosis?
- Type I (chromosome 17) is the clinical peripheral form
- Type II (chromosome 22) is central and presents with bilateral acoustic neuromas and sensi-neural deafness rather than skin lesions
- Inheritance is autosomal dominant
What conditions are associated with Neurofibromatosis?
- Phaeochromocytomas (2%)
- Renal artery stenosis (2%)
What are the complications of Neurofibromatosis?
- Epilepsy
- Sarcomatous change (5%)
- Scoliosis (5%)
- Mental retardation (10%)
What are the causes of enlarged nerves and peripheral neuropathy?
- Neurofibromatosis
- Leprosy
- Amyloidosis
- Acromegaly
- Refsum’s Disease
What are the clinical signs of Horner’s Syndrome?
- Ptosis (levator palpebrae is partially supplied by sympathetic fibres)
- Enophthalmos (sunken eye)
- Anhydrosis (sympathetic fibres control sweating)
- Small pupils (miosis)
May also ave flushed/warm skin ipsilaterally to the Horner’s pupil due to loss of vasomotor sympathetic tone to the face.
Should also look at the ipsilateral side of the neck for scars (trauma, e.g. central lines, carotid endarterectomy surgery or aneurysms) and tumours (Pancoast)
What would you find with a Holmes-Adie pupil?
Moderately dilated pupil that has a poor response to light and a sluggish response to accommodation.
Could also look for diminished ankle or knee jerks.
A benign condition more common in females. Reassure patients that nothing is wrong.
What is an Argyll Robertson pupil?
A small irregular pupil that accommodates but doesn’t react to light. There is also an atrophied and depigmented iris.
Should also offer to look for sensory ataxia (tabes dorsalis).
Usually a manifestation of quaternary syphilis, but it may also be caused by diabetes. Test for quaternary syphilis using TPHA or FTA, which remain positive for the duration of the illness. Treat with penicillin
What happens in a 3rd nerve palsy?
Ptosis (usually complete), dilated pupil and eye points down and out due to unopposed action of the lateral rectus (VI) and superior oblique (IV).
Extra - test for trochlear nerve - on looking nasally the eye will intort (rotate towards the nose) indicating that the trochlear nerve is working.
Name some of the causes of a third nerve palsy.
Medical causes (pupil is normal):
- Mononeuritis multiplex e.g. DM
- Midbrain infarction: Weber’s
- Midbrain demyelination (MS)
- Migraine
Surgical Causes (pupil is dilated):
- Communicating artery aneurysm (posterior)
- Cavernous sinus pathology: thrombosis, tumour or fistula (IV, V and VI may also be affected)
- Cerebral uncus herniation
What clinical findings would you see in Optic Atrophy?
- Pale optic disc
- RAPD - dilatation of the pupil on moving the light from the normal eye (consensual reflex) to the abnormal eye (direct reflex)
How could you look for the cause of optic atrophy on examination?
Examining the Fundus:
- Glaucoma (cupping of the disc)
- Retinitis pigmentosa
- Central retinal artery occlusion
- Frontal brain tumour: Foster Kennedy Syndrome (papilloedema in one eye due to raised ICP and optic atrophy in the other due to direct compression by the tumour)
Cerebellar signs:
- MS (INO)
- Friedreich’s Ataxia (scoliosis and pes cavus)
Large Bossed Skull:
- Paget’s Disease (hearing aid)
Argyll-Robertson Pupil:
- Tertiary syphilis
What are the causes of a pale optic disc?
- Pressure (commonest cause): tumour, glaucoma and Paget’s
- Ataxia: Friedreich’s ataxia
- LEber’s optic atrophy
- Dietary: Low B12, Degenerative: retinitis pigmentosa
- Ischaemia: central retinal artery occlusion
- Syphilis and other infections e.g. CMV and toxoplasmosis
- Cyanide and other toxins e.g. alcohol, lead and tobacco
- Sclerosis: MS
What are the clinical signs of Age-related Macular Degeneration?
Macular Changes:
- Drusen (extracellular material)
- Geographic atrophy
- Fibrosis
- Neovascularisation (wet)