Neurology Flashcards
OME Neurology QuickTables
occlusive stroke path
Thrombotic = plaque –> rupture
Embolic = Stroke from somewhere else (Afib, carotids, fat, air)
occlusive stroke pt
focal neurological deficit, acute
HTN, DM, obese, smoker, vascular dz (thrombotic)
Young female w neck pain (dissection)
afib w valvular dz (embolic)
Think FAST (facial droop, arm drift, slurred speech, time/transport)
occlusive stroke dx
1st: CT scan (r/o bleed)
2nd: MRI (tPA before MRI if acute)
occlusive stroke tx 1
- <3hr if diabetic
- <4.5hr if not diabetic
-NEVER brain bleed before
-no recent GI bleed
-no surgery within 21d
-no trauma
occlusive stroke tx 2
2ndary prevention
- aspirin first line
- aspirin + dipyridamole if fails aspirin
- clopidogrel if aspirin not tolerated
- warfarin INR 2-3 if CHADS2 > 2 & afib
occlusive stroke risk
statins, LDL <70, high-potency
insulin, Hgb1C <7
ACE-I, BP < 135/<85
occlusive stroke f/u
Echo (TTE –> TEE), if clot, heparin –> warfarin
U/S carotid; >70% stenosis or symptomatic, carotid endarterectomy (must wait weeks)
hemorrhagic stroke path
HTN, intraparenchymal, subarachnoid
hemorrhagic stroke pt
focal neurological deficit, worst headache of their life
hemorrhagic stroke dx
non-con CT scan for blood
hemorrhagic stroke tx
neurosurgery; MAP < 110
BP goals in stroke (24 hours)
- stroke, tPA
- stroke, no tPA
- hemorrhagic
- < 180 / <110
- < 220 / <120
- MAP < 110
Dizziness ddx
Posterior fossa tumor; benign paroxysmal positional vertigo; labyrinthitis/vestibular neuritis; meniere’s
posterior fossa tumor path
tumor & demyelinating diseases
posterior fossa tumor pt
Dizziness + NO ear symptoms, YES focal neuro deficit
posterior fossa tumor dx
posterior fossa tumor tx
control blood flow; resect tumor
benign paroxysmal positional vertigo pt
recurrent & reproducible vertigo <1 min with head movement
benign paroxysmal positional vertigo path
otolith in semicircular canal
benign paroxysmal positional vertigo dx
dix-hallpike = rotary nystagmus
benign paroxysmal positional vertigo tx
Epley maneuver (otolith positioning)
Labyrinthitis/vestibular neuritis path
post-viral syndrome, usually URI
Labyrinthitis/vestibular neuritis pt
weeks after URI presenting w vertigo, n/v, tinnitus.hearing loss (loss specifically labyrinthitis)
Labyrinthitis/vestibular neuritis dx
clinical, dx of exclusion
Labyrinthitis/vestibular neuritis tx
Meniere’s path
Meniere’s tx
diuretic & low-salt diet
Meniere’s dx
Meniere’s pt
dizziness, tinnitus, hearing loss, episodic vertigo lasts >30m