Neurology Flashcards
What is an antalgic gait?
This is a painful gait, whey are trying to get off the painful leg and there is an abnormal shortened stance phase and swing phase is increased.
What is antalgic gait caused by?
Pain in the lower extremity
Hip or knee pathology
What is trendelenburg gait?
Abnormal gait that is found in people with weak abductor muscles of the hip which are supplied bu the superior gluteal nerves.
They are unable to abduct their hip
What are the stages of gait?
Stance (60%)
Swing (40%)
What are the causes of trendelenburg gait?
Avulsion of the abductor muscle tendon
L5 radiculopathy
What is a hemiplegic gait
Caused by a lesion in the CNS which results in unilateral weakness and spasticity
Patients with hemiplegia exhibit spastic flexion in the upper limb and extension of the lower leg
Due to extension of the lower limb, the leg is elongated meaning patients have to circumduct their leg to prevent their foot from dragging on the groud
What are the causes of hemiplegic gait?
Space occupying lesions
What other signs would you expect with a hemiplegic gait?
Increased tone with clasp knife spasticity Hyperreflexia Upgoing plantars Reduced power Sensory deficit
What is diplegic gait caused by?
Lesion in the CNS (stroke/complete transection of the spinal cord)
This is very similar to hemiplegic but is bilateral
Spasticity is worse in lower limbs compared to upper
This is the one where knees are flexed whilst ankles are extended and internally rotated
What are the causes of diplegic gait?
Cerebral palsy Spinal cord lesion Multiple sclerosis Bilateral brain infarcts Motor neurone disease Midline tumour
What are the causes of parkinsonian gait?
Vascular parkinsons disease
Dementia with lewy bodies
Certain meds- antipsychotics antiemetics
Parkinson plus syndromes- progressive supranuclear palsy
What is ataxic gait caused by?
Broadly cerebellar, decreased sensory impairment, vestibular
What are the clinical features of ataxic gait?
Clinical features associated with cerebellar ataxia:
Nystagmus Ataxic dysarthria Dysmetria Intention tremor Dysdiadokokinesia Clinical features associated with sensory ataxia:
Positive Romberg’s sign
Impaired proprioception
Impaired vibration sensation
Absence of other cerebellar signs (e.g. dysmetria, nystagmus, dysarthria)
Clinical features associated with vestibular ataxia:
What causes cerebellar ataxia?
Cerebellar stroke Multiple sclerosis Space occupying lesion Alcoholism B12 deficiency Drugs - lithium Genetic disease Paraneoplastic disease
What causes sensory ataxia?
Peripheral neuropathy- diabetes mellitus