Neurological examination of the horse Flashcards
Which 4 questions should always be considered in a neuro exam?
- Is this horse neurologically abnormal?
- Where is the lesion (or lesions)?
- What is it?
- What can I do about it?
What are the limitation of the neuro exam in large animals?
- Size
- Behaviour / Danger
- Recumbency
What can be assessed from a distance in the horses neuro exam?
- Mentation: awake, sleepy, depressed, comatose, etc
- Behaviour
- Posture: standing square, head tilt, head/body turn, wide base stance
What behaviours may be seen in a neuro deficit horse?
Owner can be helpful to identify abnormalities
- Aggression
- Compulsive walking / circling
- Loss of learnt behaviour
- Vocalisation
The polo mint is isn’t accurate but which cranial nerve can it be used to test?
- See if they can smell the hand with the polo in it
How can the optic nerve be assessed in horses?
- Sight: can use an obstacle course to assess
- Menace: want to see a horse blinking. Don’t touch vibrissae or eyelashes
- PLR: wont occur is the horse is blind
Eye position of the horse is used to assess which cranial nerves?
- Occulomotor
- Trochlear
- Abducens
How can the trigeminal nerve be assessed in horses?
- Motor to muscles of mastication
- Facial sensation
- Palpate the face gentle and look for a response
Lesions of the vestibulocochlear nerve in horses will show what abnormalities?
Abnormal nystagmus
Head tilt
Ventral strabismus
How should the neck , trunk, back and tail of the horse be assessed?
- Observation and palpation of neck and back: muscle atrophy, asymmetry, sweating
- Range of movements of neck and back
- Cervicofacial reflex
- Cutaneous trunci (panniculus) reflex
- Tail: voluntary movement, tone
What can be assessed on the rectal exam of the horse?
Assess lumbar, sacral or coccygeal vertebrae; bladder volume and tone
What can you look for to show gait abnormalities
What are some signs a horse might present with that show they are ataxic
- Poor coordination
- Swaying
- Limb moving excessively during swing phase (weaving, abduction, adduction, crossing of limbs, stepping on themselves)
How can ataxic deficits be exaggerated during a neuro exam?
By tight circles: pivoting, circumduction, serpentine, sudden stopping, backing, hills, raising the head
What are 3 signs of cerebellar disease in horses?
- Hypermetric ataxia
- Tremor
- Lack of menace response
What are 5 signs of vestibular disease in horses?
- Loss of balance
- Hypometric ataxia
- Wide based
- Head tilt
- Nystagmus
How can deficits be classified?
- Subtle: deficits just barely detected at normal gait, occur during backing, stopping, turning, swaying, neck extension
- Mild: detected at normal gait, exaggerated by above manoeuvres
- Moderate: prominent at normal gait, tend to buckle and fall with above techniques
- Severe: tripping and falling spontaneously at normal gait to complete paralysis
What are the two types of weakness presented in horses?
Extensor weakness: • Sinking / buckling • Weak when pulling tail Flexor weakness: • Toe drag / delay in picking up