Neurological Emergancies Flashcards
What are the signs and symptoms of meningitis?
- generalised headache, gradual onset
- vomiting, neck stiffness, fever, photophobia, altered consciousness
- Kernig’s sign - difficult to bend knee
- non-blanching rash
What the main risk factors for menginitis?
- extremes of age
- diabetes
- immunosuppression
- splenectomy
- alcoholism
- contagious infection
- defects in dura mater
- IV drug abuse
- ## malignancy
What are the most common causative organisms for bacterial meningitis?
- S.pneumoniae
- N. meningitides
- If pregnant or over 60 its more likely to be L. monocytogenes
- recently had surgery = S.aureus
What is the essential treatment if bacterial meningitis is suspected?
- start benzylpenicllins in case its meningococcus
What are the diagnostic tests for meningitis?
- CT indicated if impaired conciousness or focal neurological deficit
- LP to diagnose
- blood tests to look for DIC
What the CSF findings for bacterial meningitis?
- marked elevation of WBCs, mainly polymorphs
- usually elevated protein
- reduced glucose by 50%
What are the CSF findings for viral meningitis?
- WBC elevated, usually lymphocytes
- protein elevated
- normal glucose
What are the CSF findings for TB meningitis?
- elevated WBCs, mixed,
- usually very high protein
- reduced glucose
Malignant CSF findings
WBCs elevated
- often elevated protein
- reduced glucose
How does TB meningitis present?
- insidious onset, however acute presentation can occur if it is complicated by hydrocephalus or vasculitis
- often presents with mild heachace, lesions of CN 6, 3 and 4
- papilloemea, and optic nerve damage
How is TB meningitis treated?
- rifampicin
- isoniazid
- pyrazinamide
- ethambutol
+ steroid over two months
How is viral meningitis treated?
- antipyretics and support until full recovery occurs
What is the treated of the following causes of bacterial meningitis?
- unknown
- meningococcus
- pneumococcus
- s.aureas
- unknown = cefotaximine
- meningococcus = cefotaximine/benzylpenicillin, if allergic chloramphenicol can be used, also give dexamethasone
- pneumococcus = cefotaximine
- s.aureas = rifampicin
What is encephalitis?
What are the symptoms?
- inflammation of the brain parenchyma
- symptoms include headache, fever, focal neurological deficit (dysphagia, weakness), seizures, and encephalopathy
What is the typical cause of encephalitis?
- typically viral in cause, usually HSV and other human herpesvirus
, but can also be due to bacteria such as listeria. Additionally autoimmune is increasing in prevelance