Neurological disorders Flashcards
What effect would damage to thE UPPER motor neurons or to the cortical spinal tracts have on the body?
Interferes with voluntary movements causing weakness or paralysis on the OPPOSITE/contralateral side of the body
What effect would damage to the LOWER motor neurons or to the cortical spinal tracts have on the body?
o Causes weakness or paralysis on the same side of the body, at and below the level of spinal cord damage
o Muscles flaccid, reflexes absent in affected area
o If the distal cord is intact some reflexes in that area may be present and hyperactive
o Lower motor neurons are also located in the nuclei of cranial nerves in brain stem and similarly, Flaccid paralysis: (ipsilateral) same side weakness results from damage to any cranial nerve that contain motor fibers
What is cushing’s triad?
Cushing’s triad: irregular respirations (caused by impaired brain stem function), bradycardia, hypertension (widening pulse pressure)
Through what area does the CSF circulate around the brain and spinal cord?
In the subarachnoid space
Where is the following is the usual location of language centers?
Left hemisphere (L hemisphere is responsible for logical thinking ability, analytical skills, other intellectual abilities, communication skills)
What is the major function of the limbic system:
Determines emotional response (limbic system consists of many nuclei and connecting fibers & is responsible for emotional reactions or feelings)