Neurological Assessment Flashcards
What is important about completing a neuro assessment?
Comparing both sides of the body.
What do you need to do throughout a neuro assessment?
Make sure the patient is comfortable, ensure the patient, and use appropriate language.
What are the 3 upper body neuro assessments?
Index finger to nose test, Pronate and supinate hands on knees, and fingers to thumb.
What are the steps of preforming the index finger to nose test?
- Explain all 3 upper body tests. 2. Ask patient for consent and if they would wish to sit or stand. 3. Show the patient what to do (bring index finger to nose from side and then back x 3) 4. Instruct to do with eyes closed. 5. Repeat on the other side. 6. Report findings against expected findings to lecturer.
What are the steps of preforming the pronate and supination of hands test?
- ask patient to sit down for this test. 2. Show patient what to do with your hands and ask them to copy keeping up with your speed. 3. Change the speed and see if they can keep up. 4. Report findings against expected findings to lecturer.
What does pronate mean?
Turn or hold (a hand, foot, or limb) so that the palm or sole is facing downwards or inwards.
What does supinate mean?
Turn or hold (a hand, foot, or limb) so that the palm or sole is facing upwards or outwards
What are the steps for completing the fingers to thumb test?
- Have patient sitting or standing. 2. demonstrate assessment touching each finger to thumb ON ONE HAND. 3. Get them to do this on one hand. 4. Get them to repeat using the other. 5. Report findings against expected findings to lecturer.
What are the 3 lower body neuro assessments?
Heel down shin, heel to toe walk, romberg test, and one foot balance.
What are the steps for the heel to shin test?
- Explain procedures for all 4 tests. 2. Gain consent and ask client to either sit or lay down. 3. While sitting show them what to do (running the heel of one leg down the shin of the other leg from top to bottom. 4. Ask them to do this on each leg. 5. Report findings against expected findings to lecturer.
What are the steps for the heel to toe walk test?
- Get patient to stand. 2. explain to the patient that you want them to walk a certain distance step by step heel to toe. 3. If confused demonstrate. 4. Ensure patient does this with eyes open. 5. Report findings against expected findings to lecturer.
What are the steps for romberg test?
- Get the patient to stand up with their feet together, arms extended at side or front. 2. Get the patient to close their eyes. 3. Count for 10 seconds then get the patient to open their eyes and return to normal. 4. Report findings against expected findings to lecturer.
What are the steps for the one foot balance test?
- Ask the patient to stand as normal and lift one leg with eyes open. 2. Demonstrate then observe.
What is a positive romberg test?
Swaying when eyes are closed
What is a negative romberg test?
Minimal or absent swaying
What are the 2 upper body reflex tests?
Biceps reflex and triceps reflex
How do you preform the biceps reflex test?
- Explain procedure and ask for consent. 2. Get the patient to sit comfortably and ensure distraction maybe get someone to talk to them. 3. Get patient to flex bicep and locate tendon. 4. Place thumb over the tendon while supporting forearm 5. Ask patient to relax arm and either talk to person or count something. 6. Hit thumb with tendon hammer and feel for a tendon reaction. 7. Repeat on other arm. 8. Report findings against expected findings to lecturer.
How do you preform the triceps reflex test?
- Explain procedure and ask for consent. 2. Get the patient to sit comfortably and ensure distraction maybe get someone to talk to them. 3. Hold patients arm with your non dominant arm and get patient to flex tricep to locate tendon 4. Ask patient to relax arm and either talk to person or count something. 6. Hit the tendon with the tendon hammer and look for a reaction of the patients arm. 7. Repeat on other arm. 8. Report findings against expected findings to lecturer.
What are the 3 lower body reflex tests?
The quadriceps refelx, achilles reflex, and planter reflex.
How do you preform the quadriceps reflex test?
- Explain procedure and ask for consent. 2. Have patient sitting on side of bed ensure legs are dangling. 3. Get patient to flex leg and locate desired tendon. 4. Ask patient to talk to friend or to count something (aka provide distraction). 5. Hit tendon with tendon hammer and watch for reaction in leg. 6. Repeat on other leg. 7. Report findings against expected findings to lecturer.
How do you preform the achilles reflex test?
- Explain procedure and ask for consent. 2. Have patient lying down on bed with shoes and socks removed with legs crossed. 4. Ask patient to talk to friend or to count something (aka provide distraction). 5. Hold foot in dorsiflexion. 6. Hit achilles with tendon hammer and observe a reaction. 7. Repeat on other foot. 8. Report findings against expected findings to lecturer.
How do you preform the planter reflex test?
- Explain procedure and ask for consent. 2. Have patient lying down on bed with shoes and socks removed. 3. Ask patient to talk to friend or to count something (aka provide distraction). 4. With the end of the tendon hammer stroke the patients foot laterally curving at the ball of the foot aka making a J shape. 5. Repeat on other foot. 6. Report findings against expected findings to lecturer.
Define dorsiflexion.
Dorsiflexion occurs in your ankle when you draw your toes back toward your shins. You contract the shinbones and flex the ankle joint when you dorsiflex your foot.
What is your achilles?
The Achilles tendon is a strong fibrous cord that connects the muscles in the back of your calf to your heel bone.
What is involved in sensation testing?
Completing a stimuli test on forearms.
What are the steps of completing a sensation test?
- Explain procedure and gaining consent. 2. Showing the patient what each stimuli will feel like using their forearm. 3. Asking the patient to close their eyes and to say which stimuli they feel. 4. Alternate between hard and soft stimuli on forearms at least 6 times on each forearm before completing assessment. 5. Ensure you have done both arms and then compare sides. 6. Report findings against expected findings to lecturer.
What are the steps of completing a vibration test?
- Explain procedure and gain consent. 2. Show the patient what the vibration will feel like. 3. Press against each interphalangeal joint in intervals, ask the patient to tell you when the vibration stops on each one of these joints. 4. Compare both hands. 5. Report findings against expected findings to lecturer.
What instrument do you use for a vibration test?
A tuning fork
What sort of results would we expect from the upper body neuro testing?
That the patient can follow instructions, have equality on sides of body, keep up to speed with nurse aka rapid alternating movement especially when pronating and supinating.
What sort of results would we expect from the lower body neuro testing?
Patient can follow instructions, have equality on sides of body, and show a negative romberg test result.
When we are completing the reflex testing what is the scale for our results?
0 - No reflex 1+ - diminished/no reflex 2+ - average/normal 3+ - brisker than average 4+ - very brisk/hyperactive
During the plantar reflex what would be an expected result?
The toes would curl down
What is an unusual result of the plantar reflex test?
The toes curl upwards.
What is an important factor for completing a reflex test?
Ensuring the patient is comfortable and distracted
If you do not gain a reaction during a reflex test what may you say?
This could be due to a lack of distraction or of knowing what would happen aka preforming test on a fellow student.
What is involved in a neurological assessment?
Coordination tests (upper body and lower body), Reflex testing (upper body and lower body), Sensation testing, and vibration testing.