Neurologic Examination Flashcards
Any detectable change produced by neural activation of an effector
If restricted to one part of the examination, this is the most efficient method of physical diagnosis
site of deposition of the Kayser-Fleischer ring
Descemet membrane
Kayser-Fleischer ring can be found in what other conditions aside from Wilson hepatolenticular degeneration?
Aceruloplasmimemia, Primary biliary cirrhosis, Hardikar syndrome, hypercupremia
A unilateral corneal arcus is diagnostic of what condition?
Carotid Artery Stenosis
Intercanthal distance of normal eyes in the newborn
1.9 cm
Condition when the medial orbital walls and consequently the eyes are set too far apart?
Orbital Hypertelorism
Facial hemangiomas in Sturge-Weber Syndrome occurs in what distribution of the trigeminal nerve?
V1 distribution
Pathologic bruits become audible over the carotids after how many % stenosis?
Peripheral ocular motor nerves consists of
III, IV, VI and carotid sympathetic nerve
T/F: The mind projects afferent impulses to their usual site of origin in all sensory systems
The retinopretectal tract is for
pupilloconstriction to light
The retinohypothalamic tract is for
diurnal cycle of sleep and wakefulness
The retinogeniculate tract is for
Cones mediate
central field of vision, visual acuity, color vision
Rods mediate
peripheral field of vision, night vision and motion detection
Extent of the total field of peripheral vision
180 degrees wide
A central scotoma that blends with the blind spot is called
centrocecal scotoma (paracentral-near the point of central vision but detached from it)
Eye to eye distance during the confrontation testing
Characteristics of cortical blindness
1) complete blindness with no light perception and no response to a menacing gesture
2) loss of smooth pursuit
3) No optokinetic nystagmus
4) Normal pupillary reactions, fundoscopic examination and no nystagmus
5) Denial of blindness
T/F: Visible pulsations occur in nearly 90% of normal patients when both eyes are examined.
Swollen disc, normal vision
Swollen disc, blurred vision
Normal disc, blurred vision
Acute retrobulbar neuritis
Muscle with the strongest depressant action when the eye is adducted
Superior Oblique
Muscle with the strongest depressant action when the eye is abducted
Inferior Rectus
The only EOM that originates anteriorly?
Inferior oblique
Upward deviation of an eye only during occlusion of central vision?
A patient with right lateral rectus palsy would tend to keep the head turned to the ________.
T/F: When the patient complains of diplopia, the false image projects in the opposite direction as the direction of the eye deviation
Mediates the smooth pursuit system
Retino-geniculo-occipito-parieto-frontal-tegmental pathways
Alexander’s Law
Looking in the direction of the fast phase of a jerk nystagmus increases its amplitude
If the patient can move the jaw to the right but not to the left, the ___________ muscle is paralysed.
Right lateral pterygoid muscle
Which chewing muscle can you most readily palpate to check for atrophy?
Many axial muscles that ordinarily contract symmetrically have __________ UMN innervation.
The freest unilateral facial movement normally is
lip retraction
CN IX exclusively supplies this muscle?
In a normal patient, he/she should swallow a glass of tap water at a rate exceeding ___ ml/s.
10 ml/s
If the palate fails to elevate when the patient says Ah but does not elevate during the gag reflex, there is a lesion of the ____.