Neurologic Deficit Flashcards
Neurologic Deficit of Hemiparesis.
L)Sided Stroke R)Sided Stroke?
Weakness of the face,
arm and leg on the same
R) side of body
L) side of body
Hemiplegia Manifestation
L)Sided Stroke R)Sided Stroke?
Paralysis of the face, arm
& leg on the same side
R)side of body L)side of body
Ataxia Manifestation
L)Sided Stroke R)Sided Stroke?
Staggering unsteady gait
Unable to keep feet
together; needs a broad
base to stand.
May be present
May be present
Dysarthria Manifestation
L)Sided Stroke R)Sided Stroke?
Disturbance in the muscular control of speech Difficulty in forming words Does not affect the meaning of communication or the comprehension of language.
May be present
May be present
Dysphagia Manifestation
L)Sided Stroke R)Sided Stroke?
Difficulty in swallowing.
May be present
May be present
Paraesthesia Manifestation
L)Sided Stroke R)Sided Stroke?
Numbness & tingling of
R) side of body L) side of body
alterations Manifestation
L)Sided Stroke R)Sided Stroke?
Incorrect perception of self & illness. May deny their illness or their own body parts. Mistaken perception of self in space. Neglect all input from the affected side. Difficulty with special orientation, judging spaces Apraxia: inability to carry out learned sequential movements on command.
Can occur
More likely to cause
Expressive aphasia Manifestation
L)Sided Stroke R)Sided Stroke?
Difficulty in speaking & writing. Unable to form words that are understandable; may be able to speak in single word responses.
Receptive aphasia Manifestation
L)Sided Stroke R)Sided Stroke?
Unable to comprehend the
spoken word; can speak
but may not make sense.
Global aphasia Manifestation
L)Sided Stroke R)Sided Stroke?
Combination of both expressive & receptive aphasia All communication and receptive function is lost.
hemianopsia/hemianopia Manifestation
L)Sided Stroke R)Sided Stroke?
Unaware of persons or objects on side of visual loss. Neglect of one side of the body. Difficulty judging distances.
Right visual field deficit Impaired right/left discrimination.
Left visual field deficit Spatial-perceptual deficit (perceiving the relation of 2 or more objects in spatial areas Left side neglect – deny own body parts Neglect all input from L)side
Loss of peripheral
vision Manifestation
L)Sided Stroke R)Sided Stroke?
Difficulty seeing at night
Unaware of objects or the
borders of objects.
May be present
May be present
Diplopia Manifestation
L)Sided Stroke R)Sided Stroke?
Double vision.
May be present
May be present
Cognitive deficits Manifestation
L)Sided Stroke R)Sided Stroke?
Short & long term memory loss Decreased attention span Impaired ability to concentrate Poor abstract reasoning Altered judgement.
Altered intellectual ability Impaired comprehension related to language, maths Slow, cautious behaviour Difficulty making generalisations, which interferes with ability to learn.
Increased distractibility. Impulsive behaviour. Moves quickly.Poor judgement.Impaired time concepts Tends to deny or minimise problems Short attention span.Difficulty making generalisations, which interferes with ability to learn
Emotional deficits Manifestation
L)Sided Stroke R)Sided Stroke?
Loss of self control Emotional lability Decreased tolerance to stressful situations Depression Withdrawal Fear, hostility, anger Feelings of isolation.
Aware of deficits Depression Anxiety Emotional responses may be exaggerated or unpredictable.
Lack of awareness
of deficits
Incontinence Manifestation
L)Sided Stroke R)Sided Stroke?
Urine and bowel elimination problems can occur initially but usually temporary. May experience frequency, urgency & incontinence. Constipation is a frequent problem, associated with immobility, weak abdominal muscles, dehydration & diminished response to the defecation reflex. Incontinence also can be attributed to an inability to express needs and to manage clothing.
Can occur:
Can occur: usually