Neuroimaging Flashcards
What is the role of imaging in CNS infections?
Not diagnostic, but look for complications:
1) Abscess/empyema → drainage
2) ↑ICP/hydrocephalus → decompress + CANNOT LP
How does a subdural abscess appear on CT?
- limited by dural reflections
How does an epidural abscess appear on CT?
- contained by cranial sutures
What is the most likely source of a supratentorial empyema?
What is the most common source of an infratentorial empyema?
How does an empyema present on a CT?
Extra-axial, iso-to hyperdense to CSF
How does an empyema present on a MRI?
1) Restricted diffusion (DWI)
2) Marginal enhancement (T1+C)
3) Iso- to hyperintense to CSF (T2)
4) Hyperintense to CSF (FLAIR)
5) Enhance of adjacent brain parenchyma (cerebritis/abscess)
6) Leptomeningeal enhancement (meningitis)
What are 8 causes of intracranial ring-enhancing lesions on CT?
Infarct (subacute)
Demyelinating disease
Radiation necrosis
What is a “dual rim” sign?
Early cerebritis capsule
- Outer low-signal intensity rim
- Inner high-signal intensity rim
- VERY specific for abscess
How are pyogenic abscess differentials differentiated?
1) Pyogenic
- smooth enchancement
- restricted diffusion
- double rim sign
2) Glioblastoma
- thick nodular enhancement
- haemorrhage
3) Metastasis
- Thick walled, centrally necrotic mass
- multiple, marked edema
4) Demyelinating disease
- incomplete ring enhacement
How does ventriculitis/ependymitis appear on MRI?
Purulent material with dependent layering and restricted diffusion
How does herpes simplex encephalitis appear on MRI?
1) Abnormal signal in limbic system with DWI restriction
2) Temporal lobes, insula, subfrontal area, cingulate gyri
3) Bilateral but asymmetric
4) Gyriform enhancement 1 week after initial symptoms
What are 2 DDx of herpes simplex encephalitis?
1) Status epilepticus
- temporal lobe epilepsy hyperperfusion
- no haemorrhage
2) Limbic encephalitis
- 1° (often lung)
- bilateral
- no haemorrhage
How is a MRI with abnormal signal in limbic system with DWI restriction in Temporal lobes, insula, subfrontal area, cingulate gyri confirmed to be herpes simplex encephalitis?
CSF PCR → start IV acyclovir immediately if suspected
What are 3 CNS forms of TB infection?
1) Tuberculous meningitis (basal cisterns)
2) Tuberculoma (multiple round masses)
3) TB abscess (large, solitary)
How does tuberculous meningitis present on MRI?
Marked meningeal enhancement with basilar prominence
What are 3 complications of CNS tuberculomas?
1) Hydrocephalus
2) Acute infarcts (basal ganglia and internal capsule due to involvements of lenticulostriate arteries)
3) Cranial neuropathy (CN3, 4, 6)
How does a tuberculous abscess present on MRI?
Mutliloculated ring enhancement
How does a tuberculoma present on MRI?
Ring enhancement with necrotic core
How does toxoplasmosis appear on MRI?
1) Ring nodular enhancement
2) Basal ganglia, corticomedullary junction, thalamus, cerebellum
3) Target sign
- enhancing nodule within enhancing rim
What are the 4 pathological stages of cerebritis?
1) Early (1-2days)
2) Late (2-7 days)
3) Early capsule (5-14 days)
4) Late capsule (>2weeks)
What are the 4 pathologic stages of neurocysticercosis?
1) Vesicular
- quiescent, cyst + scolex
2) Colloidal vesicular
- dying larva, intense inflammation + edema
3) Granular nodular
- healing, cyst involutes
4) Nodular calified
- healed, fibrocalcified, nodule
- no edema
How does neurocysticercosis appear on MRI?
1) Cysts with “dot” inside (scolex)
2) Convexity subarachnoid spaces
3) Calcifications (late stage)
How does cryptococcosis appear on MRI?
1) Dilated perivascular spaces
- mucoid material deposition
- no enhancement
2) Cryptococcoma
- ring-like/solid enhancement
How does CMV encephalopathy appear on MRI?
1) 1/3 Migration disorders
a) Lissencephaly
b) Pachygyria
c) Polymicrogyria
2) Calcification
3) Anterior temporal cysts