Neurogenesis Flashcards
Define the two diff types of cell divisions
Symmetric divisions: generate two daughter cells that have equivalent fates (e.g. two stem cells or two cells that differentiate).
Asymmetric divisions: generate two daughter cells that have different fates (e.g. one stem cell and one cell that differentiates).
can generate every cell type of the animal, including extraembryonic tissues (placenta and yolk sac).
can generate all cell types of the adult animal but not those of the extraembryonic tissue
can generate a wide range of different cell types associated with a specific tissue (e.g. CNS)
Can only generate one cell type
Proliferative divisions
generates one or more daughter cells that remain in the cell cycle (i.e. are mitotically active)
Differentiative divisions
generates one or more daughter cells that exit the cell cycle and begin to differentiate (e.g. into neurons or glia)
Direct neurogenesis:
stem cell divides to produce at least one neuron.
Indirect neurogenesis
stem cell divides to produce at least one “intermediate progenitor”. This subsequently divides symmetrically to generate two neurons.
Anatomy of the developing cortex
- Ventricular zone: proliferative region
- Preplate: contains pioneer neurons that ultimately migrate to form marginal zone (MZ). Also splits to generate subplate.
- Subventricular zone: additional proliferative region. Splits and becomes sup plate and marginal
- Cortical plate: where newly born neurons migrate to. Becomes grey matter of cortex.
Fibre layer (or intermediate zone): contains axons. Becomes white matter of adult brain. Neurons migrate through this region to reach cortical plate.
Evidence that Reelin is expressed in CR cells
- 1995 Mikoshiba lab generated antibody against Reelin.
- Found to be highly expressed in Marginal Zone cells of developing cortex.
- Localises to Cajal–Retzius cells in this region.
Cajal–Retzius cells of MZ secrete Reelin during cortical development.
Evidence that ApoER2 and VLDLR are expressed on migrating cortical neurons
- E.g. Riboprobes against AP-RR36 (part of the ApoER2 sequence).
- Labels migrating cortical neurons but not proliferating cells.
receptors on developing neurons and reelin by caja r cells on margin
Evidence that loss of reelin affects cortical layering
- Neurons born first settle in deeper layers (layer 6, then 5 and so on)
- Neurons born later migrate past early born neurons to stablish superficial layers (e.g. layers 2,3)
- So the layers of the cortex are populated in an inside-out fashion
- This is inverted in reelin mutants
Evidence that loss of reelin signalling affects cortical layering
- In situ hybridization against:
- ER81: marker of early born neurons
- Cux2: marker of late born neurons.
- Reelin mutant has reversed organisation of neurons (early born neurons near basal surface, late born nearer apical surface).
- Early born neurons scatter in reelin mutant and very few sit at the upper superficial layer of cortex
Evidence that reelin regulates somal translocation without affecting glial guided locomotion
- Early born neurons do not use glial guided locomotion
- Instead they migrate via somal translocation alone
- E12.5 mice: early born neurons of Dab1 (downstream effector of reelin) mutants fail to undergo somal translocation.
- Dab function don’t translocate: 1 stay in intermediate zone above svz, 2 all processes that would touch the basal region of brain are absent