Neurodevelopmental Disorders Flashcards
Intellectual Disability (ID): Intelligence
Below average functioning score of 70 or less.
Intellectual Disability (ID): Functioning
Deficits in behavior such as social skills, work skills, health, safety and self-sufficiency
Intellectual Disability (ID): On set
Prior to 18 years of age.
Intellectual Disability (ID): Prevalence
About 1 to 3% of the population, or about 2.5 million people.
Intellectual Disability (ID): Degrees of severity
- Mild severity - 85% are at this level, six grade academic ability.
- Moderate severity - 10% are at this level, second-grade academic ability.
- Severe – 3-4% are at this level, minimal speech and can read few words, poor motor development, close supervision needed for any work.
- Profound severity – 1 to 2% at this level, IQ below 20 to 25 severe deficits in many areas, needs close supervision for living and how you structure.
- Unspecified severity – cannot be successfully tested due to a lack of cooperation or severity of impairment.
Intellectual Disability (ID): Rule outs for intellectual disability.
Adjustment disorders, bereavement, substance-abuse, PTSD and autism.
Intellectual Disability (ID): Global Developmental Delay
- For persons under the age of five when the clinical severity cannot be assessed during early childhood, and include children who are too young to participate in standardized testing.
- When individuals fail to meet expected developmental milestones in several areas of intellectual functioning.
- This category requires a reassessment after a period of time.
Intellectual Disability (ID): Communication disorders
- Marked impairment in the development of communication skills that interfere with interpersonal or academic functioning.
- difficulty in understanding spoken language.
- or difficulty in oral expression.
- there are (5) disorders in this category. The cause of these disorders is unknown.
Intellectual Disability (ID): Language disorder
- Trouble expressing thoughts verbally and severely limited vocab you Larry that is inappropriate to age.
- About 3% of all children will be diagnosed with expressive language disorder.
- Mixed receptive-Expressive includes problems understanding words or sentences
Intellectual Disability (ID): Speech & Sound disorders
- Persistent difficulty with speech sound production that interferes with speech intelligibility or prevents verbal communication of messages.
- This disturbance causes limitations ineffective communication that interfere with social participation academic inch human or occupational performance.
- Onset of symptoms in early developmental period.
- Difficulties not attributable to congenital or acquired conditions such as cerebral palsy, cleft palate, deafness or hearing loss, TBI, or other medical or neurological conditions.
Intellectual Disability (ID): (Stuttering) Childhood on-set fluency disorder.
•Disturbance in normal fluency and pattern of speech inappropriate to age and language skills, persistent over time, and characterized by frequent mart occurrences of one or more of the following:
1. Disturbance causes anxiety about speaking or limitations ineffective communication, social participation, academic occupational performance. 2. Onset of symptoms is in early developmental.
3. Can persist throughout the lifespan but recent research suggests that about 75% of preschoolers who begin to start it will eventually stop.
4. It is estimated that boys are 3 to 4 times more likely to suffer than girls are.
•Cause is unknown. Recent studies suggest that genetic factors play a role.
Intellectual Disability (ID): Social (pragmatic) Communication Disorder.
Persistent difficulties in the social use of verbal and non-verbal communication as manifested by all of the following:
Intellectual Disability (ID): Unspecified communications disorder.
- Unintelligible speech.
* DSM example:abnormality of vocal pitch loudness or tone.
Intellectual disability (ID): Formally known as a mental retardation-Diagnostic Criteria.
Usually diagnosed in infancy, early childhood or adolescence.