Neuroanatomy of Vision: Central Pathways Flashcards
Which cell layers of lateral geniculate nucleus receive visual input from cones? Are these Magnocellular or Parvocellular?
Layers 3-6, Parvocellular
Which cell layers of lateral geniculate nucleus process motion and contrast information? Are these Magnocellular or Parvocellular?
Layers 1-2, Magnocellular
Which layers of lateral geniculate nucleus receive fibers from the contralateral eye?
Which layers of lateral geniculate nucleus receive visual input from the ipsilateral eye?
Is the lamina cribrosa found on the nasal or temporal side of the retina?
Information from which part of the visual field is processed in the lower calcarine bank?
Upper part of the visual field (lower part of the retina)
Visual information from the macula is processed in which part of primary visual cortex?
The posterior pole
Right nasal hemianopsia would result from what type of lesion?
Lesion of the ipsilateral fibers of the right eye at the optic chiasm.
Left Homonymous hemianopsia would result from which type of lesion?
Lesion of the right optic tract
Bitemporal hemianopsia would result from which type of lesion?
Sagittal lesion of the optic chiasm
Blindness in the right eye would result from which type of lesion?
Lesion of the right optic nerve
Left Homonymous hemianopsia would result from which type of lesion?
lesion of the right optic tract
Left Upper quadrant hemianopsia would result from which type of lesion?
Lesion of Meyers loop
Homonymous hemianopsia with macular sparing would result from which type of lesion?
Lesion in striate cortex
Define a simple cell in vision processing and how this behavior is achieved:
A cell that responds to a static bar of light. This is achieved by multiple convergent inputs from LGN that represent co-linear parts of a visual field.
Define complex cells in vision processing and how this behavior is achieved:
Respond to bars of light that move orthogonal to the preferred orientation of the bar. Behavior is achieved by receiving convergent inputs from simple cells corresponding to colinear parts of the visual field.
What are ocular dominance columns? What is contained within each column?
Stripes of neurons in visual cortex that respond preferentially to input from one eye (or both eyes). Orientation microcolumns and color sensitive blobs.
What are orientation columns?
micro-columns within ocular dominance columns which represent 180 degrees of the visual field
What do cells in orientation micro-columns have in common? in what do they differ?
They all respond to similar orientations from the same point in the field of view. They differ in their receptive properties. Layer IV generally has simple receptive properties while the other layers have complex receptive properties.
Give a mechanism for how line and edge detection processing might work:
Similar orientation micro-columns in differing ocular dominance columns could wire together preferentially to combine each field of view and perceive lines and edges.
What are the two processing streams of vision and where are they located.
Ventral stream which processes color, form, stereopsis (binocular depth perception), located in the inferotemporal cortex.
Dorsal processing stream processes motion (lesser degree form and stereopsis). Located in the Middle temporal cortex and posterior parietal lobe.