Neuroanatomy - Cerebrum Flashcards
where is the cerebrum located?
within the bony cranium
which to cranial fosse is the cerebrum filling?
anterior and middle
what is located inferoposteriorly above the cerebrum?
tentorium cerebelli
what is the cerebral cortex associated with?
processing and cognition
what forms the bulk of the deeper parts of the brain?
white matter
what separates the cerebral hemispheres?
the falx cerebri
what are the four lobes of each cerebral hemisphere?
frontal, parietal, temporal and occipital
the grooves or depressions of the cerebrum are the?
the ridges or elevations of the cerebrum are the?
what fills the longitudinal fissure?
the falx cerebri
what is the white matter structure that connects the two cerebral hemispheres?
the corpus callosum
which sulcus separates the frontal and parietal lobes?
central sulcus
which sulcus separates the frontal and parietal lobes from the temporal lobes?
lateral sulcus
which sulcus is located int he occipital cortex?
lunate sulcus
what is the location of the primary motor cortex?
the pre central gyrus
the pre central gyrus lies directly ——– to central sulcus