Neuroanatomy Flashcards
What is typical entry point?
traverses gyri SMA (supplementary motor area)
What is the outer part of the brain called?
cortex, cortical surface of the brain
What do you want to avoid when entering the brain?
primary motor cortex, ventricles and sulci
What are sulci?
valleys, very vascular, not good to enter here
What are gyri?
mountains/hills, good place to enter because less risky
What is the coronal suture?
Where 2 plates come together, dip in skull, make burr hole here, keeps you close to SMA and away from primary motor cortex
What is AC?
anterior commisure, runs across, looks like handle bars
What are commisures?
good guides and reference points because everyone has them, similar from person to person, easy to get to functional targets, white matter fiber bundles, crossing from L to R hemisphere of the brain
What is PC?
posterior commisure
The distal contact is the most \_\_\_ in the brain? posterior anterior dorsal ventral
What is the pineal gland?
sits above the PC, good landmark
What areas are involved in typical trajectory?
cortex striatum (Caudate) or internal capsule thalamus Zona Inserta or Fields of Forel (grey matter) STN SNr
What part of the STN is typically best to stimulate?
motor, dorsal and lateral
What is a typical DBS lead trajectory?
pre-coronal entry point passes through the prefrontal cortex, subcortical white matter, the anterior limb of the internal capsule and the basal ganglia
What are the divisions of the STN? Why is this important?
We don’t just want to blow up the STN with energy, we generally want to be in the motor part of STN, the dorsal lateral portion, this is why we do MER