Neuroanatomy Flashcards
What is the breakdown of the nervous system?
CNS- Brain and spinal cord
PNS- somatic/ autonomic –> afferent/ efferent (both)
- efferent –> Sympathetic/ parasympathetic
What does the sympathetic NS account for?
What does the parasympathetic ns account for?
homeostasis, rest and digest
How is the CNS protected?
Encased in bone and covered by three meninges:
- Dura mater: tough outer - Arachnoid membrane: web-like - Pia mater: adheres to CNS surface
Blood clots form between these layers
What does cerebrospinal fluid do and where is it found?
It acts as a cushion and is found between arachnoid membrane and pia mater, and also in ventricles
What are the 5 major divisions of the brain?
- Telencephalon
- Diencephalon
- Mesencephalon
- Metencephalon
- Meylencephalon
What makes up the hindbrain?
What makes up the midbrain?
Tectum had interior and superior colliculi
What makes up the forebrain?
- Thalamus (relay station for sensory information) - Hypothalamus (involved in 'homeostatic' mechanisms to maintain normal state of body temp, hunger, heart rate etc.)
Telencephalon: Cerebral cortex
- Outermost part of forebrain, responsible for analysis sensory info and higher brain functions - Convolutions serve to increase surface area. - Longitudinal fissure- a groove that separates right and left hemispheres - Corpus callosum- largest hemisphere connecting tract
What are the names of the four lobes?
What areas does the frontal lobe have?
Prefrontal cortex and premotor cortex
What areas does the parietal lobe have?
Primary somatosensory cortex and somatosensory association cortex
What areas does the occipital lobe have?
Visual association cortex
Which division of the brain is the limbic system in? And what does the limbic system do?
Involved in regulation of motivated behaviours, including memory and emotion
Which division of the brain is the basal ganglia in? And what is the basal ganglia involved in?
Involved in the control of movement