Neuroanatomy Flashcards
Name the branches of the EXTERNAL CAROTID ARTERY
Superior thyroid artery Ascending pharyngeal artery Lingual artery Facial artery Occipital artery Posterior auricular artery Superficial temporal artery (Internal) Maxillary artery
Name the contents of the FORAMINA OF THE CRIBIFORM PLATE
Olfactory nerve bundles
Name the contents of the OPTIC CANAL
Optic nerve (CN II) Opthalmic artery
Name the contents of the SUPERIOR ORBITAL FISSURE
Occulomotor nerve (CN III) Trochlear nerve (CN IV) Lacrimal, frontal and nasocilliary branches of ophthalmic division of (CN V1) Abducent nerve (CN VI) Superior ophthalmic vein
Name the contents of the FORAMEN ROTUNDUM
Maxillary nerve (CN V2)
Name the contents of the FORAMEN OVALE
Mandibular nerve ( CN V3)
Accessory meningeal artery
Lesser petrosal nerve
Name the contents of the FORAMEN SPINOSUM
Middle meningeal artery & vein
Meningeal branch of mandibular nerve
Name the contents of the CAROTID CANAL
Internal carotid artery
Internal carotid nerve plexus
Name the contents of the INTERNAL ACOUSTIC MEATUS
Facial Nerve (CN VII) Vestibulocochlear Nerve (CN VIII) Labyrinthine artery
Name the contents of the JUGULAR FORAMEN
Inferior petrosal sinus Glossopharyngeal nerve (CN IX) Vagus nerve (CN X) Accessory nerve (CN XI) Sigmoid sinus Posterior meningeal artery
Name the contents of the HYPOGLOSSAL CANAL
Hypoglossal nerve (CN XII)
Name the contents of the FORAMEN MAGNUM
Medulla oblongata Meninges Vertebral arteries Meningeal branches of vertebral arteries Spinal roots of accessory nerves
The POSTERIOR CEREBRAL ARTERY divides into what 2 terminal branches
Parieto-Occiptal artery
Calcarine artery
What are VIRCHOW- ROBIN spaces?
Space between blood vessels and the arachnoid and pia layers of the brain and spinal cord
Which large anastamotic vein joins the superior sagittal sinus?
The Vein of TROLARD
Superior Anastomotic vein
Which large anastomotic vein joins the veins of the sylvian fissure with the transverse sinus?
The Vein of Labbe
Inferior Anastomotic vein
What is the largest branch of the intracavernous portion of the carotid artery
The meningohypophyseal trunk
What branch of the intracavernous carotid artery passes between CN VI and the ophthalmic division of the trigeminal nerve?
The inferolateral trunk
Region where the following bones are approximated: frontal, parietal, temporal and sphenoid (greater wing)
Estimated 2 finger-breadths above the zygomatic arch, thumbs breadth behind the frontal process of the zygomatic bone
Junction of lambdoid, occiptomastoid and parietomastoid sutures.
Usually lies within a few mm of the posterior-inferior edge of the junction of the transverse and sigmoid sinuses
the most forward projecting point of the forehead at the level of the supraorbital ridge
in the midline.
Junction of the lambdoid and sagittal sutures
the posterior margin of the foramen magnum in the midline.
FRANKFURT PLANE (aka Baseline)
line through inferior margin of the orbit, through the upper margin of external auditory meatus
line through inferior margin of orbit, through centre of the external auditory meatus
perpendicular to the baseline through the mastoid process
perpendicular to the baseline through the mandibular condyle
Taylor-Haughton approximation of Sylvian Fissure
line connecting the lateral canthus to a point 3/4 of the way posterior from nasion to inion
Taylor-Haughton approximation of Central Sulcus
line angling posterio-superiorly from the intersection of the sylvian fissure at the condylar line to the posterior ear line
What are the surface landmarks of the ANGULAR GYRUS
Above the pinna
Dominant hemisphere contains Wernickes area
What are the surface landmarks of the ANGULAR ARTERY
6cm above the EAM
Brodmann’s are 3, 1 & 2
Primary somatosensory cortex
Brodmann’s area 41 & 42
Primary auditory cortex
- Transverse gyri of Heschl
Brodmann’s area 4
Precentral gyrus = primary motor cortex = motor strip
Large concentration of giant pyramidal Betz cells
Brodmann’s area 6
Premotor cortex - supplementary motor area
Contralateral motor programming
Brodmann’s area 44 (Dominant Hemisphere)
Broca’s area (motor speech)