Neuroanatomy Flashcards
brain and spinal cord
everything but brain and spinal cord
afferent axons
sensory information; to the CNS
efferent axons
motor information; away from CNS
Gray matter (does what?)
integrate info
Gray matter: group of cell body in CNS
Gray matter: group of cell body in PNS
White matter (does what?)
convey info away from cell bodies
white matter: axons in CNS
tract, lemniscus, column, or peduncle
limbic cortex
involved with emotions and the processing of some types of memory
insular cortex
responsible for visceral, autonomic, and taste functions
lobes of cerebral hemispheres
frontal, parietal, occipital, temporal
frontal lobe job
emotional regulation, planning, reasoning, goal-oriented behavior, personality, and voluntary movement
parietal lobe job
sensation and spatial relationships
occipital lobe job
visual processing
temporal lobe job
hearing, memory, and learning
primary sensory areas of cortex
primary somatosensory (3-1-2), primary auditory (41), primary visual (17), primary vestibular (40)
primary somatosensory area
(3-1-2) discriminated shape, texture, or size of objects; lesion = loss of tactile localization and conscious proprioception
primary auditory area
(41) conscious discrimination of loudness and pitch of sounds; lesion = loss of localization of sounds
primary visual area
(17) distinguishes intensity of light, shape, size, and location of objects; lesion = homonymous hemianopia
primary vestibular area
(40) discriminated among head positions and head movements, contributes to perception of vertical; lesion = change in awareness of head position and movement and perception of vertical
Secondary sensory areas of cortex
secondary somatosensory (5,7), secondary visual (18-21), secondary auditory (22, 42)
Secondary somatosensory area
(5,7) sterogenosis and memory of the tactile and spatial environment; lesion = asterognosis
Secondary visual area
(18-21) analysis of motion and color, recognition of visual objects, understanding of visual-spatial relationships, control of visual fixation; lesion = visual agnosia or optic ataxia
Secondary auditory area
(22,42) classification of sounds; lesion = auditory agnosia
inability to identify objects by touch and manipulation
visual agnosia
inability to visually recognize objects
auditory agnosia
unable to differentiate and recognize sounds
Motor areas of cortex
primary motor (4), premotor area (6), supplementary motor (6), Broca’s area (44, part of 45), inferior frontal gyrus
primary motor area
(4) voluntary controlled movements; lesion = paresis, loss of fine motor control, spastic dysarthria
face muscles are weak
premotor area
(6) control of trunk and girdle muscles, anticipatory postural adjustments; lesion = apraxia
the knowledge of how to perform skilled movement is lost
can carry habitual tasks automatically but not when asked
cannot do any purposeful task
supplementary motor area
(6) initiation of movement, orientation of planning, bimanual and sequential movements; lesion = apraxia
Brocas area
(44, part of 45); motor programming of speech (left hemisphere); lesion = brocas aphasia
- Brocas/nonfluent/motor/expressive
Brocas aphasia
difficulty expressing oneself using language
inferior frontal gyrus
planning non-verbal communication (right hemisphere): lesion = difficulty producing nonverbal communication
Association areas of cortex
dorsolateral prefrontal, parietotemporal, ventral and medial dorsal prefrontal
dorsolateral prefrontal job
goal-oriented behavior, self awareness
parietotemporal job
sensory integration, problem solving, understanding language and special relationships
ventral and medial dorsal prefrontal job
emotion, motivation, personality
Wernickes area
- language comprehension is impaired
- Wernickes/ sensory/ receptive/ fluent
can’t acknowledge one half of body or environment