Neuroanatomy Flashcards
Fiber qualities of the PNS
Somato-motor fibers: Efferent → Striated muscle
Somato-sensible fibers: Afferent → General body sensations
Viscero-motor fibers: Movement of the smooth musculature
Viscero-sensible fibers: Body sensations from organs
Cell bodies in thoracic & lumbar spinal and segments
NT: 1st ACh, 2nd NA (Except sweat glands & adrenal medulla)
Increase in performance
Cell somata in nuclei of cranial nerves
NTs: 1st & 2nd ACh
Decrease in performance → Recovery
Cranial nerves
I. N. Olfactorius: Smell
II. N. Opticus: Visual activity
III. N. Occulomotorius: Eye movement
IV. N. Trochlearis: Eye movement
V. N. Trigeminus: Facial sensation & chewing (N. Opthalmicus, N. Maxillaris, N. Mandibularis)
VI. N. Abducens: Eye movement
VII. N. Facialis: Facial muscle movement & taste buds
VIII. N. Vestibulocochlearis: Hearing & balance
IX. N. Glossopharyngeus: Middle ear, parotis, pharyngeal & plate muscles
XI. N. Accessorius: M. Sternocleidomastoideus & trapezius
XII. N. Hypoglossus: Tongue muscle & movement
Spinal cord
Grey matte inside (neurons) & white matter outside (fibers)
Dorsal horn: Receives sensory input, contains afferent systems
Lateral horn: Efferent sympathetic neurons, autonomic
Ventral horn: Efferent motor neurons
Brain structure
Cortex cerebri (2 hemispheres, divided by Fissura longitudinalis)
Brain stem with midbrain, pons & medulla oblongata
Sucli of the Cortex
Sulcus centralis: Divides frontal & parietal lobe
Precentral gyrus: Motor cortex Postcentral gyrus: Sensory cortex
Sulcus parieto occipitalis
Sulcus lateralis: Separates the temporal lobe
Cells of the Cortex
Pyramidal → Efferent via glutamate, oriented towards surface of the brain
Granular → Inhibitory or excitatory interneurons, small & round
Large interneurons
Architecture of the Cortex
Stratum moleculare → Incoming fibers, interneurons
Stratum granulosum externum → Input of cortical afferences, many granular cells
Stratum pyramidale externum → Cortical association & commisural fibers, many pyramidal cells = output
Stratum granulosum internum → Input of non-cortical afferents - Thalamus
Stratum pyramidale internum - Extracortical projections, input
Stratum multiforme - Different cell types
Commisural fibers (in Cortex)
Intersecting connections between corresponding structures of right & left hemisphere
Corpus callosum: White, connections between cortical areas
Anteriore commissur: Temporal lobes to olfactory tracts
Posteriore commissur: Connection of visual areas
Modulation of incoming & outgoing signals to and from cortex
Lateral geniculate nucleus → Relay for visual pathway → Input from optical tract to visual cortex
Medial geniculate nucleus → Relay for auditory pathway → Input from inferior colluculus to auditory cortex
Non-neurons that do not produce electrical impulses
Fill space between neurons → Control ec space, influence neuron growth
Myelinating glia
Oligodendral & Schwann cells → Isolate axons
Ependymal cells
Line ventricles → Important in brain development
Microglia & Oligodendrocytes
Remove debris & remodel neuronal connections
Transport along the axon
Along microtubules via motorproteins
Retrograde: Synapse to soma → Dynein
Anterograd: Soma to synapse — Kinesin