What’s the anagram for the frontal lobe roles?
What does the IM stand for in IM CALM? Where does the execution and selection take place
Initiating Motor Function
Execution- Primary Motor Cortex
Selection- Pre-Motor Cortex
What does the C in IM CALM stand for? Where does it take place?
Cognitive executive function
Pre frontal cortex
What does the A in IM CALM stand for?
Attention (Pre-frontal cortex)
What does the L in IM CALM stand for?
Where is Brocas area found and what is it used for?
Frontal cortex and the motor part of speech production.
Where is the central sulcus found?
Between the frontal and parietal lobe
What lies between the parietal and occipital lobe?
Parieto-occiptal sulcus
What fissure lies between the temporal and frontal/parietal lobe?
Lateral fissure
What separates the right and left hemisphere?
Longitudinal fissure
What are the name of neurones seen in cortical column?
Small Pyramidal neuron, Granule (Stellae) neuron, Large pyramidal neurones
What is the function of the primary cortices?
Receiving, processing, execution
What is the function of secondary ( association) cortices
Integration and association
Where is the primary motor cortex located?
Pre central gyrus
What is the primary motor cortex responsible for?
Fine, descrete , precise voluntary movement