Neuro Flashcards
- Name the structure?
- What type of stimuli is the structure responsible for processing?
- Pulvinar part of thalamus
- Visual
- Name the structure?
- What artery supplies this structure?
- What is the specific embryonic origin of this structure?
- What substances are produced by this structure?
- What is the function of this structure?
- Pineal Gland/ body
- Posterior Cerebral artery
- Neural ectoderm; root of Diencephalon
- Melatonin and Serotonin
- Maintains circadian rhythms
Melatonin controls sleep wake function of body
Serotonin in synthesised by tryptophan, its a neurotransmitter that important in happiness and well being.
Also play in role in auditory hallucinations in temporal lobe of brain in schizophrenics.
- Name the structure?
- This structure is associated with which sensory pathway?
- Superior colliculi
- Visual sensory
Superior Colliculi aka Optic tectum.
Part of midbrain.
Superficial layers are sensory (eyes)
Deep layers are motor (eves)
- Name the structure?
- This structure is associated with which sensory pathway?
- What are the three subdivisions of this structure?
- Inferior Colliculus
- Auditory pathway
- Central Nucleus, dorsal cortex, external cortex
- Name the structure?
- What tracts are specific to the medial, middle and lateral aspect of this structure?
- Crus Cerebri
- Medial - frontopontine, middle - corticonuclear, corticospinal, lateral - temperopontine, occipitopontine, parietopontine
Frontal cortex is medial to brain so frontopontine is medial
Temporal lobe is lateral so temperopontine
- Name the structure?
- Where is the nucleus of this structure located?
- What is the specific structure targeted by this nerve?
- Trochlear nerve CN4
- Midbrain, level of Inferior Colliculus
- Superior Oblique Muscle, passing through superior orbital fissure
Trochlear Nerve:
Contains least # of axons
Has greatest intrcranial length
Only nerve on dorsal aspect of brainstem
Only cranial nerve innervating a muscle on contralateral side.
- Name the structure?
- The efferents conveyed by this structure are derived from which three nuclei?
- This structure connects which two structures in the CNS?
- Superior Cerebellar Peduncle
- Dentate, emboliform, globose
- Midbrain to cerebellum
- Name the structure?
- What fibers run through this structure?
- This structure connects which two structures in the CNS?
- Middle Cerebellar Peduncle
- Centripetal fibers from pontine nucleus
- Pons to cerebellum
- Name the structure?
- What fibers run through this structure?
- This structure connects which two structures in the CNS?
- Inferior Cerebellar Peduncle
- Dorsal Spinocerebellar, axons of inferior olivary nucleus
- Medulla to cerebellum
Sensory Decussation of Gracile and Cuneate Leminiscus
Superior to motor decussation
Motor Decussation
The two pyramids contain the motor fibers that pass from the brain to the medulla oblongata and spinal cord.
These are the corticobulbar and corticospinal fibers that make up the pyramidal tracts.
About 90% of these fibers leave the pyramids in successive bundles and decussate (cross over) in the anterior median fissure of the medulla oblongata as the pyramidal decussation or motor decussation.
Having crossed over at the middle line, they pass down in the posterior part of the lateral funiculus as the lateral corticospinal tract. The other 10% of the fibers stay uncrossed in the anterior corticospinal tract. The pyramidal decussation marks the border between the spinal cord and the medulla oblongata. [1]
- Name the structure?
Striae Medullares
Winding around the inferior peduncle in the lower part of the fourth ventricle, and crossing the area acustica and the medial eminence are a number of white strands, the medullary striae, which form a portion of the cochlear division of the vestibulocochlear nerve and disappear into the median sulcus.
Name the structure?
Hypoglossal Triangle
- Name the structure?
Vagal Triangle
- Name the structure?
- This structure acts as a relay between which two structures?
- This structure is associated with which sensory system?
- This structure is supplied by which artery?
- Medial geniculate body
- Inferior Colliculi and Auditory Cortex
- Auditory
- Striata arteries; from middle cerebral arteries
- Name the structure?
- This structure acts as a relay between which two structures?
- This structure is associated with which sensory system?
- This structure is supplied by which two arteries?
- This structure is drained by which vein?
- Lateral Geniculate Body
- Superior Colliculus and Visual Cortex
- Visual
- Anterior Choroidal, Posterior cerebral
- Terminal Vein
- Name the structure?
- What substance is principally synthesised in this structure?
- This structure is associated with what type of response?
- Locus Coeruleus
- Norepinephrine
- LC receives input from Medial PFC, Hypothalamus, Outputs to amygdala, hippocampus, cerebellum etc
- Name the structure?
- This structure is associated with what neural structures?
- A lesion on this structure would result in what type of abnormality on which structures, state if it would be ipsi /contralateral?
- Facial Colliculus
- Motor nucelus of facial nerve
- Ipsilateral facial paralysis, unopposed eye medial deviation
- Name the structure?
- This structure is associated with what tract of which nerve?
- Tuberculum Cinereum
- Spinal tract of trigeminal nerve
Tuberculum Cinereum
C uneate Tubercle
Gracile tubercule
- Name the structure?
- The sensation carried by this pathway is responsible for what type of sensory information?
- This structure receives sensory information from the level of what vertebrae, state whether superior or inferior to the level.
- What structures in field specified above does not carry sensory information to this structure?
- Cuneate Tubercle
- Propioception, fine touch, vibration
- Superior to T6
- Face and ear
Dorsal ascending tract;
Neurohighway of sorts, fast conduction, heavily myelinated nerves
- Name the structure?
- This pathway is responsible for what type of sensory information?
- This structure receives sensory information from the level of what vertebrae, state whether superior or inferior to the level.
- Gracile Tubercle
- Propioception, fine touch, vibration
- Inferior to T6
Dorsal ascending tract;
Neurohighway of sorts, fast conduction, heavily myelinated nerves
- Name the structure?
- The sensation carried by this pathway is responsible for what type of sensory information?
- This structure ascends form which aspect of the spinal cord?
- This structure receives sensory information from the level of what vertebrae, state whether superior or inferior to the level.
- Fasciculus Cuneatus
- propioception, fine touch, vibration
- Dorsal
- Superior to T6
Fasciculus is round grouping of nerve fibres
Leminiscus is flat grouping of nerve fibres
Tubercle may describe a round nodule, small eminence
- Name the structure?
- The sensation carried by this pathway is responsible for what type of sensory information?
- This structure ascends form which aspect of the spinal cord?
- This structure receives sensory information from the level of what vertebrae, state whether superior or inferior to the level.
- Fasciculus Gracalis
- propioception, fine touch, vibration
- Dorsal
- inferior T6
- Name the structure?
- This structure is supplied by which artery?
- Dentate Nucleus
- Superior Cerebellar Artery
- Name the structure?
Vestibular Area; floor of 4th ventricle
- Identify this structure.
- Identify the arteries bringing blood to this structure.
Identify the veins taking blood away from this structure. - How many nerves are attached to this structure?
- Spinal Cord
- Anterior spinal artery, posterior spinal arteries, deep cervical arteries, ascending cervical artery, posterior intercostal arteries, lumbar arteries, anterior/posterior radicular arteries
- Internal vertebral venous plexus, azygous vein, inferior vena cava
- 31 pairs of spinal nerve, 1 pair of spinal part of accessory nerve
- What is the embryonic origin of this structure?
- What is the average length of this structure and its canal respectively?
- Specify during which month of intrauterine life this structure occupies the entire length of its canal
- Neural Ectoderm (neural tube)
- Males 45-70cm, Females 42-60cm
- 3rd month
Humans have 31 left-right pairs of spinal nerves, each roughly corresponding to a segment of thevertebral column:
8 cervical spinal nerve pairs (C1-C7), 12 thoracic pairs (T1-T12), 5 lumbar pairs (L1-L5), 5 sacral pairs (S1-S5), and 1 coccygeal pair.
- Specify the locations and size of the enlargements related to this structure.
- Account for these enlargements.
- At what level do this structure end in adults and infants respectively?
- Cervical (C3-T2) 38mm, Lumbosacral (L2-S31 35mm
- Cervical - Brachial plexus (upper limbs) ,
Lumbosacral - lumbosacral plexus (lower limbs) - L1 adults, L3 infants
- What is the name of the tapering lower part of the spinal cord highlighted above?
- What is the name of the collection of nerves surrounding the structure identified above?
- Conus Medullaris (spinal nerves)
- Cauda Equine (spinal nerves)
- Identify the middle covering of the spinal cord highlighted.
- What is the embryonic origin of this structure?
- At what level does this structure terminate?
- Arachnoid Matter
- Neural Crest
- S2
- Identify the outermost covering of the spinal cord highlighted.
- What is the embryonic origin of this structure?
- What are the two layers of this structure and what specific structures do they envelope?
- At what level does this structure terminate?
- Dura Matter
- Paraxial Mesoderm
- Outer periosteal (endocranium), inner meningeal (spinal dura mater)
- S2
- Identify the innermost covering of the spinal cord highlighted.
- What is the embryonic origin of this structure?
- Pia Matter
- Neural Crest cells
- Identify this structure.
- What is the average length of this structure?
- This structure is an extension of what layer of meninges?
- Account for the position of the upper part of this structure?
- This structure penetrates meninges at what level?
- Where does this structure terminate?
- Filum Terminale
- 20cm
- Pia Matter
- 15cm between arachnoid and dura matter
- s2
- Dorsal surface 1st coccygeal vertebrae
- Identify this structure.
- How many pairs of these structures are present normally?
- What is the specific location of this structure reference spinal roots?
- Regarding the first of the identified structure, what is its posterior relationship?
- Regarding the first of the identified structure, what is its anterior relationship?
- Ligamentum Dentriculatum
- 21 pairs
- In between ventral and dorsal roots
- Accessory nerve, spinal part
- 2nd part of vertebral artery.
Made up of pia matter
Anchors SC to AM and DM
Provides stability against motion.
- Identify this structure A.
- Identify this structure B.
- Identify this structure C.
- Optic Nerve
- Optic Chiasm
- Optic Tract
- Identify this structure.
- What is the embryonic origin of this structure?
- What tracts are specific to the medial, middle and lateral aspect of this structure?
- Crus Cerebri
- Mesencephalon
- Medial-frontopontine, Middle- corticospinal/nuclear, parietopontine, Lateral- temperopontine, occipitopontine,
- Identify this structure.
Mamillary bodies, connected to hippocampus by fornix
Mamillary bodies are part of DIENCEPHALON
Part of limbic system
2 nuclei; medial and lateral mamillary.
- Identify this structure.
2.What is the embryonic origin of this structure? - By what means is this structure connected to the cerebellar, specify the structure and fibers running through it?
- Identify the cranial nerve nuclei in this structure.
- Pons
- Metencephalon from Rhombencephalon
- Middle cerebellar peduncle, cortico cerebellopontine fibers
- 5 Trigeminal, 6 Abducent, 7 Facial, 8 Vestibulocochlear
- Identify this structure.
- State what groove this structure traverses
- Basilar artery
- Sulcus Basilaris
- Identify this structure.
- What is the embryonic origin of this structure?
- What cranial nerves correspond to the posterolateral sulcus of this structure?
- Medulla
- Myelencephalon
- 9, 10, cranial part of 11
- Identify the structure demarcated by the line shown.
- What nerve structure of which nerve emerges from this demarcation?
- Anterolateral Sulcus
- Hypoglossal Rootlets
- Identify this structure.
Medullary Olive
olivocerebellar fibres
- Identify this structure.
- What tracts traverses this structure.
- Medullary Pyramid
- Corticospinal, corticobulbar tracts
- Name the structure identified as 1.
- Name the parts of the identified structure.
- Give its immediate superior relation.
- Give its immediate inferior relation.
- Name its lateral extensions and state where on the identified structure they are found.
- Corpus Callosum
- Rostrum, Genu, body, spleenium
- Indusium Griseum
- Central part of lateral ventricle
- Anterior - forceps minor, Middle - Tapetum, Posterior - forceps major
- In the structure identified as 1, what specific blood vessel is its superior surface related to?
- In the structure identified as 1, it is an example of what type of fibers?
- Anterior Cerebral Artery
- Commissure fibres (right to left)
- Name the structure identified as 2.
Connects hippocampus to mammillary body and thalamus
- Name the structure identified as 3.
- What structure, together with the identified structure accounts for the dorsal striate nucleus/neostriatum/striatum?
- What are the three divisions of the identified structure?
- Identify its afferent connections.
- Identify its efferent connections.
- Caudate Nucleus
- Putamen
- Head (caput), body (corpus), tail (cauda)
- Corticostriate, nigrostriate, thalmostriate
- Striatopallidal, striatonigral
- Name the structure identified as 4.
- Identify the three main nuclear groups of the identified structure.
- What is the main function of the identified structure?
- A stroke to this area results in what condition?
- List two afferent connections.
- List two efferent connections.
- Thalamus
- Anterior, Medial and Lateral
- Relay of motor/sensory afferents/efferents to/from cerebral cortex, regulates consciousness, sleep and alertness
- Thalamic Syndrome aka Dejerine-Roussy syndrome
- Corticothalamic, palladothalamic
- THalmocortical, thalamofrontal
- Name the structure identified as 5.
- Name the specific structure identified as 6.
- Identify the associated nucleus.
- What fibers can be found in this structure?
- Pons; ventral/ basilar part
- Pontine Nucleus
- Corticopontine, pontocerebellar, corticospinal, corticobulbar
- Name the structure identified as 7.
- What are the morphological lobes of the structure identified?
- Identify the nuclear groups of this structure from medial to lateral.
- Cerebellum
- The flocculonodular lobe, the anterior lobe (rostral to the “primary fissure”), and the posterior lobe (dorsal to the “primary fissure”)
- fastigii , globose, emboliform, dentate
Name the structure identified as 8.
- Name the structure identified as 8.
- Name the structure identified as 9.
Spinal cord