Neuro 1 - general structure and function Flashcards
Cells of nervous system
Neurones - dendrites to recieve info - polarised, excitable, terminally differentiated
Microglial cells - immune system to remove debris
Oligodendrocytes (CNS) and Schwann cells (PNS) - produce myelin
Astrocytes - specialized glial cells, form BBB, direct blood flow, transmit info, regulate ion concs
Ependymal cell - line fluid filled cavities, cilia for CSF
Spinal nerves
Pair at each vertebral level
Each nerve has separate dorsal and ventral root
Primary afferents have cell bodies in dorsal root ganglion
8 Cervical 12 Thoracic 5 Lumbar 5 Sacral 1 Coccygeal (31 pairs total)
Plexus vs ganglia
Where 2 or more nerves fuse and then divide to allow redistribution of axons
Clumps of neuronal cell bodies in specific regions
Afferent vs efferent neurones in PNS
SA - AFFERENT Sensory Enter spinal cord by dorsal roots Somatosensory or viscerosensory Pseudo-unipolar neurones ME - EFFERENT Motoneurones Leave spinal cord by ventral roots Somatomotor or visceromotor (controlling autonomic NS)
Somatic vs visceral PNS
Somatic - innervate skin, skeletal muscle, joints. Sensory or motor.
Visceral - for emotional reactions beyond voluntary control. Sensory or motor (motor inc sympathetic and parasympathetic).
Sympathetic NS
Short preganglionic, long post ganglionic fibres
More sustained action
Travel in sympathetic chain, thoracolumbar T1-L3
Parasympathetic NS
Long preganglionic, travel with cranial nerves and S2-4 pelvic splanchnic nerves
Short post ganglionic - paravertebral ganglia close to terminal organs - regional excitation
Energy conserving - discrete, short duration actions
Embryonic development of NS
Early in embryonic life, week 3
From ectodermal layer:
- neural groove develops in midline
- neural cells proliferate, form neural tube
- tube will become spinal cord, swells and flexes at cephalic end to form brain
> Neuroblasts become mantle layer around neuroepithelial zone, will become grey matter
Outermost layer, marginal layer, has nerve fibres, myelinated and become white matter
Closure of neural tube (and defects)
Anterior neuropore at day 25
- if no, should self-abort. Rarely born, anencephaly - no/unformed brain, will die within hours of life.
Posterior neuropore at day 27
- if no, spina bifida. Less severe, babies born.
To avoid neural tube defects, folic acid before and in early stages of pregnancy.
Cauda equina
Below L3, where nerves lie in filum terminale.
– allows space between end of spinal cord and spinal column, can do epidural anaesthetic, lumbar puncture
Because past month 3 of development, vertebral column and dura lengthen faster than neural tube, terminal end of spinal cord shifts higher.
Dural sac and subarachnoid space extend to S2.
Development of brain regions
Three primary brain vesicles:
Prosencephalon = forebrain (cerebrum, thalamus, hypothalamus)
Mesencephalon = midbrain
Rhombencephalon = hindbrain (pons, cerebellum, medulla)
Ventricular system formed around 5 weeks
DNA replication in developing brain
250,000 new cells / min between 5th week-5th month
- cells move up to pial surface
- then move down to ventricular surface
- DNA aligns
- vertical cleavage (ascend and descend again to proliferate) or horizontal cleavage (migrate to destination, can’t redivide)
Vertical or horizontal cleavage
Transcription factors control gene expression
-> migration to north and south poles
- daughter cells equal, continue proliferation
- daughter cells unequal, have different fates
- if no numb (only north pole), will become neurones. - migrate by attaching to top of scaffold of glial cells, then
- climb up
-> cortical development, layers of neurones climb up glial cells but inside out, as move through a layer they get info to help them mature - then synapses form, many (surplus), which lose in maturation
Early developmental stages prone to disruption
Cortex development especially sensitive to abnormal maturation
- sensitive to genetic mutations and environmental factors (alcohol, thyroid hormone, nicotine, lead, X ray)
Birth defects eg cerebral palsy, low IQ, ADHD, autism
Dura mater
Thickest, outer layer of meninges
SUPERFICIAL LAYER = endosteal = periosteum
- continuous with periosteum on outside of skull at foramina
- not continuous with dura of spinal cord
DEEP LAYER = meningeal layer = dura mater proper
- continuous with dura of spinal cord
2 layers always fused apart from at sinus eg superior sagittal sinus: falx cerebri and tentorium cerebelli are sheets going into brain
Arachnoid mater
Middle layer
Separated from dura by subdural space - film of fluid
Separated from pia by subarachnoid space - CSF, blood vessels and cranial nerves
Bridges over sulci, doesn’t hug brain
In some areas, projects through dura into venous sinuses - arachnoid villi - oneway valves, allows CSF to drain into sinuses and then veins - reabsorbed as greater hydrostatic pressure in sinus
Collections of arachnoid villi -> arachnoid granulations along sinuses
Pia mater
Thinnest, innermost layer
Closesly follows brain surface, extends into sulci
Cerebral arteries entering brain have pia mater covering
Clinical relevance of meninges - haemorrhage
- extradural haemorrhage by damage to meningeal arteries or veins (often middle meningeal A under temporal bone)
- subdural haemmorhage by damage to cerebral veins -> compression of hemisphere and lateral ventricle
- subarachnoid haemorrhage by leakage or rupture of cerebral artery circle
Clinical relevance of meninges - headache
Brain itself has no pain receptors
So stretching and irritation of the meninges or blood vessels -> headache
Clinical relevance of meninges - meningitis
Infection affecting CSF, meningeal irritation
-> inflammation, cerebral oedema, increased ICP, herniation, reduced blood supply
Clinical relevance of meninges - sudden movement of head
So brain hits dura/skull
Can damage cranial nerves and blood vessels
Cerebrospinal fluid production
150ml total, 25ml in ventricles
Produce 500ml/day
Ultrafiltrate of blood
Active secretion by choroid plexus
Cerebrospinal fluid function
Remove waste products
Transport signalling molecules
Renders brain buoyant (reduces effective weight from 1.4kg to 50g)
Supports, cushions, and evenly distributes pressure on brain
Lower concs of K⁺, Ca²⁺, protein, glucose, cholesterol
Choroid plexus
= network of capillaries separated from ventricles by choroid epithelial cells
Produce CSF, filters into ventricles
Choroid plexus in lateral ventricles continuous with CP in 3rd ventricle
Blood brain barrier
Brain vasculature is basis - endothelial cells with tight junctions
-> brain not usually accessible to rest of body
Move across by:
- paracellular aqueous
- transcellular lipophilic
- transport proteins
- receptor-mediated transcytosis
- adsorptive transcytosis
— may be possible to temporarily open tight junctions to make leaky to drugs, help treatment
Areas around 3rd and 4th ventricles lack BBB to feel fluid/electrocyte balance, hormones etc
Blockage in circulation, drainage, or excess production cause increase in ICP
- most likely at narrow passages, interventricular foramen and cerebral aqueduct
In newborn, causes ventricular and skull dilation
In adult, cranial cavity is closed, so headache, vomiting and nausea, increased bp, loss of consciousness, brain stem dysfunction
Treat with shunt to remove excess fluid, or if tumour, remove
= medulla oblongata, pons, midbrain
Sensory and motor inputs via cranial nerves to and from head, neck and face
- pineal body - region of diurnal rhythms, synthesise melatonin (only one)
(part of brainstem)
- cardiovascular and respiratory control
- nuclei relay information about taste, hearing, balance, control of neck and facial muscles
(part of brainstem)
- respiration, sleep, taste, bladder control, hearing, swallowing, taste, eye and facial movements, posture, facial sensation
(part of brainstem)
- components of auditory and visual systems - auditory and visual reflexes
- substantia nigra - part of basal ganglia with key role in Parkinson’s disease
Involved in maintaining posture
- coordinating head and eye movements
- fine-tuning movements
- motor learning
(part of diencephalon)
- for transfer of all sensory info except olfaction - nuclei receive sensory info and then relay to cortex
- gates and modulates sensory info
- integration of motor control
- influences attention and consciousness
(part of diencephalon)
- regulates homeostasis and behaviours necessary for sexual reproduction - growth, drinking, eating, maternal behaviour, circadian rhythm
Extensive connections to rest of CNS
Connected to pituitary gland for hormonal secretions
Cerebral cortex - ‘higher functions’, perception, motor planning, cognition, emotion, memory - cell arrangement areas according to function
Amygdala - social behaviour and emotion
Hippocampus - memory and learning
(in temporal lobe)
Basal ganglia - control of movements - inc putamen, globus pallidus, substantia nigra, subthalamus, caudate nucleus
White matter - carrying info to and from cortex, between structures
Intracranial pressure
CSF makes up 10% of skull contents, but is restricted by dura mater and skull -> increased pressure will eventually compromise respiratory and cardiac centres of brain
Cerebral perfusion pressure = mean BP - ICP
(adult ICP less than 20mmHg, 5-13 normal)
BP needs to be high enough, lower than 70mmHg -> hypoperfusion
Low cerebral perfusion pressure - eg after cardiac arrest
- ischaemic injury occurs at watershed zones - areas between anterior and middle cerebral arteries often
Causes of raised ICP
Space occupying lesion
Increased CSF / hydrocephalus
Symptoms of raised ICP
- headache (early morning often) - distortion of meninges and blood vessels
- papilloedema - compression of optic nerve
- vomiting - distortion of medulla
LATE (terminal if left)
- pupillary changes (blown pupil) - compression of occulomotor nerve
- occipital infarction - compression of posterior cerebral artery
- hemiparesis/plegia - compression of cerebral peduncle
- raised bp, decreased HR, pulmonary oedema - compression of medulla
- brainstem haemorrhage - alteration to brainstem arteries
Intracranial herniation
1- Cingulate gyrus/subfalcine
2 - Hippocampal uncal/transtentorial -> occulomotor nerve compression, dilated pupil. -> posterior cerebral artery compression, infarction
3 - Cerebellar tonsillar (coning)/foramen magnum -> brainstem compression, damage to vital resp and cardiac centres, fatal
Often due to hypertension
Causes of raised ICP - bleeding
Extradural - young, trauma
Subdural - elderly, low force (brain shrinks in so is unsupported, low force hurts)
Subarachnoid - eg berry aneurysm
Intracranial - hypertension
(all can occur in trauma)
Causes of raised ICP - space occupying lesions
- Secondary CNS tumours/mets - SLKBG
- Primary tumours - rare, as not dividing cells, protected as no direct contact with environment - more in children
- Gliomas = glial tumours
- > midline shift, subfalcine herniation, asymmetric lateral ventricals, no edge to tumour (complete resection rare)
- Meningiomas - better survival
- Bacterial meningitis
- Abscesses
Causes of raised ICP - Oedema
Cerebral oedema often after infarct/bleed/stroke
Causes of raised ICP - More CSF/Hydrocephalus
- Obstruction = non-communicating, blockage
- Communicating - no distinct point of obstruction
- may be due to thickening of arachnoid villi caused by previous meningitis
(‘hydrocephalus ex vacuo’ is not true hydrocephalus, loss of brain tissue in neurodegenerative disease)
Resting membrane potential
Neurones have negative inside membrane potential at rest Determined by: - ionic concentration gradients - ionic electrical gradients - selective membrane ionic permeability Intracellular - high K⁺ and organic ions Extracellular - high Na⁺ and Cl⁻
Electrochemical gradient established by sodium-potassium ATPase - lots of energy used, all neurones constantly using
Nernst equation
The equilibrium/nernst potential for ion across a membrane, no net ion movement
Eₓ = RT/zF x ln([extracellular] / [intracellular]
- only for if ions can move freely, need to take permeability into account (controlled by selective protein ion channels)
Calculating the resting membrane potential
Factors influencing movement:
- concentration gradient
- voltage gradient
- membrane permeability
If factor all these in, use Goldman equation:
Eᵣₑ = RT/F x ln (Pk[K⁺ extracellular] + Pk[Na⁺ extracellular] + Pk[Cl⁻ intracellular] / (Pk[K⁺ intracellular] + Pk[Na⁺ intracellular] + Pk[Cl⁻ extracellular]
(inside over outside for -ve ions)
Tells you about all ions and their permeability and effects on cell membrane potential
Ionic basis of action potentials
Synaptic input, EPSP -> 1 - Na⁺ channels open, enter cell 2- K⁺ channels open, leave cell 3 - Na⁺ channels close, K⁺ keeps leaving - at most depolarized 4 - K⁺ close - at most hyperpolarized
Pathological excitability changes
Hypokalaemia - hyperpolarized, further from AP threshold
Hyperkalaemia - depolarized, closer to AP threshold, hyperexcitable
(eg strenuous exercise)
Hyponatraemia - less Na⁺ out, (eg SIADH)
Cable properties of the axon
- membrane resistance
- extracellular and intracellular resistance
- membrane capacitance
+ myelination sometimes
-> fast, energy efficient, unidirectional propagation
Excitatory synapses
Usually cation channels - Na⁺ entry -> postsynaptic depolarisation
(so move towards AP threshold)
Usually anatomically distinct pre and post synaptic elements (boutons and spines)
Inhibitory synapses
Usually chloride channels - Cl⁻ entry -> hyperpolarisation
(so move away from AP threshold)
GABA and GLYCINE mainly
Inhibitory and excitatory work together, make oscillations via feedback inhibition -> synchronised, larger effects
Modulatory synapses
CATECHOLAMINES - dopamine, NA, adrenaline
MONOAMINES - ACh, 5-HT, histamine
Ionotropic vs metabotropic receptors
Ligand-gated ion channels
- eg NMDA type glutamate receptors
7-transmembrane domain G-protein coupled receptors
- eg group 1 metabotropic glutamate receptors
Features of neurones + synapses
Critical - at most synapses a single EPSP is not sufficient to drive post-synaptic cell above AP threshold
As APs are all or none, they cannot carry much info, need firing rates to carry code
Lateral inhibition
To sharpen sensory discrimination
- primary neurone response is proportional to signal strength
- pathway closest to stimulus inhibits competing neighbours
- inhibition of lateral neurones enhances perception of stimulus