Neural Tube Morphogenesis And Closure Flashcards
What are the four processes of neural tube development?
- Induction.
- Elongation.
- Bending.
- Closure.
What is gastrulation?
Primitive groove is formed when epiblast ingress (via EMT) through primitive pit to form an endoderm at day 14/15 and mesoderm at day 16.
What does gastrulation generate?
Trilaminar embryonic disk –> 3 layered embryo.
Formed in an anterior-posterior sequence.
What does the epiblast form into?
What happens to the primitive streak as the embryo grows?
It regresses.
Some cells migrate laterally to give rise to limb and mesoderm of GIT.
How is the mesoderm initially arranged?
- Cardiogenic area at cranial end (Mesoderm will then move caudally).
- Below the cardiogenic area lies the prechordal plate (future mouth).
- Centre (moving medial to lateral): Notochord, paraxial mesoderm, intermediate mesoderm & lateral plate mesoderm.
- Cloacal membrane (future anus).
Which direction does the primitive node travel when germ layers are laid down?
Caudal direction.
What causes sirenomelia (Mermaid syndrome)?
A gastrulation defect that causes bladder & kidney defects.
Risk factor is increased insulin levels.
What happens when the neural plate is induced within the epiblast?
- Primitive streak regresses.
- Primitive node and notochord induce neural plate, specified into 4 regions (forebrain, midbrain, hindbrain & spinal cord).
- Neural plate becomes subdivided.
What type of cells are present in the neural plate and primitive streak.
Neural plate = tall & thickened.
Primitive streak = squamous & cuboidal.
How is the neural plate formed?
Induced by signals from the node and axial mesoderm (notochord & prechordal plate).
Axial mesoderm ingresses through the node, migrates in an anterior direction, underlying future nervous system.
Its migration releases Chordin (BMP inhibitor), blocking epidermal differentiation & promoting neural differentiation.
Where is Chordin & BMP4 expressed?
Chordin: node & notochord.
BMP4: epidermis.
What does the amniote node form into?
Forms dorsal mesoderm (notochord) when grafted into epiblast of 2nd gastrula, forming a 2nd embryo.
Hence node is an organiser.
What 2 type of hinge points does primary neurulation produce?
Medial: bending at midline.
What does secondary neurulation lead to?
Remains of primitive streak form the medullary cord.
Medullary cord forms tubes.
Seen in lower sacral & caudal levels.
How does neural tube closure occur, and in what day does it close?
Via convergent-extension (orientated cell division).
Day 22: 25% of spinal cord in a-p dimension.
Day23/24: it’s at 50%.
Day24/25: closed.
How does the body axis narrow and elongate, which is essential for neural tube closure?
- Convergent-extension (cells intercalate) via WNT-PCP pathway.
- Planar cell polarity: E.g. Stereocilia in inner ear, all face in same direction. In mutation: randomly orientated.
In mutation: Neural tube is open.
Where is elongation and narrowing of the body axis important?
Neural tube.
What are the 4 neural tube closure points and what defects do they cause?
Closure 1: hindbrain neuropore - craniorachischisis (defect in WNT-PCP signalling).
Closure 2: rostral neuropore - anencephaly.
Closure 3: anterior neuropore - anencephaly.
Closure 4: posterior neuropore - spina bifida.
What is spina bifida?
Most common NTD, where spine fails to close properly.
Defect at/below lesion.
Unable to walk, lack of sensation, incontinence.
Causes other defects: hydrocephaly, gut & genital defects.
10% babies die in 1st year.
Treatment: in utero surgery before 24 weeks.
What is spina bifida occulta?
Mild form, small gap in 1/more vertebrate of spine.
Often no nerve damage.
Appears with neurocutaneous signatures: pigmented mole, hairy tuft, angioma, lipoma, dimple.
In MRI: important to detect spot-tethered spinal cord.
What is meningocele & myelomeningocele (spina bifida aperta)?
Occulta > aperta.
Meningocele: rare, meninges protrude through opening in spine. Doesn’t involve spinal cord - affected children can develop normally.
Myelomeningocele: severe, spinal cord and meninges protrude from spinal opening.
Permanent nerve damage and paralysis.
What is anencephaly?
Head fails to close.
What is Chiari type II malformations?
Cerebellum herniates, blocking fluid movements that leads to hydrocephaly.